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Dozey Report 8 Jul 2010 22:54

Hi Sylvia.

Thanks Cynthia - you must have read my mind. I almost PM'd you to see if you knew of anyone who could help her.

Wis you better luck with your rellie than I had with one of mine. Absolute blank wall. Grrrr.



Susan Report 9 Jul 2010 03:07

Hi Everyone

Sorry about being missing .

We have had the most terrible storms over here,no power for all of the afternnoon ( thursday)then no internet until this morning and it is still pooring down.

Must say the wind has got better but they say we are in for another lot today so I am getting this off while I can.

Anne I am so sorry for you,I know what you must be going through,I have to get all the taxes together and off to the Tax department for the workers,I will be glad when the OH retires and we can go on the pension.
My brain will get a rest them.

We now have hailstone falling my god what next.

Glad to see you are all well and nice and warm,my fire has not gone out for three weeks.

Better get this off before we loose the power again ,try to get back later if possible.


Alice Report 9 Jul 2010 03:58

Albert Widdison 1881 MY GRAND FATHER thank you all for your help especaly cynthia AND THE TIPS BOARD i found the info very helpful


Cynthia Report 9 Jul 2010 08:02

Thank you Alice, it was very kind of you to let us know that the tips were helpful.

Sounds like you are having a bad time out there Sue - hope it has calmed down for you now.

Another dull day here but no proper rain as yet unfortunately. Ah well, I have the excitement of Tesco to fact so I mustn't

Now then Robert, how is life in the shell? We would love to have a wave from you every now and again.

Back later. Love. Cx


Evelyn Report 9 Jul 2010 10:43

Hello Again,
Just managed to get on Wifi, we had one heck of a storm last night, not a lot of rain but oh the thunder and lightening, it was like daylight.The sun is out now and it seems like last night never happened.
Seems as if Robert is too cosy in his shell,shall we all go and tip him out of it(gently mind) and Frank well I could do with your help in Guernsey, you sound like a very handy man to have around.
I have been for a walk in the woods today and saw a small deer( dont think it was bambi) it was not impressed with me and scooted off pretty quickly.
Will be off out for lunch soon, I will come back ASAP but Wifi is not good at the moment.
Take care everyone
Evelyn X


Susan Report 9 Jul 2010 11:32

Hi Everyone

I am still on line at the moment,it has calmed down a bit but it is so cold and icy,we had more hailstones today .
They are saying we will get a break tomorrow then on Sunday back to storms,we badley need the rain so we are trying to put up with it.

Alice so glad to hear our tips helped you and our dear Cynthia she is a treasure and always willing to help anyone out.

A liitle worried about Frank and Robert,we have not seen them about for a while .
I hope Robert does not stay too long in that cave.

I am off for a nice hot bath,warm up the bones.


Tabitha Report 9 Jul 2010 13:27

Another flying visit - i like to keep up to date with you all

Susan sounds horrendous - we are sweltering here - its just hit 31 decgrees according to our security man (& thats not in the sun either) & I am on the coast - goodness only knows what it is in London.

Had a 10 min wander down to the shops - nice to see you around Evelyn - think Frank has worn himself out - I could do with a Frank as well.

Wave wave Robert is it cool in your shell?

Cynthia well done and Sylvia what wonders you both are on the boards - Jeanie - how are the dogs in this heat.

Hope to pop in over the weekend - have just been offered double overtime - but as much as i could do with the money I need a break - will discuss with OH

See you all soon - take care now


Dozey Report 9 Jul 2010 18:02

Hi folks

Well we're all suffering but in such different ways. Another sweltering day here. Thanks for the enquiry Tabitha. Dogs do not like it and poor Topper has been having one of his bad days. Hardly eaten anything. Does worry me so - I can always eat - even when poorly. Possibly that is why it concerns me so much.

Perhaps you're right about Frank - made me tired just reading about what he's been doing lately. As for Robert he does seem to be firmly in his shell. Must be good in there. Maybe I'll join him one day.

Enjoy whatever you're doing people.



Reece Report 9 Jul 2010 21:02

Hello friends,

I thought it was time to let you know hat I am still around - just!

Just after I last posted my dear OH was suffering chest pains (he thought he had indigestion) and after a day at the local hospital where they could not identify anything wrong we got up early the next morning and went to Barts, where he was admitted straight away. After three days they found that he had pneumonia and by then he was extremely ill and has been in hospital for 12 days.(Most likely another 7 to come). I have somehow managed to visit on ten of those and our younger son has come to stay with me and also to visit his Dad. He has gone home this evening and dear P is showing tiny signs of recovery today - thanks to everyone for all their kind thoughts, prayers and good wishes.

Love and good wishes to everyone - enjoy all the celebrations and birhdays, too.



SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jul 2010 01:42

Oh Reece

I am so very sorry to hear that

P really did not need pneumonia on top of everything else did he?!

Love and hugs to you both



Cynthia Report 10 Jul 2010 09:04

Dear Reece, what a shock that must have been for you all, but I am so glad to hear that he is showing signs of improvement. It must have been very comforting to have your son with you during those difficult days and to know that you had someone to lean on.

Please give P my very best wishes and I am sure all your friends on here will be thinking of you both over the coming days.

Love and prayers to you all. Cx


Susan Report 10 Jul 2010 12:50

Hi Everyone

I am still here.
The weather was a lot better today but more Rain is on the way tomorrow.

Reece I am so sorry to hear of your OH illness but I am so glad he is on the mend.
Please give your family all our love and your OH our very best wishes for a speedy recovery.

I had a great day today,we went to an auction this morning,I had my eye on a sewing cabinet there ,it was a deceased estate.
Well I got it for $95 ,they retail here in the shops for $450 .
I could not believe my luck but it came fully stocked with everything you could possibly want for sewing.
My sewing cabinet has its own lift and it also extends out for material,
I am so thilled I always wanted one but would not pay the price they want in the shops.

After the Auction we went out in the forrest for wood ,you can emagine what it was like out there with all the rain but we managed to get a good load.
Very glad to be home though,so I am off for a hot Radox bath.

Goodnight to all my friends from the land of OZ


Tabitha Report 10 Jul 2010 17:16

Reece - I am so sorry to hear your news - at least it was caught and he is getting better - send him my love - big hugs for you to keep up your strength - take care - you know where we are if you want to talk -

Susan what a bargain - no excuse not to sew now then - can you burn damp wood?

Its been very humid here not quite so hot and we have a breeze today

Have had a nice slow day - washing cooking etc and just sat down with a glass of wine and the laptop - have a chance to do some tree work

Wonder how our KIWIBIRD is these days

Cynthia what have you done with Frank

Jeanie don't worry he will eat when he wants to

See you all later


Dozey Report 10 Jul 2010 18:02

Hello all,

So sorry to hear the news Reece. You certainly seem to be having more than your fair share of problems. Hope OH continues to improve. Will be thinking of you both.

Agree with Tabitha - that's a real bargain you got there Susan.

Think Kiwibird is just working really hard at the moment Tabitha and as for Topper he has decided to eat today - mind you did tempt him by adding sardines to his food. He likes them!

Doing lots of research at the moment - too hot to do anything much else.

Have a good morning/afternoon/evening - whatever.



Cynthia Report 10 Jul 2010 21:08

Great bargain Sue!! Wish I could sew. I can't even knit but I can crotchet quite well - until I got a laptop, which has put pay to all that!

Frank....? Wail........where are you? Wail.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jul 2010 22:38

Hi all

still hot here

we had a brief trip to the mall, airconditioned!!!

OH wanted a cold hard boiled egg with his salad on Thursday evening .................. so he put an egg in a pan, added water, put the pan on the stove, and turned on the ring

then he went away to do something

30-35 minutes later, he remembered the egg

One black and brown egg, no water left, teflon coating on base of pan ruined.

I didn't know anyhting about this, nor did I smell anyhting, until he appeared at my side.

The awful burning smell is still throught the house. Yukkk

anyway, we needed to replace the small pan, hence the trip to the mall!



Dozey Report 11 Jul 2010 00:14

Hi everyone

Sounds very familiar Sylvia but I just forget to turn the heat off when I've finished cooking. Ordered new Hot Spot frying pan from my catalogue yesterday:-)))


Kiwibird Report 11 Jul 2010 06:35

Hi everyone,
Have managed to prise myself away from my heater,
to spend some time on my computer as the sun is shinning and it is vaguely warm, A rarity over the last 6 weeks.
It has been a very Bitter, Wet, Windy Winter here so far.

Will gladly change places with you Sylvia and Cynthia.
I feel sorry for you both as you endure such loverly warmth
while I am sitting here in 4 layers of clothing and wrapped in a blanket.

I am immensely enjoying my new job, at the Dry Cleaners apart from the fact that it so much warmer than my house, while it is busy it is a relaxed atmosphere to work in with lots of great people interaction and the Boss is a real DREAM. Very easy to work with, and very generous.

I am relieved to here that some of you ladies have not as yet burned your houses down.

What were you thinking ?

you need to get your priorities right....

In this heat you should be out on your Patios drinking 'Pina Colada 's
not inside cooking eggs and getting distracted by the cooking sherry ha ha ha...

I better leave before Sylvia comes after me with her Rolling Pin.

Take care everyone catch you all later Josie.


Cynthia Report 11 Jul 2010 09:52

Poor Josie, shivering away in your little blanket. We could still do with some of your rain though! Very glad you are enjoying your new job and it does make it easier if the boss is helpful.

Sylvia! I hope you didn't scold your poor OH.....he was obviously very busy elsewhere and multi-tasking didn't enter his mind.

I'm very funny about buying pans [well, I'm very funny about a lot of things but that's another story]. I once heard that aluminium is linked to alzheimer's, so I will only buy stainless steel........but I do use aluminium foil, so there's no logic there really!

Off to see a friend on her birthday later today so must remember to get the flowers out of the garage!

Still thinking of Reece and her beloved OH. Love to all. Cx


Dozey Report 11 Jul 2010 10:49

Hi there

Well sitting on the patio sounds nice doesn't it but two things stop me doing much of that Josie. Cannot really chance going out for long when the sun is at it's hottest. Think I'd need factor 115.

(Edited out a little rant on a sore point at the moment).

So glad you are enjoying your new job. You are certainly right there about the advantages of having a good boss. Some bosses just cannot seem to realise that happy workers are productive workers. You have certainly landed on your feet.

We could do with some rain here as well Cynthia. Must have had a little sprinkling overnight as the ground was wet first thing - but obviously nowhere like what is needed.

Sure Sylvia would have been most understanding about the pan. Cannot imagine her scolding anyone.

Can anyone tell me please why it is necessary to have the World Cup Final on both BBC1 and ITV1??? Give us a break! Luckily son rented a couple of videos yesterday so I'll have a watch of one of them this evening I think.

Have a good Sunday everyone.
