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Matilda Davis/Whiitingham

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Janet Report 29 Mar 2011 17:12

Trying to find the birth of my grandmother, Matilda Davis. She married William Whittingham in 1905 and I have the marriage certificate. She gave birth to my father (illigitimate) James Sidney Davis in 1902. I have her death certificate and the certificate of the birth and death of her daughter Edna Lilac Whittingham in 1912. Just can't find her birth in 1882 . Nor can I find them in the 1911 census. Been searching for 12 months now and before I give up completely I wondered if anyone had any suggestions


Lindsey* Report 29 Mar 2011 17:20

WHITTINGHAM, Matilda Wife Married
4 years F 29 1882 Lathom Lancs VIEW
WHITTINGHAM, Ernest Son M 2 1909 Liverpool Lancs VIEW
MCGREAVEY, Mary Visitor Widow F 72 1839 Pensioner Old Age Newry Co Down Resident VIEW
RG number:
RG14 Piece:
22276 Reference:
RG14PN22276 RG78PN1316 RD454 SD3 ED25 SN136

Registration District:
Toxteth Park Sub District:
Toxteth Park Central Enumeration District:
25 Parish:
Toxteth Park

87 Handel Street Toxteth Park Liverpool S


Jonesey Report 29 Mar 2011 17:25

As she was married and had James Sidney in Birmingham I am guessing that this is the registration of her death:

Name: Matilda Whittingham
Death Registration Month/Year: 1924
Age at death (estimated): 42
Registration district: Birmingham
Inferred County: Warwickshire
Volume: 6d
Page: 187


Lindsey* Report 29 Mar 2011 17:29

The marriage cert ? does it father and his occupation ?


Jonesey Report 29 Mar 2011 17:33

I see that Edna's birth was registered in Aston so I would expect that Matilda was still in the Aston/Birmingham area in 1911. I cannot yet spot her, William or indeed James Davis in 1911 however.

The death record which indicates her birth in 1882. Does that tally with her age indicated on her marriage certificate?

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 29 Mar 2011 18:02

Wild stab in the dark (sometimes they pay off)....

There's a Matilda, a W J, and son James under the surname of MacGregor, Aston, 1911.
The original image shows the form has been completed badly, with crossings out etc. And it doesn't actually state that Matilda and W J are married to each other as that part of the form is not completed, so the transcription is ambiguous.
And W J hasn't signed it himself, it has a p.p. signature on the form.
My guess is that the enumerator may have scribbled notes and filled it in later, and badly at that!!

MACGREGOR, William J Head Married M 27 1884 Brass Polisher Warwickshire Birmingham
MACGREGOR, Matilda Wife Married 7 years F 27 1884 Brass Polisher Staffs Walsall
MACGREGOR, Sidney Son M 7 1904 School Warwickshire Birmingham

RG number: RG14
Piece: 18159
Reference: RG14PN18159 RG78PN1099 RD385 SD1 ED12 SN208

Registration District: Aston
Sub District: Deritend
Enumeration District: 12
Parish: Aston

Address: 11 Emily St Birmingham
County: Warwickshire


Janet Report 29 Mar 2011 18:38

Just checked my records and it's very strange that when Matilda's and William's daughter Edna Lilac Whittingham was born in 1912, they lived at 12 Emily Street. It gets curiouser and curiouser

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 30 Mar 2011 07:55

My point exactly, Janet.
Just because a record doesn't fit with all the correct details, don't discount it.

You have the marriage certificate of Matilda and William - does anything look familiar enough to be able to tie them in, ie their estimated age, their occupations, etc....



Janet Report 1 Apr 2011 13:55

Bearing in mind what you have said, I have again revisited BMD but as it only gives the name and district I have no way of knowing it any are my Matilda. Although, my Matilda was married in Birmingham and at the time the district was called Aston. The ones listed are on the outskirts
If they gave the parents name then I would be able to consider them. Unfortunately all these sites want money. I have just paid for the Platinum on Genes Reunited and to be truthful, apart from the help of you and a couple of others I have not found the site very helpful

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 1 Apr 2011 23:23


You said you have the marriage certificate. What does it say regarding fathers, occupation, witnesses, etc. These are all clues.



Janet Report 2 Apr 2011 10:30

Matilda's father was named William Davis, deceased, blacksmith. The witness's are members of Wm. Whittingham's family. I have found them, I think, but it does not help in my quest to trace Matilda,s birth. I have bought the marriage certificate for a couple I thought might be Matilda's parents, in 1879, but it does not give ages or addresses so I can't follow through on it.