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Northern Ireland certs,catch 22!!

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FannyByGaslight Report 18 May 2009 16:11

I have just been on to the reg office in NI to order 2 birth certs for which I have all the refs for from familysearch.
They say I need the parents names to order them!
To find out the parents names I need the certs!
They wont even entertain me ordering them without the parents names.
One birth is in 1898 and the other in 1906 and I even have the full date of birth for that one ,
Any ideas on how I can get the 2 certs I need please as I am at boiling point with steam coming out of my ears!!


TeresainWirral Report 18 May 2009 16:28

Hi if you just put unknown in the boxes you don't have the information for, you'll still get the certificates.
I've done this before and sometimes they'll send you a letter asking you if this is the correct certificate you want for example Joe Bloggs born 15th january 1865 in Belfast son of joe bloggs and Jane Brown, or if you want a refund of half the search fee.
If you've got the references from the "familysearch" site you can download a form from GRONI and get the certificate for half the price of doing it online.


FannyByGaslight Report 18 May 2009 16:40

Thank you for the reply Teresa.
I am downloding aplication forms as I type .
I will give it a go anyway,you do mean to post them off dont you?

I also had bother ordering one from 1929 with exact date of birth ,as I have 2 possibe birth surnames for it,both of which are NOT extremely common in Ireland.
I did manage to talk them round on a search under both surnames in the end though.
I have had no trouble like this with southern Ireland.
I do wish there was a standard way of ordering certs.
And if NI is supposed to be part of britain then why cant they allow us to order from the GRO here?
Sorry,,,rant over


Thistledown Report 18 May 2009 16:46

Hi Viv, you can order all Ireland (North and South) Birth Certs from Dublin from 1864---1922 then they split North PRONI South GRO Dublin, or you can order Births/Marraiges/Deaths 1864----1922 from Roscommon.Non Catholic Marraiges from 1845.



FannyByGaslight Report 18 May 2009 16:46

Yes she asked me if I had got it from the latter day saints site,then said they wont use their refs!!
I have no problem paying the £12 for the certs if that is all they want,
well I am not paying anyway,a friend is who knows nothing much about her mother and STUPID me volunteered to help.
But I didnt tell groNI that bit, I just avoided the question!


FannyByGaslight Report 18 May 2009 16:51

I phoned roscommon to order a birth from there and they told me that I had to go to GroNI for the NI ones?
So now I am even more confused as the 1906 and 1898 births I want are within the timeline that you have stated.
Maybe I should phone them again tomorrow?


FannyByGaslight Report 18 May 2009 17:11

Thank you Maura, Teresa and Thistledown for your help.
I will send off by post,and anyway at least then I dont have the bother of finding a way to pay in euro.
For my own gr grans cert born co cork I just put a 10 euro note in and said I had no other way of paying for it and they sent her cert out within 5 days.


Thistledown Report 18 May 2009 18:22

Hi Maura and Viv, i think that they are just been awkard as i do look-ups for the past three years on here for people all over including Northern Ireland before 1922.I don,t need parents names nor parterns names for Marraiges.I go to The Irish Life Centre and look through the books and then when i get the photocopies i have to go to Joyce House in Lombard Street and get Births and send to Roscommon for N.I. Marraiges and Deaths for all of Ireland before 1922.
They were very stroopy to me when i said that i had got my fathers birth from the Mormons Site as they had not got it on their books.
I live in Dublin and i think it is because they are losing money RE. not having to pay to look-up the books 2Euro and then getting photocopy costing 4Euro each, this way the true copies can be got for 10Euro without the extra 6 Euro.
Also they have stopped doing the Irish Census until all the B.M.Ds are on-line and the next Census is not til 2026 which includes Northern Ireland.


FannyByGaslight Report 18 May 2009 20:35

Thistledown and Maura.
Being cheeky here, but ,I have searched for a marriage in NI armagh and come up with nothing.
I live in wales and hardly ever get to Ireland and if I do its only to friends in wexford area.
SO,would it be poss if either of you could search for a marriage before 1929 sometime?
Margaret faulkner/faulkiner/faulkener to robert nichol.
Mind you they may have married after the birth of that child,and I dont think she was the eldest.
Sorry its a cheeky ask but if you dont ask you cant be told no.


FannyByGaslight Report 19 May 2009 13:56

Thank you Maura.
I will try that,but due to a lack of parents names does one think I shall recieve the same answer as before?
Also I am not certain that they were actually legally married.
But no gain without pain to my phone bill so I will phone.
thank you


FannyByGaslight Report 28 May 2009 10:38

I just wanted to let you all know that I have just recieved the 2 birth certs from NI.
I sent for them the way you said and it worked,thank you.
Now to try and marry off the parents of both.
I do wish that the partners names on marriages was on LDS site as on freebmd as it would take a lot of the guesswork out!
I am still waiting for the 1929 one that I ordered over the phone though.
Thank you again for your advice.


FannyByGaslight Report 29 May 2009 17:01

Can anyone tell me if I can get any census other than paltry 1911 for Ireland please?
And if so how.
It says about the 1901 on irish 1911 on national archives,but I cant see it on there.


FannyByGaslight Report 30 May 2009 11:34

thanks Maura.


puddleducky Report 30 May 2009 13:38

just nudging for later thank you.


FannyByGaslight Report 12 Jun 2009 17:50

Help,more help needed please.

I have heard back from NI and they say they cant find the birth in 1929 that I want.
They say they searched from 1927 to 1931,and charged £6 for it.
Now we "know" that it was sent for in 1989 but has since been "lost".
I have tried BRSgenealogy and LDS ,no joy,but I did find 2 marriages on BRS that we wanted,so that was useful.

Where next for a birth on 4/4/1929 in Armagh please?

thanks for any ideas at all!