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Debbie K

Debbie K Report 2 Jun 2009 08:35

Thanks MGNV


mgnv Report 2 Jun 2009 00:48

Debbie - that's how I read your message. Sorry if I wasn't clear.

I did think it helpful to refer to your other thread as folk no doubt got a bit intrigued by your problem, but I did hope they'ld post anything relevant to that search on your other thread, and use this one for answers to the general problem you posed in your first post here.

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 1 Jun 2009 22:11


please i do not wont to upset any person who has worked so hard in trying to find what i need to ask my only question on this site was to find out how to take this further of my own back eg anywhere i can go so im sorry if it has turned in to a trying to find thread as that was not my intention's
thanks for everbody's intrest
kind regards


mgnv Report 1 Jun 2009 21:50

This seems to be the other thread referred to:


Since Debbie, quite rightly, wants to keep info on that search in that thread, rather than spread all over the boards, lets turn to the general question she asks here.

FreeBMD transcribes the GRO index, but the GRO isn't the only place one can buy a cert from. One can also buy a cert from the local office, or whichever local RO now holds those records - e.g., Stepney and Mile End records are now with Tower Hamlets, since Stepney and Mile End got redistricted. A gateway to local offices that have their local register indices at least partially online is:

Local registers aren't organized in the same way as the GRO's, so the indices often contain different info. At the local level, typically the index covers the whole year, not just a quarter. At the local level, a marr register covers one church (except for the registrar's own register, which would cover rego office marrs, RC marrs, and pre-1898, non conformist marrs excepting quakers and jews). At the local level, a B or D register would cover a subdistrict, and the local office may or may not tell you their key.
E.g., Newcastle tell you EAS is an All Saints marriage, but leave you to guess that BYK=Byker, LBN=Longbenton, WSG=Westgate, etc. That's OK, but some local offices just say C1, C2, etc. However, even when they don't tell you the church, most local ROs index their marrs by entry #, so they usually can tell you who marries whom, rather than leaving you with a page full of unpaired couples.

Although the local and GRO records are supposed to cover the same events, their are occasional mistakes, and there are also differences in transcription - after all, the GRO only holds a copy of the original record.


basman Report 1 Jun 2009 21:45

Hi Debbie,
is it possible that her name is Ellen and not Eleanor? One of my ancestors was given as Eleanor on the 1841 census, whereas on subsequent census's and certificates she was called Ellen. her baptism was also Ellen---------she must have been feeling "posh" in1841 :-)))
There is an Ellen Colley born in sept 1901 in wandsworth


Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 1 Jun 2009 21:32

Where's the thread on Trying to Find? Post the link here.


Debbie K

Debbie K Report 1 Jun 2009 21:08

Hi roy

No she was not the first born she was the last out of 5 they are all a mystery but it her i wont to find. sorry for being a bit shy in all this but i do have a thread on trying to find so i dont wont to break any rules

best regards debbie

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 1 Jun 2009 20:39

Hi Michael

To be honest with you i did not give that much info as i do have a thread already on trying to find and i did not wont to break the rules as i know you must only put one thread on one board but if you are willing to have a look i will send you the infor via pm (hope that is ok)
Best regards Debbie

Mick in the Sticks

Mick in the Sticks Report 1 Jun 2009 19:34


Can you drop a few clues such as the name of the person you are looking for, the fathers name and the mothers maiden name.

Can you also tell us where they were living in the 1911 census.

Many members here are good at finding people but they do need some facts to go on.


Debbie K

Debbie K Report 1 Jun 2009 15:34

hi Helen

ive done most of that already ive done the cooley back to 1951 when she was last seen and king back to 1971 so it looks like i will have to do the remaning 20 yeasrs of king
deb (you can see why i have no hair left :) )

Thank you both for your advice

Helen in Bucks

Helen in Bucks Report 1 Jun 2009 15:30

I've looked for you on Ancestry for deaths 1984 - 2005 with surname Cooley and surname King and can't find a likely one, so she probably died pre 1984. The only thing I can suggest which you may have done is to trawl through the indexes working backwards from 1983. Cooley shouldn't take too long, but King will be tedious! Sorry, Helen

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 1 Jun 2009 15:26

hi Helen
I have her Mums maidan name and her farthers name i have her address from the 1911 Census where she was 10 and i have her marriage cert, so i know where she was living in 1925, I have all her childrens cert but i cannot find her birh or her death at all

Debbie K

Debbie K Report 1 Jun 2009 15:21

hi lwh
yes i have been all through that loads of times with and without the phonic search

Helen in Bucks

Helen in Bucks Report 1 Jun 2009 15:21

if you can't find the birth ref on then

if you can find her on the 1901 census this might give you more information on where she was born / where she was living in 1901, plus her parents' names, which might help you identify the correct parish records to search for her baptism (if she was baptised)

if you have her marriage or death cert this should help you to narrow down the time period to search


Debbie K

Debbie K Report 1 Jun 2009 15:07

Could anybody please advise me on how to try and find a birth record of someone. I have checked through so many ive lost count she was born in london about 1900. Does anybody know if their is a place where i can go who might be able to help me to try and trace her. I donk think i can add her name on this board as i already have a thread on the trying to find board. But i am still drawing a blank. Please Help
thanks v much