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Greek Records

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Stroma Report 6 Mar 2011 09:27

Can any one help me with BMDs for Greece. A family GELINOS/GIAGKARI comes from KILKIS but I am not having any luck trying to find a starting point as to how to obtain records. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


patchem Report 6 Mar 2011 09:51

Do a google search for information, such as:

2008 info:
Birth records are called "Liksiarxikh Praksh Gennhshs" in Greek. They exist in every municipality in Greece. Since they are not online [they are literally hand written in a large book], you have two options of getting access to them:
a) Physically going to the municipality in Greece where you are looking for the records
b) Contacting your closest Greek Consulate, which can then contact the municipality and get the record for you
Note that, due to privacy laws in Greece, you cannot just ask for any birth record you want - you have to reasonably prove to the Greek Authorities that you have reason to have this information [i.e. that you are a blood relative]
The key thing is to know which municipality you are looking for the records.

This is just the first result I found, there might be official ones, just search for them.

Civil Registers
In 1925, the national government formed a department for civil registration of vital records, although the practice was not fully established until 1931. Registration of births, marriages and deaths are conducted at the mayor's office, and in larger cities at special offices.
Civil registration records are much more complete. Birth records include the name of the child, date and place born, date and place of baptism, father's name, occupation, citizenship, residence and religion, mother's name and date recorded.
Marriage records include the date of the ceremony, names, age, birth place, citizenship, and religion of the individuals married, and parent's names. Death records include the name of the deceased, date, time and place of death, marital status, residence, birth place, age, occupation, citizenship, religion and cause of death, parent's names, and date recorded.
You can usually obtain civil registration information by writing to the local Mayor's office.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Mar 2011 10:05

This link gives some useful information. There may be baptism, marriage or burial records available from the Diocese, but it looks as if you will be writting a lot of letters!


AnnCardiff Report 6 Mar 2011 13:06

Panagiotoula Giokari

New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924
residence: Ahuria, Greece

record title: New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924
given name: Panagiotoula
surname: Giokari
last place of residence: Ahuria, Greece
date of arrival: 01 Jul 1922
age at arrival: 15y
ethnicity: Greece
port of departure: Patras
port of arrival: New York City, New York, New York
gender: Female
marital status: S
ship of travel: Argentina


AnnCardiff Report 6 Mar 2011 13:07

Garigia Giokari

New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924
residence: Giokareyka, Greece

record title: New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924
given name: Garigia
surname: Giokari
last place of residence: Giokareyka, Greece
date of arrival: 05 Jan 1921
age at arrival: 18y
ethnicity: Greek, Greek
port of departure: Piraeus
port of arrival: New York
gender: Female
marital status: S
ship of travel: King Alexander


AnnCardiff Report 6 Mar 2011 13:08

Antigoni Giokari

New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924
residence: Ahuria, Greece

record title: New York Passenger Arrival Lists (Ellis Island), 1892-1924
given name: Antigoni
surname: Giokari
last place of residence: Ahuria, Greece
date of arrival: 01 Jul 1922
age at arrival: 4y
ethnicity: Greece
port of departure: Patras
port of arrival: New York City, New York, New York
gender: Female
marital status: S
ship of travel: Argentina


Stroma Report 18 Apr 2011 15:46

I have had my hand smacked for not saying thank you for everyones assistance !!!!!!!!!!!
So, thank you all for your assistance. As it turns out and living in Tunisia a trip to the Greek Consulate was unavoidable.
