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Top tip - using the Genes Reunited community

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Genes Advisor Report 11 May 2011 16:12

Here are a few helpful hints as to how to get the most out of our message boards.

Give as much detail as possible when explaining who you are trying to find. All known information will make it much easier for volunteer helpers to help you.

If known, try putting the name, place of birth and year of birth in the subject line of your thread.

After posting a question, please stay on the boards for a while as replies are very quick. You may be needed to answer questions and give feedback to the replies given.

You can 'watch' a thread by clicking on 'watch this' at the top of the thread. When you watch a thread we will email you every hour when anyone has added to it.

To reply to a post, simply click on the purple ' add reply' button found at the very top of the thread.

To return to a thread that you posted on Genes Reunited click on 'My Threads' in the left hand navigation of your screen, then click on your thread title.

Please don't post about the same person or family twice as this can make extra work for the volunteer helpers.

If you want to bring attention to your thread and nudge it up to the top of the boards to gain more attention just add to or comment on the thread yourself. %3A-%29