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Susan Report 23 Aug 2010 08:40

Hi Everyone

There is nothing quite like sleeping in your own bed when you have been away for a while.
We did oversleep last night and got up late this morning but it was good.

Bali is an Island of Indonesia,it is hot and humid all year round with a temp about 30c at all times even at night.
It is very good for shopping ,and eating out at all hours .

It is very popular with the surfers and is the most visited Island by Australians as it is not that long a flight from us,about 3hrs 20min from Perth airport,we had a three hour drive to Perth from Busselton.

It was very nice to not have to do washing ,cooking and making beds,we had our rooms done everyday by the hotel staff.

We eat out every night ,so all we had to do was shop and eat and lay around a pool all day if we wanted .

Josie I too love crean doughnuts and apple turnovers,I find it hard to pass on those when everyone else is getting stuck in.

It was nice to see Robert pop in a few times ,he seems to be coming out more lately.
We really are not that scarey are we Robert..

It is pooring with rain here.....a welcome home I suspect.

Daughters birthday today she is 38yrs and she is my baby ,it is also the Granddaughters birthday she was born on her mothers birthday in the same hospitol and same hos ward ...a bit spooky really.

Better get dinner on ,check in later.
Love to you all.


Robert Report 23 Aug 2010 11:29

Of course you are.


Cynthia Report 23 Aug 2010 14:09

Robert! We're not scary at all........honest injun.

Just a quick visit but it was lovely to catch up on so much news from everyone.

Welcome back Sue - that's gone quickly.

Sylvia - I know exactly what you mean about having the house back to yourselves.

Josie - don't mention baby showers to our Sylvia!

Must dash - have to pick daughter up and am out tonight but hope to be get back on here asap. Cx.


SylviaInCanada Report 23 Aug 2010 19:09

another sunny day lol! It's going to get to about 21C ........... but there are suggestions that we might have some hotter weather in the next week.

The fires are still out of control ........ and the hotter weather will not help matters.

At least the cooler temperatures have not brought any high winds with them, so the fires are not "candling" ............... spreading by flames jumping from tree top to tree top. That makes life a little easier .... and means the fires don't spread over great distances as fast.

We still think the cabin is safe ................ we haven't noticed reports of any fires on that side of the highway in that part of the province. But the air could still be bad.

OH wants to go see the opera students performing on August 30, and we've had an invite this morning to go to a friend's 60th birthday party on September 1st ............. so it looks like we won't be going up until Sept 2 at the earliest!

Interesting thing is that we have something called the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE) on in Vancouver this week and next ............ it's been going a long long while, celebrating 100 years this year. It's a mix of county show (agriculture) with auctioning off of the best steer / pig / sheep raised over the past year by youngsters, fair ground, sales demonstrations of all kinds of wonderful gadgets, etc etc. They used to have competitions for best jam, cake, needlework, pickles etc, but I have no idea whether those still take place.

They do have the most superb musical events ....... which are even better this year, with all kinds of world class entertainers. They have spent something like $6 million (around £3 million) on the entertainment. Started off with Bryan Adams on Saturday afternoon. The Beach Boys on Saturday evening.

Michael Buble was also in town!

The tradition is that the PNE spells the end of summer because it always RAINS during the 2 weeks

We used to go regularly when we were younger, twice ....... once with adult friends and once with J. We almost always got wet on at least one of the trips!

Seems not this year ... at least not this week!

I used to spend a lot of time on Friends Reunited (the sister site), but now visit very rarely, to "see" friends who still post on there. I went for a look see this mroning ...... gawd, it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo slow.

Don't anyone complain about this site being slow unless you have been over there!



Tabitha Report 24 Aug 2010 13:28

Well someone had to pop in for a visit - 1st one today

Its not quite as busy back in the office - everyone on holiday - wait for the rush 1st week of September.

Its always nice to hear about somewhere we send a lot of our clients to - mostly honeymoons or someone who has been before. Bali can be very popular some years.

Its a long way for us to travel from the UK - i would so love to visit Fiji it sounds wonderful - did a honeymoon booking to the pacific islands - Bora Bora etc it looked just wonderful.

We didn't think we were going to have a holiday this year - due to finances - however I had a bit of luck with some overtime & managed to aquire enough for a cottage for the week.

I did a very good business case comparison for my OH -
a week in a country cottage - just the two of us
a week at his sisters (again)
a week at home just the two of us

We would still spend the same on food at a cottage as we would at home
If we went to his sister we wouldn't have to cook or buy the food but we don't get a choice either

We woudl spend the same on petrol if we went away for the week as if we went to his sister as we would be running his parents around.

If we were at home we would be doing housework & jobs that needed doing but we would be on our own.
If we go to his sister - we won't have any time on our own to relax & she will be talking to us all the time we are there - even if we are not in the same room.
If we go to a cottage we are on our own - no jobs to do & we can spend out time how we want & relax or go out in the garden if the weather is good.

The cottage won - the last statement swung it.

We have booked a little cottage for 2 near the Forest of Dean - right next door to Ross-on-Wye - peace & quiet in the country with lovely views. I have never been to that part of the world & we can just chill.

Not as exotic as Bali or France Evelyn.

Still have a bit of a poorly cat at home (was going to say Pussy but thought I would get deleted or ribbed by Frank) - I think he has a sore eye now - it was very weepy on Sunday but better now but he dosn't seem to like looking at the light a lot & he is very doppy. he also dosn't seem to open it fully - his owners will not take him to the vet - I feel I should but he isn't mine. Just wondered if he needs a bit of a vitamin boost or antibiotic - but don't know how to go about sorting him out - Wish you could get something from the chemist for Cats like you can for us - my OH thinks he is depressed since the dog moved in next door.

Oh well back to work

Take care all


SylviaInCanada Report 24 Aug 2010 18:39

Hi everyone

another sunny day ..... getting boring isn't it??? But it is going to be hotter today.

I walked down to meet OH for coffee yesterday afternoon ....... I've asked him to come and pick me up this afternoon 'cos it will be so warm!

We spent about 10 days in Fiji back in 1976, on our way home from Australia. We stayed at a small place on the southern coast ... sleeping in those typical Fijian thatched cottages. The nearest "town" was Sigatoka, about 10 miles away. Our hotel was connected with the colonial era Grand Hotel in Suva, and we got a tour round that hotel one day.

It was wonderful. J was about 2½, head full of blond curls ...... and the Fijians just loved her.

The staff (all native) at the hotel insisted that we allow them to make a little early dinner for her, put her to bed, then go for our meal ............... and they would watch out for her.

There was a village right next door, and we went there to watch a Kava Ceremony. I have this wonderful picture of J sitting in the middle of a ring of Fijian warriors, in full war dress, and all well over 6' tall!

It was a quiet time of year (late June), and the weather was very pleasant.

I'd love to go back

but, will it be the same????????

Looks as though we won't be going up to the cabin until September 2 at the earliest ...... got an invitation yesterday to a freind's 60th birthday on Sept 1st, and OH would really like to go to it.

Even then, it depends on the fire situation.



Cynthia Report 24 Aug 2010 20:46

Loved your business case comparison Anne. Very subtle!! Hope your OH thinks it was all HIS idea......that's the way to do

I think the break will do you good and you certainly deserve it after all you have been through at work lately. Rest and relax......just what the doctor ordered.

Sorry to hear about your cat and hope it is soon back to full health. Not sure about the depression bit though!

Sylvia, what a super tale about J and the warriors....definitedly a memory to be treasured. They were probably quite fascinated by her blonde curls.

Hope the fire situation allows you to go to your cabin so that you can get away for a while.

Nothing fantastic here. Mind you, have just had a long chat with someone who posted on a thread of mine and is researching the same family. It turns out she lives not very far from me!! We've been swapping info and hope to meet up soon. She isn't related to me but to the person I have been doing a tree for. Small world isn't it?

Right..better go and see what's happening out on ye boards before I go and do some more googling.

Love to all. Cx.


Cynthia Report 25 Aug 2010 07:41

Good morning everyone! No overnight visitors I see.

Well, it's a beautiful morning here so maybe I can get some washing out - there's a thrill!

Off to pick up daughter soon - now, where can I take her today? All suggestions gratefully received.

~~~~~~waves to Robert in his shell and to Frank who has disappeared again. Why the vanishing act Frankie?? Don't tell me you're scared of the women on here too?

Off I pop again. Hope to see you all later. Love. Cx


Tabitha Report 25 Aug 2010 13:14

Sylvia Fiji sounds wonderful - hope your cabin is ok - we haven't heard about the fires in Canada.

I have a PM from a lady in Vancouver Island - looking for some info on one of my OH's ggggmothers - looks like my OH has a cousin in Canada - is Vancouver Island very far from you Sylvia? She was new to GR & I allowed access to my tree - now she can add loads more relies to her tree.

Cynthia - depression seems to have lifted a bit - but this morning he has a massive lump under his eye, which looks worse than the eye slightly closed - my OH is going to have a chat with our neighbour - still don't think they will take him to the vet. I wish I knew what to do for the best - if i could afford a vet & had a basket I would take him myself.

We have lost our email access at work - & the phones are dead - so a good day to do research (if you know what i mean) - we are all getting very fed up as all our work is on Email now & we seem to have come to a standstill - well i am off today at 3:30 as I have a dentist app.

Its just started raining again & looking very depressing - just how we feel.

I may look up the moggies symptoms on the internet - see what it says - it was right about his cold last week.

Talking of moggies - I could kill that woman who threw the cat in the wheelie bin for 15 hours - i think we should throw her in a deep bin for at least 24 hours & keep hiting it to keep her awake - then do the Chinese water torture - slow drips of water - no food. It still wouldn't be a good enough punishment.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Waves to Robert

I think we have managed to frighten Frank off - not sure how

Well off to do a bit of surfing

Take care all


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Aug 2010 01:25

weather still broing

hot and sunny!


...... Vancouver Island is a 1 hr 40 minute ferry ride away. Takes us about 20 minutes to drive to the ferry terminal.

it's a neat place to visit .... actually, it's one of the largest islands in the world!



Susan Report 26 Aug 2010 04:37

Hi Everyone

No Telephone or Internet for two days ,I suspect a new house being built down the road from us to be to blame .
No word from the phone company mind you,we are ment to be mind readers.
I wonder if they will pay me back for the two days of missed internet conection....I don't think so.

We had the film of the lady with the cat in the bin ,I am not a cat lover but that was very cruel what she OZ in Summer that cat would have died.

We are expecting rain tonight and it is still very cold at present,WA is very short of rain this Winter the water catchment areas are very low,water restrictions again this Summer I think.

I am off food shopping today....cupboards are a bit bare.



Susan Report 26 Aug 2010 09:31

Hi Again Everyone

Anne I just has a vision of you on a said you were off for a bit of surfing.

Winter here but the surfies still go in the ocean at this time of the year ,a young man with a family got taken by a white pointer shark last week while we were away in Bali.
Other surfers got him out of the water but he bled to death on the beach,the shark took his leg off.
We are on the bottom of the South West Coast of Western Australia ....a very popular spot for Surfing and general beach going,but there are a lot of Sharks around and you have to be very carefull in the water.

Better get dinner on the OH will be home anytime now.

So glad my eldest Grandson gave it away


Cynthia Report 26 Aug 2010 21:57

What a contrast......Sylvia `hot and sunny` - Sue `very cold` - I think I am somewhere in the middle at the moment. It's been quite a pleasant day but it's turned a bit chilly this evening.

Never fancied the idea of surfing, but to each their own :))

Poor Sue, no internet connection - glad you're back up and on board again.

I was looking at an atlas the other day and I had forgotten just how large Canada is........and there is Vancouver way over on the left. I understand it is a very beautiful place.

Golly, have I had a busy day! I did my usual housework plus some and then decided I would wash all the carpets with my carpet cleaner. OH had gone out collecting blackberries so off I set whilst he was out of the way.

It all went well for a while and then I had difficulty in getting the clean water tank to fit back into its place! I was SO angry with it.......I actually shouted at it - as though that would make a difference! Then I thumped it and said #*&%$#&*%#....... and it behaved itself from then on !! I was glad to sit down for my lunch I can tell you.

Nice boxful of blackberries washed and put in the freezer.

Picked another lot of runner beans earlier. We've really had a bumper crop and our freezer is filling rapidly even though we have eaten a lot and given some away. I do so enjoy rooting around in the leaves and tendrils looking for hidden beans - and they can hide believe me. Amazing what you can do even with just a small patio.

Right, off for a little browse around. Good night friends. Cx


FRANK06 Report 26 Aug 2010 23:32

Good morning ladies,


Have a doughnut, that always makes you feel better.

Here's some good news for all you fancy doughnut lovers.

Ring doughnut........................210 calories..........9.4gm fat
Custard filled doughnut.........190 calories..........7.4 gm fat
Jam doughnut....................205 calories.........6.9 gm fat.

I mean lovers of fancy doughnuts and not doughnut shaped lovers of fancy doughnuts.

You know who you are :)


Tabitha Report 27 Aug 2010 05:55

Thanks Frank - only trouble is I thought Ring ones would be less fattening - Oh how wrong can you get

I have a half day today - its getting busy now - off to PC world this afternoon.

We purchased a replacement DVD RW (old one K****ered) - asked for new cables etc - however when replacing - which was easy - wrong kind of cables for the PC - & the two don't match - cables we were given also don't fit the PC - therefor we have to go back today & prove the point. Wish I hadn't started this in the first place.

Its one of those shops where you know - no matter what you buy - you have to do a second or third visit on the same day or within a week. Trouble is I love the place but OH never give me enough time to mooch around. Its like Staples - I could mooch around there for hours - good job I don't have any spare cash as I would buy all sorts of things.

Don't think I fancy a Surf in your waters Susan - for 1 thing I can't swin - so will make a tasty meal for the sharks.

Oh well - shower & brekki call

Take care all


Susan Report 27 Aug 2010 09:50

Hi Everyone

Love doughnuts Frank ,only with cream in them though so I geuss they have more calories again.
I really can't eat anything but Meat Vegis and Fruit,it has worked for me ....I just stay away from Potatoes,Bread, Rice and Pasta all the carbs Really.
I am not supposed to drink any wine either but I refuse to do that , you need some rewards.

Nice sunny day today ,wooding tomorrow hope the rain stays away.

Another Grandsons birthday today so we are over his house tonight,he is 15 today ,it is Jayden the one that got burnt .
He was given the ok to not wear his presure pants anymore yesterday so he is a happy boy today.

Will check in tonight.

Hi Robert !!


Cynthia Report 27 Aug 2010 22:42

Jam doughnut! Cx


Kiwibird Report 28 Aug 2010 00:52

Hi everyone, I certainly started something when I told you all about my love for cream filled doughnuts.

Well spring is nearly here the daffodils are starting to flower
and the days are getting warmer.

It's also the beginning of spring clean fever and am being flooded at work with Drapes, Duvets and blankets to clean.
What Joy!!!!!!!!

For those of you keen to surf and swim in the Ocean Forget Australia and the SHARKS.
Come to New Zealand and swim with Dolphins instead , much more enjoyable
when you know you won't be a menu item.....

Anne Hope your Cat gets over it's depression soon.

Catch you all later as I head off to the Baby Shower. Josie


Tabitha Report 28 Aug 2010 16:06

Well Josie - what joy Spring on the way a lovely time of year - my favourite is Autumn (probably because it my birthday) - it seems strange to think of spring in September.

Is it true NZ has no snakes native to it or living wild there - if so I want to move there ASAP. I hate the things & this week our local paper has had a picture of one in it every night. If its not one looking for a good home then it people finding them in strange places or doing things with them. Its been horrendous.

The saga of the cat, he seems to be a lot brighter (now the sun is out) and the swelling on the side of his face has gone down a fair bit - so I feel a lot happier. I was getting quite worried about him - especially as we will be going away for a week very soon. I know he dosn't like going home very much since they got the dalmation. He is a silly animal - makes a big fuss of me when I see him in the street & then growls & barks at me in the garden, unless I am taking to his mum - then he runs up nudges me growls & runs away again.

Must go grumpy needs my help in the kitchen.


Cynthia Report 29 Aug 2010 09:38

Spring! I love Spring but don't like Autumn very much. I appreciate the colours etc but feel as though things are drawing to a close. Much prefer new buds to falling leaves!

Glad the cat is recovering - you seem to have gained quite a rapport with him Anne.

So Josie, how was the Baby Shower? Hope you have recovered and had a better experience than Sylvia had the one she went to.

Sue, do hope Jayden had a happy birthday after all that he has been through and what good news about those pressure pants. It must be a relief for everyone that his recovery is so complete.

Doughnuts...mmmmm Frank - thanks for the depressing calorie counting bit! I love doughnuts, especially the sugary jammy ones. If I breathe in you can't tell I've eaten one!

My daughter's computer lead has been sent away so she is computerless and I have been letting her spend time on mine - hence my absence etc. I don't mind ...........really......sob......sigh.......but I will be glad when she has a new lead and is up and running again. She has been very up and down the last day or so - it's rather like walking on eggshells because you never know how she is going to react to the simpliest thing. Very wearing.

Heavy, gusty showers here at the moment but it's not actually that cold. Have to go out and pick some runner beans soon but will wait till the shower has passed methinks.

Hope you are all well. Love. Cx