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Saving Censuses & Parish Records to pc?

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InspectorGreenPen Report 11 Nov 2009 17:57

This question does come up quite a lot and one of the problems is not necessarily the save process itself, but the fact that people can't find the file on their PC afterwards.

My solution is to create a folder in My Documents called Inbound Scans. All downloaded files are put into this folder. Many programs 'remember' the last download location so using the same location each times avoids the possibility of files being saved where you can't find them.

Once downloaded, move each file to a more permanent folder.


John Report 11 Nov 2009 16:57


Just looked at FTM ver 10 ... if you are viewing a census record then simply click the orange Save button, top right, select save this image and then Continue.
A "Save as" box then appears. enter a file name and then click on save. You can select the directory first if you wish to save the file to a particular location.


Chrispynoodle Report 11 Nov 2009 15:26

Jenny, if you have FTM 2010, you can link up with the Ancestry search and save directly to the programme's media. I can recommend looking at the help demo where it gives you full instructions. It even copies the source citations over and asks you what facts you want to copy. Give it a look. regards Chris


John Report 11 Nov 2009 11:30


Saving a jpg from Medway Ark is straight forward. Assuming you have an image on the screen:

1) Right mouse click with the cursor over the image
2) From the menu that presents itself, select " save picture as"
3) Enter your file description (file name) and save (if necessary first navigate to a location where you want to save the file)
4) Your file name should help you to be able to find it later.. for example "John Smith marriage 25 dec 1867".
5) Organise your files in directories that make it easy for you to re-discover them when needed.... example: a directory for Baptisms, another for Births, another for Burials OR save them in a directory by family name.
6) Consider making a back up set of directories ...just in case you accidently overwrite or delete a crucial file

I can't tell you the full details since I am no longer using FTM but Family Tree Maker should save your media files when you have saved a link to say a census record. Look under "media" ... the icon can be found in your top menu. If after clicking here you don't see a screen with thumbnails of your census images then its likely you did not make the link.




Jennifer Report 11 Nov 2009 10:04

Thanks everyone for all your help.

Off on a family tree course shortly, then busy with kids but hopefully get some time tonight to try these out.

Thank again for all your kind help.

Jenny x


Gai Report 11 Nov 2009 04:36

With Genes, when you open up the census image it gives you a tool bar option above the image. The first option is save a copy so click on it and then its just a matter of giving it a name then click save and it will save it to your computer. From the toolbar you can also print a copy without having to save it.


mgnv Report 11 Nov 2009 01:44

I haven't had an Ancestry sub for almost a year now, so this may not still be the case, but there were several versions of the census on Ancestry - the two biggest magnifications were stitched together from 2 or 4 partial images, and I didn't normally want to save those. I saved the next magnification down, and checked the image I saved did cover the whole page. This was a file in the 300-600 KB range. There was also another image at low resolution, but it didn't look very good if I ever blew it up.

Anyway, just right click on the image, select "save image as" and then name the file something useful like JohnSmith_MaryJones_1901.jpg or whatever. You might also click on the new folder button in the save as dialog box, so you saved all these images in a folder named, say, Genealogy, and they didn't get muddled up with your holiday snaps, and next time saved censuses in the same folder - the folder it's going to save in shows up in top of save as dialog box. Below that, the right pane shows the current contents of that folder, and the left pane shows a tree of folders so you can navigate in that tree to get to the appropriate folder.


AllanC Report 10 Nov 2009 22:00

It's a long time since I looked up any censuses on Genes so I can't remember if the same thing applies, but on FMP you have a clickable option to get a printer-friendly version.

Now this is the clever bit: there are a number of programs such as Primo PDF around for free download which will save documents as PDF files by pretending to be a printer attached to your computer. So having installed one of these and got your printer-friendly version of the census you now click on 'print'. When prompted to 'select printer' you actually select the virtual printer created by the downloaded program; this will then ask you for a filename for the document, enter this and click 'ok' or 'go' or 'save' or whatever the program asks for and an image of the census is saved as a PDF. Usually it opens it in Acrobat Reader as well (most PCs have Acrobat Reader as standard or else it comes bundled with the software for printers etc).

Actually, I think some genealogy sites display census images as PDFs anyway; in that case all you need to do is give them a path and filename to save on your PC - click on 'file' then 'save as'.

Another way is to save as an image using 'print screen'. Make sure the information you want is visible on the screen, then press the 'print screen' key. Now open a graphics program such as Paint then click on 'edit' and 'paste'. You now have the previous contents of the screen as an image which you can save in BMP, JPG, TIF or other format.

Edit: Added name of program


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Nov 2009 21:02

the simplest way to save Cityark images is to

right click on your mouse
Save as
Check it is a JPeg
Choose where you want to save it

Once it's down loaded, you can rename, crop, or do what ever you want.

On the Ancestry images, use the 'Save' icon (looks like an old fashioned comp disc) on the image page for the PR

Check the 'save to my computer'
Make sure it is in the format you want eg Jpeg
Choose where you want to save it.

Haven't tried for the census, but I'd imagine it would be similar.


Ozibird Report 10 Nov 2009 21:01

Jenny, on Ancestry I just right click on the image and a drop down menu appears & I use Save As.


Add: Also do as DET says below:
Check it is a JPeg
Choose where you want to save it


Jennifer Report 10 Nov 2009 20:57

Thanks Jill.

Im the numpty having to ask in the first place cos I cant figure it out myself.

Ill give that a try tomorrow. Off to a family tree course at my local library first though.

Thanks again.

Jenny x

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 10 Nov 2009 20:33

The Ancestry ones that I've sent to myself I have copied and pasted them as a jpg file onto my desktop. That way they become "mine". I think you can copy and paste to somewhere on your pc direct from the record. Watch the ending though - it needs to be something your pc can "read". jpg is fine for me but the LMA records on Ancestry want to save with a funny ending and that means I then can't open them!

You can tell I'm a complete pc numpty can't you?



Jennifer Report 10 Nov 2009 20:29

Thanks for prompt response. I tried sending it myself but it had some sort of time line on it. So wasnt going to be permenant record.

I have family tree maker 2010 & thought my ancestry records would save to there but it just holds the reference of where to find records, so as soon as I stop paying for ancestry it will be lost.

Jenny x

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 10 Nov 2009 20:13

I managed to save something from Cityark once so I know it's possible. I'm sure I just copied and pasted it but it was a while back so cannot really remember.

With Ancestry I tend to send the image to myself or if I'm feeling really clever save it as a jpg file. But again, I use trial and error each time so sometimes it takes 2 or 3 attempts!

But it's definitely possible.



Jennifer Report 10 Nov 2009 20:06

Please could someone tell me how to successfully save censuses (originals) either from Genes or Ancestry.

Also is there a way of saving original baptism, marriages or burial from Medway City Ark?

I have attempted to save censuses from genes & they were on my PC originally however today they all seem to have disappeared.......

Im not very good with PCs at the best of times so if someone could post a walk through on what to do I would be really greatful.

I know it can be done because people have been kind enough to send me copies, am I just being thick?

Many Thanks

Jenny x