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be- aware dummy requests !!

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Tessa Report 30 Mar 2011 16:18

I think I have had a "dummy" family tree request from someone claiming i sent them a message about a match on my family tree I know i hadn't been in contact with this person, the person requested to see my tree, and gave me an email address for them I sent a message back to the person asking for more info before I give the person permisson to see my tree and haven't heard a thing since, not sure if they just wanted to view my tree or what was the reason so maybe totally innocent but not having anything to do with the person.

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 30 Mar 2011 16:37

Sometimes people think you have sent them a match when it comes up on a Hot Match list they receive. I had one who thought I had contacted them that way and we went round in circles till it became clear that they thought that I had contacted them first through a Hot Match


Sliwowski Report 30 Mar 2011 18:25


I have to say that I hate the way GR sometimes use a person's maiden name and sometimes their married name. It's ever so confusing when trying to match a message to their tree etc. Especially when you have a number of messages and contacts and you know you were meant to reply to someone, but can't find that name again. Don't quite know how it works, but it's incredibly frustrating!


Chrissie2394 Report 30 Mar 2011 20:05

I received an email from GR to say that ....... had given me access to their tree. When I checked GR site, there were no messages saying ......had given me access but I had got access to her tree. I checked my contact list and the member wasn't listed.

As I had replied to someones thread the previous day I had a look to see if the one who had opened their tree to me had also put a reply on and found that they had. I have sent them a message advising them, they've read the message and removed access. I notified GR who replied that the person would have sent me a message. I have again contacted GR to say that was not the case. I have been asked to return the email to them for them to investigate.

None of us want our trees to be opened to others unintentionally. I have 13 pages of contacts but have only opened my tree to 3 members.



SylviaInCanada Report 31 Mar 2011 00:58


It isn't GR who determines what anyone is known by

it's the person who does it.

There seems to be a standard procedure of GR assigning as the baord, the name used on the credit card (or other means of payment).

Many women do not like to have their current name showing on such an unsafe site as this.

So they change it to their maiden name, OR their board name ................... it's a way of maintaining as much privacy as possible.

For example .............. if you click on my name, you will see that the Message shows my name to be Sylvia. No surname showing.

It's possible to do that by going into My Account



Sliwowski Report 31 Mar 2011 11:01

Hi Sylvia,

I've no grumbles about the names people use. It's that if I receive a message from Mrs Jo Brown, there's no point then telling me that I now have access to Miss Jo Green's tree, because it's so difficult to make the connection. We need the same name to appear in all cases - message to ..., you have a message from ..., you now have access to ... and tree belonging to ... . I seem to have been confused by this several times lately.


Sliwowski Report 31 Mar 2011 11:03

And I see what you mean about clicking on someone's board name and seeing their real name. So what's the point having board names anymore?


InspectorGreenPen Report 31 Mar 2011 12:01

As far as I can tell, you have up to 4 names on this site.

1. Then name on your credit card.

This should be entirely private from anyone other than GR

2. Your Current Name
3. Your Previous / Maiden Name

These can be changed via My Account and are visible on messages

4. Your board Name

Option, else your current name is used.

In all cases 2-4 you decide what is entered.


SylviaInCanada Report 31 Mar 2011 20:20


I do not want my married name showing on this site, or on any other

Nor do many other women

I decided that I also did not want my maiden name showing on the site, for personal reasons.

Any message that you get from me will read "Sylvia"

and I believe that might well be the name IF you were unlucky enough to get a Hot Match with my small tree!



Sliwowski Report 31 Mar 2011 20:54

May be I'm just tired, but it's no wonder I'm getting confused if women use three different names. All I was saying was 'what's wrong with using just one name for "message to ..., you have a message from ..., you now have access to ... and tree belonging to ..." Just so I know who I'm talking to and which one their tree is? I'm not fussed whether it's even their real name or not, just as long as I can piece all those things together.

Good grief, think I'm starting to confuse myself! Or perhaps it just happens to me! I give up, pah, hehe... >:oZ !


MargaretM Report 1 Apr 2011 14:38

For years I used my married name on the boards but found that when someone clicked on my name they got my maiden name.Also if I sent a message it went out using my maiden name. I finally decided to use a board name and also changed the details on my account so only my board name shows.
Yes, I'm a female bull, an oxymoron I know but I've been called worse.