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Rambling Report 2 Apr 2011 10:17

Often requests for help go along the lines of

"Information wanted on Joe Bloogs 1875"

Helpers add marriage, census, children etc...but then are told "Thanks Yes i have all that, I just want to know when he died"

and..... if you know Bella Smith had the middle intial G, say is often so much easier to trace records if you have a full name.

and...if you know the place of birth, eg 'Guestling', just add which county that is in and nearby towns, Sometimes a search goes awry because there are villages of the same name but in different counties.

and.... don't forget to Google! play around with search could find records of villages / people/that aren't high on the list.


InspectorGreenPen Report 2 Apr 2011 18:40

You can also click on Help Clinic, above left for info on how to ask for help with your research.


SylviaInCanada Report 4 Apr 2011 03:52

good advice


SylviaInCanada Report 5 Apr 2011 04:40


May I suggest that you change the title to all caps?

That will make the thread more obvious


Rambling Report 5 Apr 2011 11:27

Hi Sylvia, have done so :))


SylviaInCanada Report 5 Apr 2011 16:45

looks good!




Rambling Report 6 Apr 2011 16:59

I'm going to stress that point about Google again with a couple of examples

Putting into Google search family name and location where they were known to live from census :

"Fishlock Isleworth"

finds on page 10 of listings -

List of inhabitants of New Brentford 1810/1811

'Among a small collection of archive material held at Brentford Library, is a manuscript list of the inhabitants of New Brentford, dated 1810. The manuscript (MS 17782) contains the details of 297 houses, the information recorded in each case being as follows:

tenants' names,
by how many families occupied
number of males
number of females
whether uninhabited
number of families employed in agriculture
number of families employed in trade, manufacture or handicraft
number of families not included in the previous two classes'

T Fishlock named, almost certainly gt gt gt uncle

on page 8 same search "

Showing "Old Fishlock at Chiswick Ferry" , mentioned in an old travel book.... my gt gt grandfather

Similarly putting in a village name in Norfolk actually produced an 1830s census of the didn't help me...but it might have done!

Last tip here...don't forget new information is finding its way online all the time...keep checking :))


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Apr 2011 22:57



Rambling Report 7 Apr 2011 17:38

PigletsPal , it is always nice to know 'the end of the story' isn't it?

It just makes it worthwhile when someone comes back to the thread and says "I followed that lead you gave and I found them!" or even "that isn't them so at least that makes things clearer,back to the drawing board".

I don't remove posts though, because I think even if that particular poster isn't bothered, someone in the future may find the information useful to them.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Apr 2011 18:27

Sometimes, we have to remember that newer folk still expect GR to send them an email to notify them of a post. Our Cynthia does a sterling job sending out reminders. Of course, a family emergency may have occurred.

But yes, it would be great if folk would just return and say 'thank you for the information', or if they and a poster have been exchanging messages off board, the searcher would add a note on their behalf.

You can't win them all!


InspectorGreenPen Report 7 Apr 2011 18:36

All this is good advice but I would just caution about being a tad on the patronising side as this can have the complete opposite effect by putting people off.

As I said in an earlier post, most info that new poster need is already on site - just click on Help Clinic - top left.


Rambling Report 7 Apr 2011 20:02

I would hope I am never patronising IGP :)
my advice comes as the result of trial and error myself, and learning as much as possible from those with more expertise over the years.

I think tips on here are always handy, even, or especially, for newbies who if they are anything like me tend not to read the 'instructions ' like the admirable 'Help Clinic' but wade straight in ( I am the same with flatpacks lol).

I hope newbies will always feel that tips and advice put on the boards are to help them 'find their feet', and maybe other methods of finding info' that they haven't yet thought of :))


SylviaInCanada Report 8 Apr 2011 04:34
