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2 marriages, same people?!

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LancsLass Report 24 Oct 2008 20:15

I have just found a marriage on Free BMD registered twice, once in 1893 and again 1899. The names are the same ,but the district & the year are different?
A first child on 1901 census was born 1894 so initially I was expecting an earlier marriage. However the couple moved to Scotland and 1899 is the date of their marriage recorded on the birth registry of one of their children born Glasgow.

Could anyone hazard a guess why there are 2 before I order the certs?

Names: David Alexander Stubbings & Emily Annie Gausden
David was in the Army Service Corps.


GlitterBaby Report 24 Oct 2008 20:57

Sometimes the marriage details shown on a Scottish birth cert are wrong - sometimes the year is wrong but the month and date are correct for example.

Unless they lost their first marriage cert and got married again as they needed proof they were actually married.

Just checked on FreeBMD and both marriages were in England.


LancsLass Report 24 Oct 2008 21:14

Yes I noticed the military record and it mentions his children except David who was born 1894, who is on the census 1901,so not sure if David belongs to them or not. Both marriages in England but definitely moved to Glasgow after 1901. (David the younger moved to Glasgow too).

I am very confused.


LancsLass Report 24 Oct 2008 21:25

Also missing form Army records is Ernest Charles born 1897.


mgnv Report 24 Oct 2008 21:33

Just checked the 1893 Elham at:
and Emily and David do have the same entry number, so they didn't marry other folk on the same page of the GRO index.


LancsLass Report 24 Oct 2008 21:50

Does it say where in Elham they where married?

If they had to prove they were married would they marry agin, surely they would request another certificate or such like.

There's a question: What did couples get as proof of marriage after 1837?

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 24 Oct 2008 21:57

There have been several threads on this.

The second marriage was usually witnessed by a commanding officer so there was proof the wife and family could receive army benefits and accommodations.



LancsLass Report 24 Oct 2008 22:00

Thanks Rose.

So am I better off obtaining both certs?


Peter Report 24 Oct 2008 22:12

Lancs Lass,

You should always go for the certificate(s). Without them you cannot be certain. There is always a chance that witnesses or other details may throw light on your search.



LancsLass Report 24 Oct 2008 22:30

Thanks Peter,

To be honest I think the first one will shed more light as I will have residence info and I'll save up for the second one!

Thanks for your help everyone- I knew there had to be a good reason, I knew someone on here would have the answer


mgnv Report 24 Oct 2008 23:10

Lancs Lass - they don't say - all I get back is:

Name: STUBBINGS , David , A ,
Year of Marriage: 1893
Entry Number: 250
Register: S5/3
Location: Kent County Council

Now, I know the S5 code identifies the church, but they don't seem to have a key online (unlike, say, Durham and South Shields - Newcastle u T and Lancs BMD do the look-up for you).

So, did we all decide that he got married in 1893, then the army hassled him (presumably he hadn't filled in the right forms), so the easiest thing for him to do was get married again. I have seen this happen with another serving soldier.


LancsLass Report 25 Oct 2008 11:40

Does anyone know what the chuch is for code S5/3 in Elham, Kent.
Definitely Church of England, 1893


mgnv Report 25 Oct 2008 14:22

Why not email them and ask them: [email protected]
You might also suggest they put up a web page of their Registered Office, Licensed Venue, Church or Chapel codes

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 25 Oct 2008 15:26

Surely the two eldest children should be on his army record even if they were born before the second marriage.


LancsLass Report 25 Oct 2008 17:44

Yes I wondered that to Janet ,but David & Ernest are definitely on 1901 census with parents David & Emily & sister Gertrude Alice in Farnham at the army barracks.
Rosina, Alice Andrew & Eva were born in Glasgow after 1901. The eldest boys married in Glasgow.


LancsLass Report 25 Oct 2008 18:46

Hi Tania,

I looked at this one but he's too young. All other info fits for David Alexander.

Thanks for looking