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2 children I cant find...any help please?

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AnnCardiff Report 1 Mar 2011 22:23

Robert Button

England and Wales Census, 1881
birth: 1878 — Hemley, Suffolk, England
residence: Hemley, Suffolk, England
parents: Robert Button, Ellen Button

record title: England and Wales Census, 1881
name: Robert Button
age: 3
gender: Male
birth year: 1878
birthplace: Hemley, Suffolk, England
relationship to head of household: Son
census place: Hemley, Suffolk, England
record type: Household
family history library film: 1341454
the national archives reference: RG11
piece / folio: 1881 / 121
page number:


AnnCardiff Report 1 Mar 2011 22:22

Harry Button

England and Wales Census, 1901
birth: 1893 — Kirton, Suffolk
residence: Martlesham, Suffolk, England

record title: England and Wales Census, 1901
name: Harry Button
event: Census
event date: 31 Mar 1901
gender: Male
age: 8
relationship to head of household: Son
birthplace: Kirton, Suffolk
record type: Household
registration district: Woodbridge
sub-district: Colneis
ecclesiastical parish: Martlesham St Mary
civil parish: Martlesham
county: Woodbridge, Colneis, Martlesham, Suffolk


AnnCardiff Report 1 Mar 2011 22:21

Ellen Button

England and Wales Census, 1881
birth: 1876 — Hemley, Suffolk, England
residence: Hemley, Suffolk, England
parents: Robert Button, Ellen Button

record title: England and Wales Census, 1881
name: Ellen Button
age: 5
gender: Female
birth year: 1876
birthplace: Hemley, Suffolk, England
relationship to head of household: Daur
profession / occupation: Scholar
census place: Hemley, Suffolk, England
record type: Household
family history library film: 1341454
the national archives reference: RG11
piece / folio: 1881 / 121
page number:


AnnCardiff Report 1 Mar 2011 22:20

Anna Button

England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
residence: Suffolk, England
parents: Robert Button, Ellen

record title: England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975
name: Anna Button
gender: Female
baptism/christening date: 21 Jan 1872
baptism/christening place: SUFFOLK COUNTY BTS,SUFFOLK,ENGLAND
father's name: Robert Button
mother's name: Ellen
indexing project (batch) number: C13217-1
system origin: England-ODM
source film number: 919557


AnnCardiff Report 1 Mar 2011 22:19

Charles Button

England and Wales Census, 1881
birth: 1874 — Hemley, Suffolk, England
residence: Hemley, Suffolk, England
parents: Robert Button

record title: England and Wales Census, 1881
name: Charles Button
age: 7
gender: Male
birth year: 1874
birthplace: Hemley, Suffolk, England
relationship to head of household: Son
profession / occupation: Scholar
census place: Hemley, Suffolk, England
record type: Household
family history library film: 1341454
the national archives reference: RG11
piece / folio: 1881 / 121
page number: 10


AnnCardiff Report 1 Mar 2011 22:19

Lily M E Button

England and Wales Census, 1901
birth: 1886 — Hemley, Suffolk
residence: Martlesham, Suffolk, England

record title: England and Wales Census, 1901
name: Lily M E Button
event: Census
event date: 31 Mar 1901
gender: Female
age: 15
relationship to head of household: Daughter
birthplace: Hemley, Suffolk
record type: Household
registration district: Woodbridge
sub-district: Colneis
ecclesiastical parish: Martlesham St Mary
civil parish: Martlesham
county: Woodbridge, Colneis, Martlesham, Suffolk


AnnCardiff Report 1 Mar 2011 22:18

Louisa Button

England and Wales Census, 1881
birth: 1880 — Hemley, Suffolk, England
residence: Hemley, Suffolk, England
parents: Robert Button, Ellen Button

record title: England and Wales Census, 1881
name: Louisa Button
age: 1
gender: Female
birth year: 1880
birthplace: Hemley, Suffolk, England
relationship to head of household: Daur
census place: Hemley, Suffolk, England
record type: Household
family history library film: 1341454
the national archives reference: RG11
piece / folio: 1881 / 121
page number: 10


AnnCardiff Report 1 Mar 2011 22:16

on of the children

Robert Button

England and Wales Census, 1881
birth: 1878 — Hemley, Suffolk, England
residence: Hemley, Suffolk, England
parents: Robert Button, Ellen Button

record title: England and Wales Census, 1881
name: Robert Button
age: 3
gender: Male
birth year: 1878
birthplace: Hemley, Suffolk, England
relationship to head of household: Son
census place: Hemley, Suffolk, England
record type: Household
family history library film: 1341454
the national archives reference: RG11
piece / folio: 1881 / 121
page number: 10


AnnCardiff Report 1 Mar 2011 22:16


Robert Button

England and Wales Census, 1881
birth: 1849 — Waldringfield, Suffolk, England
residence: Hemley, Suffolk, England
spouse: Ellen Button

record title: England and Wales Census, 1881
name: Robert Button
age: 32
gender: Male
birth year: 1849
birthplace: Waldringfield, Suffolk, England
relationship to head of household: Head
marital condition: Married
profession / occupation: Ag Lab
census place: Hemley, Suffolk, England
record type: Household
family history library film: 1341454
the national archives reference: RG11
piece / folio: 1881 / 121
page number: 10


Leanne Report 1 Mar 2011 21:43

Thanks for the replies :) I had narrowed the marriage down to one of two and Ellen Taylor was one of them so thank you for being able to confirm that :)

Lynne, with the children I have just had a quick look on FreeBMD and there is a few children in the Woodbridge district who were born and died at a young age. I might have to have a closer look at that tomorrow when I am a bit less tired and try and work out when there was some gaps and it was possible to have had another child.
I have not been doing this that long, so sorry for the questions but with no mothers maiden name being available, is there any other way to confirm these would be the right children without ordering certificates??



Andrew Report 1 Mar 2011 21:34

This might be the marriage, in same registration area

Surname First name(s) District Vol Page

Marriages Sep 1870 (>99%)

Button Robert Woodbridge 4a 987
Taylor Ellen Woodbridge 4a 987



Lynski Report 1 Mar 2011 21:31

Married 40 years - this would be their marriage

Marriages Sep 1870 (>99%)
Button Robert Woodbridge 4a 987
Taylor Ellen Woodbridge 4a 987


Lynski Report 1 Mar 2011 21:27

You could look on FreeBMD for births and deaths together (just highlight both births and deaths) and it will give all information together.


Leanne Report 1 Mar 2011 21:25


I have only just treated myself to the 1911 Census Subscription and found that a part of my tree is missing two children.
I am looking for children on a Robert and Ellen Button (have also yet to find her maiden name) I have found the following children
Anna 1871
Charles 1874
Ellen 1875
Robert 1878
Louisa 1879
Emma 1883-1895
Lily 1886
Harry 1893-1917

From information on the 1911 census they had 10 children and 7 were still alive in 1911 and 3 had died. As Emma is the only one I have found who had died I am guessing that there was two children that I totally missed and dont really know where to start to find them. I cant find them on any census between 1871 and 1911 so I can only assume that they were born and dies between the census years.
Has anyone got any ideas on how to find these children.
Many thanks in advance