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Second marriage

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sailorbaz Report 15 Apr 2010 02:44

Thanks InspectorGreenPen. I've added a note to each on GR. I do also have my tree on FTM2009 which I only recently started using. I copied my tree from GR as a gedcom but it didn't move any photos and any dates I had entered as Jun Q 1888 for example, FTM didn't recognise, so had to change manually to Bet. Apr-Jun 1888.
If I transfer My FT tree back to GR I will lose all my photos, so I think I will live with the double entries!
Thanks anyway.


InspectorGreenPen Report 14 Apr 2010 15:39


Due to the limitations of the GR tree, at the moment it is not possible to link up someone who appears twice in your tree, for example, brothers and sisters who married each other, or cousins who got married in your tree. You will have to enter that person twice.

You could put in a note to the effect so that you or anyone else viewing the tree can see what is happening.

Commercial programs such as FTM do support multiple relationships. If you use such a program then you can upload a copy to GR via gedcom, which will get round the need to enter names more than once.


sailorbaz Report 14 Apr 2010 03:43

I have a situation in my tree where Alfred Brooks 1846-1869 married Jane Wagstaff b. 1846 in Dec Q 1866 Banbury 3a 1328
Alfred's sister Mary Ann Brooks 1850-1872 married George Benton 1847-1904 in Sep Q 1870 Banbury 3a 1031.
After Alfred's death Jane worked as a domestic near Shipston on Stour but after Mary Ann's death married George Benton in Dec Q 1874 as Jane Brooks in Walsall 6b 1083.
The only way I have been able to deal with this is to have George, Jane and Alfred all entered twice! Is there any other way to deal with a situation like this?


Thelma Report 13 Apr 2010 16:03

Every person in a tree should be entered with their birth name.


JanieH Report 12 Apr 2010 23:32

Hi Chris

Yes, I will let you know when I get the certificate - estimated despatch date thurs 15 april, but they have been taking a lot longer. Hope its sooner rather than later!

Best wishes and thanks again for all the advice.


Chrissie2394 Report 12 Apr 2010 22:50

Hope you let us know on this thread what the certificate says.



JanieH Report 12 Apr 2010 20:04

Thanks SatNav and Chris – it’s the change of name from Culmer to Gower that I can’t find. Her maiden name was definitely Culmer and all I can find is the following wedding in 1913 from freebmd:

Crowhurst Edward A Gower
Gower Elle E A Crowhurst

As far as I can see Ella Culmer would have been 20 in 1913 when she married Edward Crowhurst. The census in 1901 showed Charles Gover/Gower as being a boarder with her parents family and married but it doesn’t show his wife and Ella would only have been about 7 then. Think I will have to wait and see what the Gower/Crowhurst marriage cert says!

Thank you both for your help


Chrissie2394 Report 12 Apr 2010 19:48

The marriage certificates I have only give current name. The fathers name has been the only clue to a previous marriage as sometimes the bride has said she was a spinster when infact she was a widow.

On the birth certificates of children born to a woman who has been married previously it has given mothers surname then stated late/formally.



Thelma Report 12 Apr 2010 19:42

I have marriage certs. that only show the bride's current surname.
the clue to her maiden is her fathers name.
Mary Brown,widow Father Richard Green


JanieH Report 12 Apr 2010 19:14

Hi Chris
I did actually put a query on about this person last week and had some help but I'm still struggling with her. (8th April Name change Culmer to Gower)

Maiden name was Ella Edith A Culmer, lost track of her until got her mother's death cert (1928) which showed that Ella Crowhurst registered the death. Couldn't find Culmer/Crowhurst marriage but did find Gower/Crowhurst (Dec 1913 Dartford).

'Eileen' suggested I look at 1901 census which showed a Charles Gover as a boarder with the family (Charles Gower in 1891) - probably a connection there but I can't find a marriage for them.

Hoping the Crowhurst marriage cert will give more information but would appreciate help if anyone can find this marriage!



Chrissie2394 Report 12 Apr 2010 18:58

Hi Janie,

Why don't you put the details up and see if someone can find the first marriage for you.



JanieH Report 12 Apr 2010 18:55

Thanks for the info Annie - fingers crossed the marriage cert will confirm I have the right person, although its annoying that I can't find the first marriage.



JanieH Report 12 Apr 2010 17:17

Thank sTricia, the marriage cert might be useful after all.
Thanks Jan, I was afraid to try in case I messed my tree up – had a tree on fmp and that was a disaster!
Thank you both


Tricia Report 12 Apr 2010 17:03

Hi Janie

Where I have second marriages, the name is shown as married name and former name.
ie... Jane Brown, formerly Gray.
If she was a widow that would also be shown.



JanieH Report 12 Apr 2010 16:57

Can anyone tell me if a woman marries for the second time will both her first married name and maiden name appear on the marriage cert?
I’ve got a marriage where the woman’s surname is not her maiden name and I can’t find any record of her first marriage. I’ve sent for the second marriage cert but I don’t know if it will help me.
Also is it possible to add both her husbands to my Genes tree? – as you can see I’m not very good at this.
Thank you, Jane