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confirm birth.

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Carol Report 15 Feb 2010 22:55

I have a great-grand-father who lived in forest Gate and was a compositor/printer. can any-one tell me if there were references on taxes, electoral roll. I cannot get his birth in Ireland as we are not sure of parents. But there must be some register of himin forest gate ( 1891 - 1932. He is on all the cencus. Medical records ANY_THING

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 15 Feb 2010 22:57

Cant help if you dont give a name


Carol Report 15 Feb 2010 23:15

His name was henry Charles Crapper. living 76 Buxton Road forest gate, west ham `1901 cencus age 50

census living at Manby Road , Wanstead, Essex cencus 1891

Henry Charles Crapper living at ^ Hamfrith Road, Stratford Essex.
1911 cencus

Died at 7, St James Road, 1932. West Ham. I have the death cert.


Ozibird Report 15 Feb 2010 23:29

I seem to remember helping with Crappers from Forest Gate some time ago. Are you the same person?

Is this him by any chance?

1861 England Census
Name: Henry Crapper
Age: 10
Estimated birth year: abt 1851
Relation: Son
Mother's Name: Mary
Gender: Male
Where born: Town of Basse, Ireland
Civil parish: Oxford St Giles
Ecclesiastical parish: Summertown
Town: Summertown
County/Island: Oxfordshire
Country: England
Street Address: Church Street

Registration district: Headington
Sub-registration district: St Clement
ED, institution, or vessel: 13
Neighbors: View others on page
Household schedule number: 200
Household Members:
Name Age
Mary Crapper 40 - widow; laundress; Nuna, Ireland
Henry Crapper 10
Masha Crapper 9 - Castle Bar, Ireland


Ozibird Report 15 Feb 2010 23:36

I'd say it was as he's still in Oxford and he's a printer/compositor.

1881 England Census
Name: Henry C. Crapper
Age: 30
Estimated birth year: abt 1851
Relation: Head
Spouse's name: Rose A.
Gender: Male
Where born: King's County, Ireland
Civil parish: Oxford St Martin
County/Island: Oxfordshire
Country: England
Street Address: 3 1/2 Queen St
Condition as to marriage: Married

Occupation: Printer Comp Machiners Minder
Registration district: Oxford
Sub-registration district: Oxford
ED, institution, or vessel: 1
Neighbors: View others on page
Household Members:
Name Age
Henry C. Crapper 30
Rose A. Crapper 29
Henry C. Crapper 4
Cecilia M. Crapper 1
Eva B. Crapper
Edward Evans 39
Harry Alwood 23

I would say you have enough info for a start on where to look for him.


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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 15 Feb 2010 23:38

His marriage cert. will list his father and you know his mother was Mary.



Ozibird Report 15 Feb 2010 23:43

1871 England Census
Name: Mareta Crapper
Age: 18
Estimated birth year: abt 1853
Relation: Stepdaughter
Mother's Name: Mary
Gender: Female
Where born: Ireland
Civil parish: St Giles
Ecclesiastical parish: Summertown
Town: Summertown
County/Island: Oxfordshire
Country: England
Registration district: Headington
Sub-registration district: St Clement
ED, institution, or vessel: 17
Household schedule number: 224
Household Members:
Name Age
Richard Stroud 51
Mary Stroud 47
Fanny Stroud 19
Mareta Crapper 18
Edward Stroud 17
Thomas Stroud 15

And this cert should give you Mary's maiden name:
Marriages Sep 1864
Crapper Mary Maria Headington 3a 823
Stroud Richard Headington 3a 823

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 15 Feb 2010 23:44

From IGI:

Christening: 18 MAR 1853 Saint Giles, Oxford, Oxford, England

Mother: MARY



Ozibird Report 15 Feb 2010 23:46

Well done, Rose. I didn't even think of her being baptised in England.

Though there are Oxford Crapper families in 1851 so this may not be your family. They're probably related.

Deaths Sep 1851
CRAPPER Henry Headington 16 38



Carol Report 15 Feb 2010 23:55

1861 cencus for Oxford state that Masha Crapper was born castle bar
Henry born town of Basse and on another Kings county Kildare
Mary Nuna Ireland. (guessing this could have been our Henry 10yrs . We know he was born 1851/52
There are many crappers in Oxford and many Henry, etc.
The father was not on here.

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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 15 Feb 2010 23:56

This is an old thread of yours but you already know his parent's names:



Ozibird Report 16 Feb 2010 00:06

Carol, if you knew 1861 already why didn't you tell us? Then we wouldn't have spent time looking.



Ozibird Report 16 Feb 2010 00:07

And what about this one?

I doubt you'd get any medical records as they would have been destroyed once the practice ceased to function.

If he was on an electoral roll, it probably won't have his birth place.


Carol Report 17 Feb 2010 16:54

I never said before because the people on there are not definite . That is not a confirmation to what I am requiring.
My cousin found a marriage of a Mary nocton marrying a William crapper 1849 Killaloe. may have been my great great grand-father? (soldier, Limerick ) the name of Mary Nocton was the middle names of Henrys daughter Cecilia Mary Nocton. The father was listed as Henry senior , a cloth cleaner. Cloth cleaners were in Oxford . I know our Henry and Annie were married 1876 there. There is no fathers name on birth cert. just a long line. I agree and most likely it all fits BUT my original question was " can I get any records from Henrys work, medical etc. (forest Gate) that might have given me a correct date of birth." You hear and see of those old records on Who do you think you are. The cencus say Kildare, Kings county.
I have been in touch long ago with a man that went to the Ireland parishes looking for Henrys birth. The papers in Ireland, I was told were destroyed in 1940 (war)
I even went to Ireland last year and saw an old barracks closed by the MOD. Hoping locally to find records.
None of this is true without the correct birth of Henry.and parentage written on it. Yes, it does read that Henry is most likely to be the son of William soldier and Mary Nocton. (he would have been born in Ireland)
I am sorry you think I wasted peoples time. I have a distant cousin in Australia who has done a book on the crappers. He has an Oxford web-site. He did not know about my Henry. It is a complicated one. I gave him all those details. He has so many contacts and no-one can solve it. I do know as well, that a William was born in 1817 to Henry and Fanny Crapper. cloth cleaner.

How-ever once I was in contact with a Crapper who is a librarian and she applauded my exactness. So once again sorry for any inconvenience. The birth cert. cannot be obtained. With that I will have my conclusive proof.

I shall not persist any more with the look ups for Crapper. as I have been hurt by the comments of "wasting time



Ozibird Report 17 Feb 2010 20:50

I'm very careful with what I say on these boards as people get so easily offended. I didn't say 'wasting' time. I just said we wouldn't have looked it up. Also I gave some thoughts on other records, so trying to help.

Please don't use my remark as an excuse to stop searching. You've obviously done a lot of work so far but we, reading this post, didn't know about it.
