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Anne Report 12 Apr 2011 14:55

Anyone searching for information about the Holdcroft family who moved from the Staffordshire area to West Yorkshire in the early 1900s should get hold of a recently published book "Ancestors and Angels" by Jane Cramner.
Jane is the great-grand-daughter of George Holdcroft and Mary Buckley (and my second cousin - my grandad Horace and her grandmother Elsie, were brother and sister). Jane's book outlines some of the unusual experiences that happened to her grandmother and family.
It's a good read and I couldn't put it down - I read it in a day! Through it I learned a lot about a branch of the family that I knew very little about as, until recently, I hadn't been in touch with Jane for 35 years! The book can either be ordered from Waterstones or bought through Amazon. "Ancestors and Angels", published 2011 by Ghostwriter publications


Lynski Report 12 Apr 2011 23:12

Just ordered a copy.
Sounds like a very good read.