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security for my computer

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Carole Report 20 Jun 2009 23:56

what antivirus security would anybody recommend i am on norton for 30 days free trial

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 21 Jun 2009 00:03

i have Norton on my main PC but have just got a laptop and grandson has downloaded free AVG onto that. AVG has a good name so am seriously considering not renewing my Norton when its yearly subs are due next Feb as its not cheap and you only get a continuation of what you have with updates, When my Old PC went kaput then my subs to Norton also went and i had to pay out again for the latest Norton,cost me around £40 quid which was not good value seeing as i had already piad for it


Carole Report 21 Jun 2009 00:08

Thanks i have used AVGfree on my main pc and it seemed ok just worried about protecting my new laptop as my pc was old and passed it so was not that worried about it


Carole Report 21 Jun 2009 00:08

Thanks i have used AVGfree on my main pc and it seemed ok just worried about protecting my new laptop as my pc was old and passed it so was not that worried about it


InspectorGreenPen Report 21 Jun 2009 10:41

It is not just your pc you are protecting it is your data and privacy, so the fact your PC is a bit old is no excuse for not protecting it properly.

There are a number of decent free packages around, try AVG (free version, don't pay for it) and Avira AntiVir .They work quite happily side by side so you can install both.. Some people have gone off AVG a bit this last year as the latest version can slow your PC down a bit, hence my suggestion for an alternative.

These programs work in two ways, in resident mode, that is running in the background trying to stop nasties as you are browsing and by scanning your pc files. Some free programs can only be made to scan manually so make sure you do this.

You also need anti-spyware softwaere too. The two popular ones are Spybot Search and Destroy, and Ad-Aware. Again with the free version it is down to you to run scans on a regular basis.

Don't forget to check for and upload updates regularly, again with some free programs you have to do this manually.

Another program I wouldn't be without is CCleaner. Whilst not a security program it keeps your pc clear from clutter and helps avoid problems such as your tree failing to load properly, by ensuring your browser has sufficient headroom to work in.


Irene Report 21 Jun 2009 12:14

I just bought the Norton security from Amazon half price. Had it a few weeks now and seems fine. Irene


Ron Report 21 Jun 2009 13:54

The free version of AVG does not stop some Trojans or malicious scripts from websites getting onto your computer, it's not foolproof or 100% reliable as far as far as they are concerned, it's an anti virus only program not a security suite so some nasties can get through to your PC. YOU GETS WHAT YOU PAY FOR.

Norton Internet Security Suite 2009 is very good and the one I would go for, it's uses a lot less processing power than previous versions so does not slow your PC down, search ebay for it, you can get it off there as a download for less than £13 and you can install it on 3 PC's for 2 years, that's gotta be right for peace of mind.



KathleenBell Report 21 Jun 2009 14:35

We use Norton, and whenever we change computers my son always un-installs whatever security software comes with the computer and puts Norton on it. He won't use anything else.

Kath. x

Contrary Mary

Contrary Mary Report 21 Jun 2009 22:26

I've used Norton for years and not had any problems with my pc running slow or anything and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.

I would recommend buying the full Internet Security pack though, which includes Firewall, as well as the Antivirus and Antispyware etc. It's for up to 3 pc's so is worth the money if you have more than 1 computer to protect.



InspectorGreenPen Report 22 Jun 2009 08:22

I used Norton until about three years ago when things started to go wrong with it. It proved impossible to fix and in the end I was forced to remove it. At the time I also thought it was expensive.

I recall that several othger people on this site also experienced big problems with it.

Hopefully these issues have been resolved, but my experiences with the package and the lack of proper help from the company has put me off their products.


Gordon Report 22 Jun 2009 08:59

I use Shield Deluxe. If you enter into Google the best ant virus it always comes out on top when compared to the top 10 anti virus programes. You can get a multipack for £15 something which you are licenced to use on three computers. Ideal if you have laptops plus Pc's. There help line support is excellent and free.


Carole Report 28 Jun 2009 12:31

Thanks for all your help with my laptop security its been a great help once again thank you 4 taking the time to reply to me

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 28 Jun 2009 13:38

The problems with AVG seem to have been sorted and OH would recommend it to anyone. However, if you have had Norton on your 'puter its fairly impportant to uninstall Norton before installing AVG. (something to do with conflict that I don't understand but OH does)

Don't forget a firewall as well. Zone Alarm is good.


Christine Report 29 Jun 2009 11:22

I had to pay an IT person to sort out my computer recently because I had Spyware on it. He removed my previous Avast security and replaced it with AVG (simply because Avast doesn't deal with Spyware and AVG does). Have had no further problems.