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Twins or not??

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Lianne Report 25 Mar 2009 21:39

Hi all

Jane Lane married William Beckley and had 3 children (William then died in the war). Jane then married George White and had several more children. I have both of their marriages so know this info is correct.

I have the following information from FreeBMD.

Would it be likely to assume that Dorothy and Mary are twins or did another "Miss Lane" marry a Mr White in the same time and area and have children. Dorothy and Joan were unknown to the family until I uncovered this information?

I am going to order Marys birth certificate anyway as I know she is definitely the correct person.

Thanks for your help

Surname First name(s) Mother District Vol Page

Births Sep 1919 (>99%)

White Sarah A, Lane W. Derby 8b 584

Births Jun 1922 (>99%)

White Dorothy Lane W.Derby 8b 728
White Mary Lane W.Derby 8b 727

Births Dec 1924 (>99%)

White Elizabeth Lane W Derby 8b 634

Births Mar 1928 (>99%)

White George Lane W.Derby 8b 598

Births Sep 1930 (>99%)

White Joan Lane W.Derby 8b 740

Births Sep 1933 (>99%)

WHITE Arthur Lane W.Derby 8b 727


Ozibird Report 25 Mar 2009 21:51

Usually twins are on the same page but these are consecutive so one could come immediately after the other. Is it Dorothy you've never heard of?

Deaths Mar 1924
White Dorothy 1 W.Derby 8b 772

Update: Thanks Leanne (with an E) I forgot to add 'because they are consecutive they could be twins.'

:) still smiling :)

:) still smiling :) Report 25 Mar 2009 21:52

If you look at the vol and page numbers next to Mary and Dorothy they are only one page apart. to me that would suggest they are twins.

Twins usually have the same page number or only one page diference if one is on the bottom of one page and the other is on the top of the next page.

i would say they are probably twins.

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 25 Mar 2009 21:56

I think they could be twins. Hopefully, there will be a time of birth on Mary's cert. indicating she was a twin.



Lianne Report 25 Mar 2009 22:07

Thanks for the input all.

I was wondering how you might tell is a person was a twin. Is it just by a time of birth on the birth certificate as Rose as said?

:) still smiling :)

:) still smiling :) Report 25 Mar 2009 22:10

I think that is the main way yes.

if the page numbers match or are only a page apart it is likely they are a twin. then if you get the certificate and there is a time of birth i think they must be a twin. the only certs i have with a time of birth have all been for a twin.:)



KathleenBell Report 25 Mar 2009 22:45

Very early certificates also sometimes show the time of birth on certificates for single births simply because the new registrars were keen to make sure everything was recorded.

The only way to be absolutely sure is to buy both certificates and make sure the births were on the same day to the same parents.

Kath. x


DevonViolet Report 25 Mar 2009 22:52

I have to say, as someone who transcribes for FreeBMD, as I transcribe and the page no. is the same or one page apart I think...oh twins, I am actually surprised how many there were back in the 20's and 30's. I think I came across my first set of triplets the other week.

However on a more constructive note, as previously advised you will need the certificates to be absolutely certain.


Battenburg Report 25 Mar 2009 23:13

If twins are born and one is still born there will be no time against the live child

So if you didnt want to get Dorothys birth cert you could get her death cert instead


Jooleh Report 25 Mar 2009 23:36

Mmmm got me wondering now.................. Mary was the first born of my Great Grandparents & there was never any mention of twins.

I found this:

Births Sep 1878 (>99%)

MOUGHAN Mary Pontefract 9c 105
MOUGHAN Thomas Pontefract 9c 105

and immediately thought twins........ordered Mary's birth certificate but there was no time of birth on it so I dismissed the twin theory. Partly also because they later had a child called Thomas and because I found this:

Marriages Sep 1877 (>99%)

Moughan John Pontefract 9c 147
Moughan Patrick Pontefract 9c 148

John is mine and I'm thinking Patrick may be his brother but haven't yet connected them. So I sort of concluded that the child Thomas was Patrick's.

Thinking now I should order that certificate to make sure.

Lianne you have the additional clue of the mother's maiden name for each child but I guess as everyone is saying you'll only know for sure if you get the cert for Dorothy.



Jooleh Report 26 Mar 2009 00:22

I'm confused now. On second thoughts wouldn't Jane be down as Beckley rather than Lane for the children of the second marriage? Or am I talking rubbish?!

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 26 Mar 2009 00:38


Could be Thomas and Mary were twins:

Looks like they both died around the same time:

Deaths Sep 1878
MAUGHAN Mary 0 Pontefract 9c 68
MAUGHAN Thomas 0 Pontefract 9c 69

What about these also?

Births Sep 1879
Maughan Bridget Pontefract 9c 99
Maughan Ellen Pontefract 9c 110

Bridget died.

Deaths Sep 1880
MOUGHAN Bridget 1 Pontefract 9c 80

Can't find a death for Ellen just yet.


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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 26 Mar 2009 00:40


The mother's maiden name is listed for births, so Lane is correct.


:) still smiling :)

:) still smiling :) Report 26 Mar 2009 01:00

my great grandma married twice. on the birth certificates of her second husbands children she could never decide what her maiden name was.

on two it is mead on two it is luxford. so i always check both now. it's just lucky i knew every single one of my grandmothers siblings or i may have missed it altogether.



Battenburg Report 26 Mar 2009 06:39

Just a thought. In the olden days the eldest son inherited the family home.

If twin boys were born then a time for each would be important to determine who was the oldest


Jooleh Report 26 Mar 2009 20:56

Thanks Rose
Mary & Bridget are mine I believe. Ellen I'm not sure as they had an Ellen later in 1890. But don't want to steal Lianne's thread with my family! At the very least I should order the cert for Thomas to settle the twin question.