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F.T.M. version 11

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joysie4 Report 15 Mar 2011 10:59

why cant i use f.t.m.11 on my vista pc i use version 6 at the moment

is there a lot of difference



Jonesey Report 15 Mar 2011 11:12

Copy and paste this link. It might provide you with an answer:


joysie4 Report 15 Mar 2011 20:37

How do i copy and paste



Jonesey Report 15 Mar 2011 22:07



Place your mouse pointer at the beginning of the link address (Immediately to the left of the h in http)

Hold the right button of your mouse down and then move the mouse pointer to the right and down.

Continue to hold the right button down until you pass the "1" on the second line of the text. As you do this you will see the text that you are passing the mouse pointer over will become highlighted.

Once you have passed the "1" release the right button (The text will remain highlighted).

Move the mouse pointer to anywhere on the highlighted text and then press the right button once again. A dropdown menu will appear. Find the word "COPY" in the list, move your mouse pointer to it and click the left button on the mouse.

You have now copied the information.


Move your mouse pointer to the address bar of your browser
(That will currently be displaying

Once there click the right mouse button. Once again a dropdown menu will appear. This time find "PASTE" in the list, move your mouse pointer to it and click the left button on the mouse.

You have now pasted the link into your browsers address bar.

What happens next will depend on which internet browser you are using. The easiest way to tell you what to do next is to do exactly what you normally do when you you have typed a web address into the address bar yourself.

Your browser will then display the web page that the link has taken you to.


joysie4 Report 16 Mar 2011 16:39

Thank you for the advice but it still wont open for some reason

on the web page this version 11 is not compatible with vista



Jonesey Report 16 Mar 2011 17:02


That version should work with Vista.

Try ringing Ancestry on this number 0800-345-7928 (Its a freephone number)

Ask them how you can access the Family Tree Maker 2011 technical help desk.

Good luck


MarkMorgan Report 17 Mar 2011 23:20

Here's something to try.

Right-click on the FTM 11 program icon in the start menu and select properties from the pop-up menu.

Select the Compatibility tab and tick the box "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)".

I can't guarantee that it will work but it is worth a shot.
