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Thomas William Rhodes
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Julie | Report | 25 Feb 2009 14:17 |
Hi Grumpy, its St Martins in England, were in England this is I dont know, the report I have just says St Martins |
Grumpy | Report | 25 Feb 2009 14:30 |
i still cannot find this marriage perhaps one of the other members can see it? |
Diddydoris | Report | 25 Feb 2009 16:26 |
For ref |
Julie | Report | 26 Feb 2009 11:40 |
Hi everyone, Maybe the 1st marriege is wrong but it still says on the certifacte of marriege to Jessie he was a widower and 31 in 1924 i still dont know if he was born 1893 or 1897, when there is no record of him born 14/02/1893 and all the records point to 1897 with parents that match what i was told, then again what i was told might be wrong. |
Julie | Report | 24 Apr 2009 11:18 |
Hi grumpy, found out that Thomas and Christina marraige in St martines is St Martines in Scotland. I now have all Christinas brothers and sisters and mother but not her father, he was not on the cencas. So i have got a little futher but not finding the true age of Thomas is still a puzzle to me. |