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Irritations from ignorant members

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NDD Report 26 Nov 2007 16:20

Hi Selena,

I was talking to someone the other day about tracing My tree, I was saying how the internet has made it so much easier. I can't imagine knowing where to start 20 odd years ago ( a couple of hundred sounds good to Me ).


Selena in South East London

Selena in South East London Report 26 Nov 2007 16:15

I made contact with a distant rellie on another site and we swopped a lot of information.

My rellie then passed my tree info on to one of his contacts, again not from this site.

This third person then joined Genes and I found my nan & grandad in his tree. He has a couple of thousand people in his tree, but I only have a couple of hundred which has taken me 4 years. Makes mine look weedy.


PS I was trying to explain how information can get shared electronically without you knowing - hope I made sense!


NDD Report 26 Nov 2007 15:48


Well said Joan.
A couple of years ago, I didn't even know My Grandfather's first name, now I have quite a large Family tree. I could not have got this far without a lot of help from people on this site.



Joan Report 26 Nov 2007 15:43

Hello everyone,

As Brian stated, this should be a happy and upbeat forum! We are here for one thing...find our ancestors. I am from the States and it is very difficult as well as expensive for me to acquire information on my ancestors. I rely heavenly on this site to make connections of which I have. If another member opens their tree to me to view, I do not copy the information--I ask them to email me separately so that we can exchange information.

I do not open my tree to view unless there is a very strong possibility that we are related. There was this one time that a member was very persistent in having me open my tree without explaining why. I did not open my tree to this individual because after several messages asking me to open my tree to them, we had not connection what so ever.

There isn't anything that makes me more pleased than to have found another member who I can exchange information with; especially if they have information that I do not have. I have spent over 15 years putting together my family's history--for what only to keep it to myself???

People just try to remember that not everyone has a lot of time on their hands as some of us (including me); so they may appear rude but in reality, they're just in a hurry.

Lets just all take a deep breath, respect each other and try to help who ever we can.



Checkypig Report 26 Nov 2007 15:36

Hi all, this is all new to me as i have been beavering away at my tree for years on my own i have now let my ancestry subscription lapse & have used this board to double check a few details thanks to every one who has helped me & thanks for the warning about sharing tree's fore warned is fore armed as they say GR freinds are great. Rob


NDD Report 26 Nov 2007 15:17

Thankyou Pete,

It's the truth as I see it.



Darklord Report 26 Nov 2007 14:58

Good Afternoon

I agree with Brian.



NDD Report 26 Nov 2007 14:43

Hi All,

The problem with threads like this is that a lot of good is undone. There are rude people everywhere in life and some will spill onto this board.
A lot of people are very grateful for the help on this board ( Myself included ). I would ask the people on here Who are seen as helpful, not to be dragged down by bickering, it won't change the rude ones ( it will probably encourage them ). As I have said people are grateful ( but will lose respect for the helpful, when they are seen to be bickerers).

Stay upbeat ( and happy ).


Pamela Report 26 Nov 2007 14:19


when you view a relative in any tree (including your own) there is a command on the left hand side above the name field, "Copy". You can then click copy on several relatives at once, and then open the tree you want to move them to, open your clipboard and click paste.

It is a function to enable sharing of information, but it is abused with living relatives. I always credit the source where I got the information from, so noone can say I am passing it off as my own.


Janice Report 26 Nov 2007 03:03

It is awful, I have just typed in many of my family dead and alive and found them all on this Guys Tree.
I have sent him message after message for each one I have located so far and gave up because I got fed up of writing to him asking him to remove my realtives from his tree.
It is disgusting, I will not open my tree to any one ever again.
It should not be so simple to copy from others.


Camille Report 26 Nov 2007 02:53

I received a request to view my tree, no message just request. When I asked what connection he had , he said " I don't but I saw you in another tree"

What was all that about do you think?


Janice Report 26 Nov 2007 02:28

I agree with many points made here.
A relative of mine alerted me to the fact that I was on someones tree alongside many of my family.
This guy contacted me about a very distant relative of his and mine,and I was daft enough to open my tree to clarify dates and facts on this distant relative.
He consequently copied many living relatives far from his tree including my deceased daughter.
I was very annoyed and emailed him to tell him and asked him to remove my family, especially my deceased daughter.
It is Wrong that this is so easy to do and also that people think their family tree is about large numbers in their tree.
Just to say this guy is PETER JONES far removed from my tree.


*****libra Report 25 Nov 2007 21:43

I get very upset, when someone has taken my Rellies from my tree, after
all the hard long hour's ive put into it.

But can some one tell me how do you
take Rellies from a tree? & but them on
to there tree.
Not worked that one out.



Benjamin Report 25 Nov 2007 21:29


Glad you all agree. Some people also just ask for certain info then they dont bother contacting you again afterwards. They just want as much genealogical info from you so they can add to their tree or worse still, pass it off as their info as if they found it.


Jennifer Report 25 Nov 2007 21:15

Ben.. you are right about people just 'snitching' your tree and adding it to thiers without so much as asking.. I've shared my tree for the very last time since finding all my living relatives alive and well in someones tree who isn't even 'blood' related..
Live and learn!!


Pamela Report 25 Nov 2007 21:08


Unfortunately some people are just rude in life, not just here....

But the living details really bugs me, I've got my settings changed so that live rellies aren't supposed to be viewable, except me (only cos I don't know how to turn ME off !) and some silly sod has copied ME into his tree. I've even emailed politely and asked him to remove me for ID fraud reasons, and I'm still flashing a little tree every time I open my tree to show I'm still on his tree... grrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

Ps... hello ... and thanks.... :)

Selena in South East London

Selena in South East London Report 25 Nov 2007 20:51

Ben, I totally agree with on your last point.

I tried to help someone recently and they responded with 'yes that's him, and 'could be him' without any mention of the 'thanks' word. So I added 'you're welcome' after their last post.

Very silly of me in retrospect but was fed up at the time.



MrsBucketBouquet Report 25 Nov 2007 20:48

My pet hate is when you spend hours trying to help someone and they never come back to the thread to say thankyou!

Certs cost £7....a thankyou costs nothing!



Crimson Report 25 Nov 2007 20:41

you definitely have some valid points there!


Benjamin Report 25 Nov 2007 20:35


Most of us are very friendly but you get the odd one who is ignorant. I did post a "Rudeness and Ignorance" thread on the General Topics Board a few months ago but would also like to point out some other things certain members do besides forget to say thankyou or reply nicely.

Members who insist they are still correct when you politely inform them they have wrong data on an ancestor in a tree.

Members who totally copy and paste half your tree without your permission so that it contains some living peoples info, which they could do anything with, and if you think you have found an ancestor in someone elses tree, you discover that all it is is from your tree originally, but copied by someone.

When you make contact with someone who is distantly related to you ie you share two ggggggrandparents in the 1700s but they reply and say "the connection is fairly distant though. Good Luck" as if to say "Dont pester me again". Even if you share the most distant known ancestor it is good to swap notes.

And finally members who reply abruptly without a "Hello" or "Thanks" at the header and footer of a message. They say "Yes it is" or "it isnt" without saying anything else, or use block capitals so as if they are shouting.
