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1861 Census look up please

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Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 25 May 2007 05:55

1861 census Name: James Mann Age: 34 Estimated birth year: abt 1827 Relation: Head Spouse's name: Sarah Gender: Male Where born: Hastings, Sussex, England Civil parish: Hastings All Saints Ecclesiastical parish: Chichester Town: Hastings County/Island: Sussex Country: England Street address: back of 62 All Saints Road. Hastings Occupation: Fisherman Condition as to marriage: View image Registration district: Hastings Sub-registration district: All Saints ED, institution, or vessel: 2 Neighbors: View others on page Household schedule number: 106 Household Members: Name Age Ellen J Mann 5 scholer b.Hastings James Mann 34 b. hastings James Mann 15 -shop boy b. Hastings Sarah Mann 37 -houswife b. Hastings Shirley


juliag Report 25 May 2007 05:29

Could somebody please look up for me the 1861 Census for James Mann and Sarah nee Miles. Born 1824/1827 Hastings. they have two children James 15 and Ellen Jane 5. I have already had some kind people checking out this family for me and for the son James later there is two marriages and two Elizabeths within the year, one born Bexhill, the other Portsea, Hampshire. What I need here if possible would be to find out the occupation of James as I have an 1881 Census with son and family plus FATHER 60 and their occupation which is Fisherman and assistant. If the 1861 census says the same for James Snr then I know which is the correct family. Sorry, hope I am not being too confusing. Julia