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Advice on threads

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FRANK06 Report 30 May 2009 11:06

Hi all,

As your finger hovers over the delete button, here`s another point to ponder.

My computer crashed in flames ( not literally but that was how it felt at the time!) and having failed to back up, I lost my tree.
Most of my information was on Scotlands People, so easy to find just very time consuming to re-enter everything.
I was grateful to receive help on English relations from Julie, Jim Soton and Margaret Manson, saving it all onto an e-mail (seemed like a good idea at the time) which also perished in the conflagration!
So to have deleted my thread would have seen the re-emergence of my Genealogy begging bowl.
Now instead of rough knees, I merely have stiff keyboard fingers .

Be nice out there, you never know who you will need next!

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 30 May 2009 09:50

hi Brinsleys

no i will keep them all on as their is no personel information regarding anyone living, and they could be usefull to someone else. Just like this thread as it could answer the same question which i had


InspectorGreenPen Report 30 May 2009 09:47

There are no rules - it is up to you - my thoughts are:-

If the thread has information which may be of use to others, then leave it, otherwise delete it if you wish.

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 30 May 2009 09:42

Thanks for all replying just to let you all now im not going to delete any of my Threads. Because i am new to this site i did look through the Guidelines and on this tips board but i could find nothing regarding my question.
But after reading all your comments it does make sence to keep them on their for furture ref and if somebody else is researching the same family.
so thanks again for all your help.


Battenburg Report 29 May 2009 22:41

If by any chance you later find the family you really thought was yours turned out to be wrong, then the information already on a thread can be disgarded.

If you delete a thread members then have to start all over again and will bring up all the discarded info


mgnv Report 29 May 2009 22:00

I'll go with that - sorry I stuffed up there.


FRANK06 Report 29 May 2009 21:11

Hi mgnv,

Sorry to have mixed things up but I think you have to agree, below are simplified options.

Option 1..........You get what you want ........Delete.........It`s gone.


Option 2.........Leave it and everyone can take whatever they want from it.

You can either do 1 or 2 not both.


mgnv Report 29 May 2009 20:53

I don't totally agree with Frank's stated options. Yeah, you can extract the info and then be done with it, but the other posters, and the general readers have an interest too. I know I've posted info on, say where to find graves in such and such a place, and come across someone else needing that info. I can go back thru "my threads" and dredge up that info without having to trawl the net trying to refind it. I've bookmarked threads I've not posted to. If Debbie, say, deletes her thread then that's all gone.


FRANK06 Report 29 May 2009 20:34

Hi Debbie,

There are of course two sides to every arguement and thread deletion is no different.

1. You can delete your thread having extracted all that you require from the helpful people here who offer their services free of charge, while contributing little in return....................

2. You can leave the thread containing all the hard work of the helpful people here who offer their services free of charge, thereby allowing others to use that information to advance their trees and even better understand the inner workings of these sites.

If we deleted all of our threads there would not be very much here to look through.

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 29 May 2009 19:07

thanks mgnv
i will change the title


mgnv Report 29 May 2009 18:21

I would recommend against deleting it. As suggested, post a thank you there. You might also change the thread title from, say, Seeking John Smith, b1888 to John Smith, b1888 SORTED, or somesuch. After a while, the thread will drift off your current "My threads" page, and sit in archive limbo.

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 29 May 2009 10:04

thanks both of you i have already put on it thanks to everyone but i just wanted to know that after a while do you delete you have answered my question so thank you


Christina(Lancashire) Report 28 May 2009 22:28

Why delete?

Just add your thanks to the thread and leave it there. It's not taking up any space on your comp. as it's stored on Genes.

Unless it contains personal information on living people, there's really no reason not to keep it to refer back to.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 28 May 2009 22:27

No need to delete.
Just post a meesage of thanks on the same thread by clicking the REPLY button.
Sometimes your information received will lead you on to further questions about that family and it is better to leave the information there, all together, so that people can see if the fuller picture if they try to help.


Debbie K

Debbie K Report 28 May 2009 22:18

i just dont want to delete a thread as i would like to make it aware to the people who helped me i am gratefull so how do you close one or is it up to me just to delete it