Phil Moir's Blog

Top tip - Genes Reunited blogs

Welcome to the new Genes Reunited blog!

  • We regularly add blogs covering a variety of topics. You can add your own comments at the bottom.
  • The Genes Reunited Team will be writing blogs and keeping you up to date with changes happening on the site.
  • In the future we hope to have guest bloggers that will be able to give you tips and advice as to how to trace your family history.
  • The blogs will have various privacy settings, so that you can choose who you share your blog with.

The British Newspaper Archive

British Newspaper Archive

Read about historical events at the time they were happening. Perhaps you'll discover your ancestor in their local newspaper?

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How to use.. Keepsafe Tags

Published on 25 Oct 2012 12:08 : technical video : 1 comment : 7435 views

Over the last few years, content tagging has become more and more common on the web due to social networking, photograph sharing and book-marking sites. Tagging is known by a few different names, such as content tagging, collaborative tagging and social tagging. In general tagging can be defined as the practice of creating and managing labels (or “tags”) that categorize content using simple keywords.

We first introduced "tagging" onto Genes with the blogs, and we are now exposed the idea to items stored in the Keepsafe. In the future we will use tagging more often across different aspects of the site.

By default when you upload an item into the Keepsafe, it will require one of four types to be selected. These types are Family Photo, Document or Certificate, Building or Place, Other photo. By choosing one of these options, a default tag will be created on your item.

But I would suggest, you add you own tags to help further define the item, and help yourself and others search for related items in the future.

The tag field appears on the right hand side of the media item, about half way down the page.

My basic guidelines for what should be used for tags are:

  • Simple basic keywords or associated words e.g. "Wedding", "Birthday Party", or surnames.
  • Also names of groups, locations, regiments, etc e.g. "Royal Air Force", "1st Battalion", "Frederick Street", etc.

What I would recommend not using for tags:

  • Full names, use the Attach Relatives option to link to a person. The profiles option let you see items linked to individuals in your tree.
  • Common words, "Is a .."

To add a new tag, simply place the cursor at the end of the tag field and start to type. After you have entered 3 characters, the system will automatically try searching for similar tag words.

If the tag that your require appears, then either use your cursor to select the item or use the arrows keys to move down the list and then hit return. It is important to select the item from the list if it appears.

If the tag that your require does not appear simple type the whole tag (one or more words) in, and hit return. When you save this will create a new tag, that can then be used by anyone else when they are adding tags.

Add as many as you think is necessary. I usually add about 3-5 tags per item.

If you want to delete a tag, either before or after it has been saved, simply click on the "X" associated with the relevant tag. This can only be done in Edit mode.

Top Tip

After you have saved your item, and you are viewing in Details mode, then the tags become links to the search page, and by following these links you can find all other items in the Media search that have the same tag.

I hope you found this useful. Please feel free to leave me any feedback on the comments section.

Here are some interesting examples of media search results acheieved by following tag links from a photo.


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by Simon on 7 Nov 2012 13:04 : Report Abuse
OK, so I have added some tags to some of my pictures. How do I now use them to search??? They don't seem to be the same as the 'key words' in the Search Photos option...
