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♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ Report 31 Mar 2010 21:28

I have finally found my gt grandfather's death in 1922 age 70. So now I know he was born in 1852.

I know William Palmer was from Shropshire, Delbury (Diddlebury), Ludlow, Corvedale (all given on census') and as per my previous threads on the subject.

IGI have him baptised 2/1/1853 Diddlebury.

There are two possible birth records:
Dec 1/4 Cleobury Mortimer 6a 513
Dec 1/4 Ludlow 6a 492

Which should I go for, as Diddlebury is not far from either.



RobG Report 31 Mar 2010 21:41

No guarentees, but Diddlebury comes under Ludlow, so that would be favourite.


♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ Report 31 Mar 2010 21:56

Thanks to both of you.

I was leaning towards Ludlow.

I'll order the certificate.

Thanks again


Madmeg Report 31 Mar 2010 23:36

But if you know his father (from census records or marriage cert), why not apply to the local register office giving his father's name. They will tell you if it is not the right one, and charge nothing.


♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ Report 31 Mar 2010 23:45


Thank you for your advice, it is worth a try. The problem is. He lied about his age throughout the census' giving Delbury, Corfdale and Ludlow as his birth place and birth year between 1852 and 1859 so with there being so many William Palmers in Shropshire, it was difficult to pinpoint the correct one. I had difficulty in finding his death record too, and finally got the right certificate today. It gives his age as 70 in 1922, therefore being born 1852...narrowing it down. Delbury (or Diddlebury) is in the IGI with his baptism 2/1/1853 giving parents William and Mary (william matching name as father on marriage cert).

I had difficulty in tracing William prior to his marriage in 1887 until tonight when GR members have found the family on the IGI on census' from 1851. In 1871 they are in Aston Botterell (where William was married) but he is not with them.

I am 95% certain this is the family, but until tonight would not have been able to cross reference his birth record with his parents names.

So your idea is a good one now I know who to cross check (both his parents with).

Hope you were able to follow my explaination?

Thank you


Madmeg Report 1 Apr 2010 00:08

Dee, sounds as if you also at least know his mother's maiden name, so give that to the local register office too. And if you know his occupation (if it is something worth knowing) even better.

Local register offices will take a lot more care in finding the right person that will the GRO.


♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ Report 1 Apr 2010 00:28

thank you again madmeg. this also is a good idea.

off to bed now.
Best wishes and good night.

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 1 Apr 2010 00:54


Can you list the details from the marriage cert? Father, occupation, witnesses, etc?



kay Report 1 Apr 2010 08:26

I recently ordered from
Shropshire Council and found them to be extremly helpful on the phone.
They asked a few questions as to relationship to me,but nothing that was a problem.


♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ Report 1 Apr 2010 13:17


There is not much info on the marriage cert. His father is William (labourer) abode: Aston botterell, haven't got it in front of me as I am at work, but I think one of the witness' was ? Elcock which is not something I have come across during my research.

He lied about his age when he married in 1887, giving 28 when he would have been 35 (according to his death in 1922 aged 70). All to confuse me!


I'm off to my caravan in wales this evening (brrrrrrrr!) so will give them a call after Easter break.

I cannot find William in 1881, but think it may be him in Farlow - servant, it is not too far from Aston Botterell where he married in 1887. The Diddlebury family are in Aston botterell in 1871 but he isn't with them. (going from memory as I do not have my notes with me). its on my other thread.

thankyou both


Madmeg Report 1 Apr 2010 20:48

Enjoy the caravan break. The weather for Sunday is going to be pleasant.

No, it doesn't seem you have his mother's maiden name. Will see if I can potter about with it.


Madmeg Report 1 Apr 2010 21:00

Right, let's start from first principles while you are freezing in Wet Wales.

How do you know the death cert you have is of the right person? Have you found him in a grave with other family members? Was the informant someone you know to be a relative? Who was it? What was the address on death?


♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ Report 6 Apr 2010 17:12

Hello, back from my easter break at the caravan. Very windy last night, managed to keep the awning! lol.


I have the correct death cert because it gives his home address as the family address of 24 Coven St, Wolverhampton. Also, his son William Leonard Palmer was the informant.

The Wolverhampton Archives site has his buriel listed at Merridale cemetery grave number 314. I contacted the graveyard before I went away and sadly, as he was in the Union Workhouse when he died, he is in a public grave and there is no other information, other than what I have obtained from the archive site.

They just said that the public grave only had 4 or 5 in it, as apposed to the usual 20 or so. But there is not even a stone for the public graves. Very sad, I was hoping to find a birth date mentioned on a stone.

I have telephoned the shropshire record offices, they could not look up any details without an order for the certificate, so I have ordered one, telling them that I was leaning towards the Ludlow record, and wish to have a cross check on his parents of William and Mary, but birthplace Diddlebury. They said they would refund the charge, if they could not match the cross checking.

My problem now is How do I know that this is his family and his birth. Please see my other thread on censu'. I have had trouble linking William in from the time of his birth to the later census'.

In 1911 age 50 born Carfdale at 24 Coven Street, Wolverhampton with family

In 1901 age 45 born Carfdale at 24 Coven Street, Wolverhampton with family

In 1891 age 35 born Salop, Delbury at Millets, Neenton, Shropshire

Not sure about him in 1881, but think he may be a servant at Farlow (not too far from Diddlebury).

In 1871 there is a 17 year old farm servant indoor born Ludlow, at Walton, Stottesden. This may be him

I need to link these somehow with the family from Diddlebury, who moved to Aston Botterell by 1881 but William wasn't with them, he married in Aston Botterell in 1887.

Any ideas of how I can go about this (whilst I wait for the ordered birth certificate to arrive) would be very much apprectiated.



Madmeg Report 6 Apr 2010 17:31

Can you please give us the link to your other thread?

Seems there is more information there - which is why it is a good idea to stick to a single thread on the same family.


♥Deetortrainingnewfys♥ Report 6 Apr 2010 17:32

I nudged it up for you Madmeg

They were 2 separate threads, but have seemed to have merged a little now with new information.

hope you have found it.

sorry, forgot to mention it is in the records office board