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Computer Help Please

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Wend Report 4 Mar 2011 10:41

I have been having problems with my computer since it was 'hit' by the fake AV virus alert on 26th/27th February. I have, as someone suggested, tried to do System Restore to 25th February, but got a message saying it was unable to complete this.

Can anyone help please?


Barbara Report 4 Mar 2011 11:06

If you google there are tips to remove all elements. Don't download any other suggested antivirus. You need to removed files from processes (taskmanager) and some folders if I remember correctly.

Once removed - then do a system restore (if you can). This is one of the things it blocks so you can't get rid of it. I had to go all the way back to restoring to factory settings for once such virus.


Wend Report 4 Mar 2011 11:27

Thanks very much Barbara - I'll give that a try.


Bobtanian Report 4 Mar 2011 23:31

trouble with system restore, is that a trojan or virus CAN take up residence there, and re install itself later........Im not sure which attack you suffered but if the item is still onboard then you might do well to download a memory stick, start your computer in safe mode with internet connection, and run will go away for updates and then you can scan your will find allsorts, and you may be able to clean out any problems......

and its free......


it worked for me..


Battenburg Report 5 Mar 2011 02:46

nudge for later


Wend Report 9 Mar 2011 16:24

Bob, I took your advice and subscribed to and downloaded Malwarebytes, but I'm still having problems. Last night it scanned and found 9 infections, one Registry Values infection (whatever that means) and 8 files infections.

The problem starts 20 mins after I log on, the computer gets very noisy and then a message flashes up *Svchost.exe - Application Error. The instruction at "0x7c922235" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program or Click on CANCEL to debug the program*. So far I've only clicked on the red X to get rid of it, but then everything freezes and I cannot switch off - have to unplug. I've just been on for 20 mins and the computer is getting noisy, so I'm going to log off before the above message flashes up, otherwise I won't be able to switch off.

Any advice gratefully received - back later.



Foggy Report 9 Mar 2011 18:10

Get yourself a good anti virus program, say, Norton, and run a full system scan.


Wend Report 9 Mar 2011 18:41

Thanks Foggy - we used Norton a couple of years ago, but got fed up with it. Perhaps it's improved since then though. At the moment, I have Microsoft Security Essentials (which IGP recommended.)

I've now got a computer man coming to (hopefully) sort me out tomorrow.


Sidami Report 9 Mar 2011 19:46

This is what happened to me with AV I was getting masseage to say i was infested it looked so genuine..


Wend Report 9 Mar 2011 19:54

What did you do about it Sue? Have you had problems since, as I have?


Neil Report 9 Mar 2011 21:46

It is always best to switch off System Restore completely before attempting to clean malware from your computer. The reason for this is that the malware will often make its home in the system restore files and will re infect your machine as soon as you reboot after the cleaning operation.
To switch it off go to Control Panel, then System, then System Restore where you will find the option to Switch off System Restore. Do this then run Malwarebytes again and allow it to remove everything it finds. When complete, reboot your computer, and when you are up and running, repeat the above sequence to swtich System Restore back on again.