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Reece Report 24 Jun 2010 20:13

Oh dear Cynthia - I thought the word 'i**n or ir****g was banned on this thread! What are you intending to do with it when you find it?

Flower festival sounds great - they are always lovely.

OH didn't need a blood transfusion today - good news for him as blood count was excellent. Feeling less anxious about it now and we're planning to go to Dorset in July to see the dear little grandaughters. They and parents are going off to Cornwall and then to France during the school holidays.

Australia now has a woman Prime Minister (for a few months, anyway!) born in Wales and her deputy is named Wayne! Can't be our Wayne can it?

Sue, I was very interested in your mentioning Toodyay where your brother and s-i-l live. - I have a book called "To be Heirs Forever" by Mary Durack about the settlement of the Swan River in 1829 and the lives of the Shaw family there and in Toodyay. You most likely know this book published in the 1970's.

I have been looking at Rockingham and the Peel Settlement and trying to help another member with her search for a friend's family who arrived there in 1830.

Love to everyone,



Cynthia Report 24 Jun 2010 21:29

Lovely to hear your good news Reece - long may it continue. I am sure the break in Dorset will do you both good.

Going back to help out at the Flower Festival tomorrow - just to do our bit if you know what I mean.

Still not heard from Josie have we? Hi Josie, are you ok?

Just browsing now. Cx


Dozey Report 24 Jun 2010 22:53

Hi folks. Meant to go on to another of my nudging up duty threads before bedtime. Will read the last posts tomorrow.

Night night.


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Jun 2010 04:00

Great news Reece!

We had a fun time .......................... stayed in a motel for 2 nights. On Wednesday we drove 2½ hours up to the cabin, checked the place out, no apparent winter damage, OH unloaded the generator and put it in its hidey-hole, and put some other stuff away, and I sat and supervised wherever I could

................. and yes, Frank, finding "holidays" in walls and ceilings being painted comes naturally :)))))

Had about 3 hours there, weather was quite nice, but then some huge black clouds appeared from behind the nearest mountain ...... so we beat a retreat, and drove 2½ hours back to the motel!

We left the motel about 10 am this morning, stopped and had lunch, and got home in mid-afternoon. Didn't hurry, and so it was very restful.

The lowest temperature over the winter since last September had been -30C, and it had already reached +26C at least once since "spring" came. It was about 21C while we were there. So very pleasant.

I seem to be spending this evening reading up on all I've missed!

Oh yes, ............. ti seems that I owe a certain person C a slap?!




Dozey Report 25 Jun 2010 08:07

Hi folks

Well you are all seeming to have a pretty good time on the whole. Was sorry to hear about the Kevin Rudd business Susan. Thought he seemed a pretty nice fellow as politicians go.

Glad your house is all clean and sparkly Cynthia and that you had the pleasure of entertaining an old friend. Hope second trip to the Flower Festival is as enjoyable as the first.

I'll second what Sylvia said. Great news Reece. Hope it continues.

Good to have you back Sylvia. Pleased the trip went well.

Would not support you slapping Cynthia. She has such problems getting through to people on how to get back to their threads.

I had made up my mind I would only pop on infrequently more or less just to nudge. Had spent so long on the computer the previous 2 days - mainly looking at what had been going on with the multiple personality person. Has she finally gone do you know? Then last night I just "popped" onto Ginny's thread and noticed Mr. N. Eedles. Being the nosy old thing that I am had to go and look. There went my good intentions. Trace is so funny. Took me ages to read it through my tears of laughter and I must have been on computer at least 3/4 hour.



Dozey Report 25 Jun 2010 19:28

Meant to tell you Sylvia - Melody (Thorgil Ann in her racing days) is finding the hot weather a bit trying. As for Topper he's getting quite wobbly on his back legs. Cannot manage to go far now. It's even too warm for me and I'm a chilly mortal.

Off to see what is happening on other threads.



SylviaInCanada Report 25 Jun 2010 20:05

so that's where you got one of your "names" from!

We got the fan out in the bedroom last night, and I turned off about 5 am this morning.

It's cloudy and windy today

mooching around on the boards. Almost lunch time :)))



Cynthia Report 25 Jun 2010 21:06

Hello Sylvia, [smiling sweetly] glad you had a good time and didn't fall over.

Actually, I tripped today and fell into a plant and against the fence....not quite as dramatic as you....but it probably serves me right.

We haven't used the fan in the bedroom so far, but it may come to that if this weather continues.

Jeannie, I thought Tracey's thread was fun too and had a great time posting on it last night and this morning. Only on your computer for 3/4 hour?? 3-4 hours can be normal for me during the evenings! Okay....I'm I need treatment?

Went to take ticket money at the door of our Flower Festival today and we did quite well. Quite a few people through the doors and we were serving coffees/teas/cakes/salads/roast dinners. The event ends on Sunday evening. Good community feeling.

Off to do some more browsing - worried about Josie - I miss her news.

Love to all. Cx


Dozey Report 26 Jun 2010 00:20

Hi all

Cyn - I do generally spend a lot longer than that on here but had really overdone it the previous 2 days and promised myself I would have a break. Usually late night I just nudge up.

Forgive my poor memory but wasn't it Josie that had her hours slashed and was then free to go and do extra hours at the one she will be joining shortly. If I'm right she may be a little busy and unable to find time to pop on here until old job comes to an end.

Night all



Kiwibird Report 26 Jun 2010 04:22

Hi everyone. I'm back
You were 'bang on' Jeanie. I have been leaving home every morning just before 7am in the Dark and winter Cold and not getting home till 7pm in the Dark and winter Cold.

I have kept an eye on you guys but have been to exhausted to join in.

But that now can change as I start full time in my new job on Monday.

Never imagined myself working in a Dry cleaners but am thoroughly enjoying it.

Will be working 35 hours a week. on the Counter. Am enjoying the people
contact again.
I enjoyed catching up with a guy I last saw back in 1970 when we were both teenagers! [many moons ago]

I recognized his name when he brought in his Dry cleaning, as it is an unusual name.
And got up the courage to introduce myself when he came back to pick it up.

A couple of pages back I read about the famous people you all had rubbed shoulders with.
so I did not want to miss out so am going to share my claims to fame ha ha.
I have met Patricia Phoenix [Elsie Tanner], Dame Margot Fonteyn, Honor Blackman.

and best of all I have served afternoon tea to HM The Queen.

Glad to see you back from your cave, Robert.

From what I have been reading I really think that both Sylvia and Cynthia you both need to lay off the cooking Sherry and invest in walking sticks, as you both seem to be falling down a lot of late.
Do try to take care
,falls at our age can be hazardous to our health.

Off now to play in my tree,

Catch you all again later. Josie


Dozey Report 26 Jun 2010 08:23

Oh wonderful to see I was right Kiwibird. I am so often WRONG!!!

I do love your Community Name. I'm really fond of birds but the ones in my garden are eating me out of house and home. There must be a lot of broods about somewhere nearby but I haven't seen any nests in the garden and they are ignoring my boxes for some reason - drat.


Susan Report 26 Jun 2010 11:57

Hi Everyone

We have had some terrible weather,heavy rain wind and it is very cold.
The temp got down to -1 last night but that seeems nothing compaired to Sylvias -30,welcome back very glad to hear you had a good time.

Jeanie My Grandfather had Greyhounds,I remember as a child going to the dog races I really enjoyed them
Do you have a lot of winners.

Kiwibird welcome back ,so happy to hear you love your new job,it sounds fun ,I like to meet new people and have a chat sounds like a great place for doing just that.
I also met Elsie Tanner ,she opened our new shopping centre in 1964 ,I was still living in the UK then before we Emigrated.
I thought she was a very nice lady .

Reece Toodyay is a very old town in WA,as I said previosly you think you are driving into a cowboy town,all the buildings have been saved and put on the Heritage list so nobody can pull them down.

I am expecting power blackouts tonight so I could loose this anytime,better get on a finish.

I will come back on again later.


Dozey Report 26 Jun 2010 12:26

Hi Susan

You can keep the cold but wouldn't mind taking a little of that rain off your hands. Ground is parched here. Been really hot this week and forecasters predict it could get up to 30 deg. tomorrow.

I've never raced greyhounds myself. Mine are all rescued, retired greyhounds. The old boy we got about 18 months ago had never lived outside a racing kennel until we took him on by which time he was almost 10.

I used to go to watch racing with my Dad. New Cross was nearest to home but did go to others. Probably Wimbledon (which is where Melody raced after she got over here from Ireland).

Hope you do not have any blackouts and can get back on later.


Susan Report 26 Jun 2010 14:05

Hi Again

No blackouts yet keeping my fingers crossed..

I had forgotten how hot it can get in the Uk in summer,we always think of England as a cold wet place.
Australia can be cold and wet too but boy the summers are a killer that is the only thing I hate about OZ.
I am not a hot weather person and I really miss snow at Christmas.

I won't push my luck re the power,try to get back again later.
It is really pooring down at present.

Love to everyone


Tabitha Report 26 Jun 2010 17:55

Afternoon all from a hot & humid brighton it was about 28 degrees at lunchtime when I put the last of the washing out. We got home yesterday evening - first hing we did was open all the windows it was so warm - then put the washing on. First lot of washing went out on the line at 7am this morning - put on washing machine again - go to the local tip - then shopping - hang more clothes out - take some in - do more washing - were we really only away 7 days - seems like a month - hang mote washing out - cook lunch - las t lot of washing on (my net curtains) as the weather is so lovely.

There is so much to catch up on. We were taken out to an expensive restaurant on thursday for our anniversary. They loved their telegramme from HM

Wonderful news Reece - long may his good results continue. Hope you have a fantastic time in Dorset. Please give my best wishes to your OH for a very speedy recovery.

Josie - its lovely when you enjoy your work - bumped into an old art teacher on the bus the other day - he did remember me in the end.

Sylvia - sounds like you had a nice trip to teh cabin & no mishaps.

Cynthia - good luck with the flower show - are you trying to copy me by falling over in the garden - my bruises have nearly gone now but the arm is still very sore. Take more water with it (the brandy I mean and stop tottering around the garden in those high heels) - has your friend gone home now

Frank - keep up the good work it will all be worth it in the end -

Susan - sorry to hear your weather is bad - I agree with Jeanie we could do with some of your rain - we may be in a drought situation if this lovely weather keeps on going.

Robert - lovely to have you back with us again

Jeanie - my OH use to have a greyhound called Charlie - he was a rescue one - he was a very tall dog and boy could he run when you let him go. He loved MARS bars and malteasers - his favourite food was tripe mixed with some nice mince beef with jelly - trouble is we suffered in the afternoon & evening - a lot of silent & deadlies if you know what I mean. We had him every other weekend and he loved his walks up on the race track, horses & foxes the scents were everywhere.

Just tuned in to the Thorn Birds - its one of my favourite mini series and book - I have always loved watching Richard Chamberlain - I know the story backwards, forwards any which way.

I have had dealings with lots of famous people in my work - but not allowed to discuss them on here.

Well better go & see if my washing can come in now as the sun is going off the garden now.

Whats happened to Evelyn lately - can someone remind me when the next party is - forgot to put it in my diary.

Take care all - will try & pop by tomorrow


Cynthia Report 26 Jun 2010 19:39

While I am thinking! Evelyn has sent me a message to say that her friends husband has died. Evelyn and her OH are hoping to go off to France for the greater part of July but she will join in on here as and when she can. She send her love to you all. of my friends is dotty about them and has two. A few years ago, one of them jumped from a fair distance and went through a plate glass window. Dreadfully injured in the neck area but my friend is nothing if not persistant and took the poor dog to a specialist hospital where, dispite many ups and downs, it made a fantastic recovery. Incredible what they can do now.

Hey, Kiwi! So good to see you - sounds like you could have fun in that drycleaning job. Go for it and enjoy.

Yes, it is hot isn't it? We have the fan going in the lounge now and I tend to stay in the shade if I can - pale and interesting - that's me! I am not looking forward to the possible hosepipe ban here at all. We now keep a bucket in the kitchen and any spare cleanish water goes into that and then out to the front garden.

Robert, does the tide wash over your shell? If so, it must be very cooling in this weather.

Must get some messaging done. Love to all. Cx


SylviaInCanada Report 27 Jun 2010 00:18

Hi all

Lovely to see Josie back after her hard work of the last couple of weeks!

It is beginning to look as if we might be having summer coming in here. Many of the mornings are cloudy, but the afternoons are sunny, and getting to about 20C or just below, very pleasant!

I don't like hot weather .................... and we will have days in the high 20s or even low 30s during late July and August.

We went out this morning and bought a new pedestal fan ........ OH brought the one out of storage for this room on Thursday, and it wouldn't work!

Vancouver never used to get many very hot days, ie, over about 25C, and most houses do not have central air conditioning. There has certainly been a change over the last 4 or 5 years!

We know we will have water shortages, and hence rationing, in the next couple of months. The snowpack was pretty low this winter, and we had that warm dry spell when the Winter Olympics were on! We usually have water rationing in place for May 1st ...... in fact there is a law to that effect, but the city has to make the declaration every year. They haven't yet done it, but we do know the reservoirs are low enough that the declaration will come soon. July usually has about 5mm rain MAXIMUM!

It is J&M's 11th wedding anniversary today (26th, so yesterday for you guys!!!) ................ M's sister took MJ for Friday and Saturday nights so J&M have had a nice relaxing sleep-filled weekend! It really doesn't seem like 11 years!

I'm just waiting for Anne to retire so she can tell us all her stories!!!!



Kiwibird Report 27 Jun 2010 05:30

I don't like temps over 30 Celsius either
but right now with the temp outside only 6C and my kitchen at 10C all wrapped up in my winter Woollies and wrapped in a blanket in front of my computer I would gladly change places with you.

You can take solace with me Sue while the others are complaining how hot they are,
[ they don't know how lucky they are!]
the weather here in NZ is no better than what you've currently OZ.

Jeanie glad you like my internet name
The Kiwi is a native bird of New Zealand it has not got a lot going for it nearly blind and flightless, it is Brown in colour with a long beak and no wings.
It lives on the Forrest floor, subsequently it has become an endangered species due to predators such as cats, rats, dogs and stoats. all introduced animals.

It is used as a national symbol representing NZ so seemed most appropriate to use when I needed to give myself a web identity.

To those of you in the UK, I heard on the news that your VAT is going up to 20%. I would imagine that, that will have quite an affect on your standard of living.
Here in NZ our GST Tax will be increased from 12.5% to 15% on the 1st August, we will be receiving an income tax cut at the same time that is supposed to offset the increase but as usual only the rich will be any better off. Those on the bottom will once again be worse of.

If I sit here much longer will turn in to an icicle so am off to join my OH in front of the heater.

Catch you all later josie


Genes Advisor Report 29 Jun 2010 11:00



Susan Report 29 Jun 2010 12:53

Hi Genes

Thankyou so much for restoring our thread.

Glad you had faith in the fact there was nothing wrong in it,we do pride ourselves in the way we act on this thread.

Again many thanks.