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could I have a look up on fmp please-Completed

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Jan.jan Report 25 Apr 2011 18:10

Thanks Shirley

That's them

Kind regards


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 25 Apr 2011 18:08

think the later date in each case is the actual marriage day!

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 25 Apr 2011 18:02

Day: 22

Month: May

Year: 1760

Groom Forenames: Philip

Groom Surname: CATER

Groom notes:

Grooms parish: of Shapwick

Bride Forenames: Lucy

Bride Surname: PINCHARD

Bride notes:

Brides parish:

By licence: (a minor)

Place: Winterborne Thompson


County: Dorset

Country: England

Witnesses: John PINCHARD, Roger PINCHARD, Henry PINCHARD

double entry!
Day: 21

Month: May

Year: 1760

Groom Forenames: Philip

Groom Surname: CATER

Groom's parish: Shapwick

Groom's county: Dorset,England

Groom's condition:

Groom's occupation: yeo

Groom's age:

Groom's notes:

Bride Forenames: Lucy

Bride Surname: PINCHARD

Bride's parish: [Winterbourne] Thomson

Bride's county: Dorset,England

Bride's condition:

Bride's age:

Bride's notes: minor,parent's consent

Place of Marriage:

Bondsman 1: PINCHARD Roger,yeo,[Winterbourne] Tomson

Bondsman 2:

Jurisdiction: The Dean of Sarum in Wiltshire, Berkshire, Dorset and Uffculme, Devon

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 25 Apr 2011 18:01

heres Henry PINCHARD not Pichard??
Day: 29

Month: Oct

Year: 1769

Groom Forenames: Henry

Groom Surname: PINCHARD

Groom notes:

Grooms parish:

Bride Forenames: Elizabeth

Bride Surname: CHAFFY

Bride notes:

Brides parish:

By licence: Licence

Place: Winterborne Thompson


County: Dorset

Country: England

Witnesses: John CHAFFY, John RAWLES.

Day: 10

Month: Oct

Year: 1769

Groom Forenames: Henry

Groom Surname: PINCHARD

Groom's parish: [Winterbourne] Thomson

Groom's county: Dorset,England

Groom's condition: bac

Groom's occupation: yeo

Groom's age:

Groom's notes:

Bride Forenames: Elizabeth

Bride Surname: CHAFY

Bride's parish: [Winterbourne] Thomson

Bride's county: Dorset,England

Bride's condition: sp

Bride's age:

Bride's notes:

Place of Marriage:

Bondsman 1: CHAFY John,yeo,[Winterbourne] Thomson

Bondsman 2:

Jurisdiction: The Dean of Sarum in Wiltshire, Berkshire, Dorset and Uffculme, Devon


Jan.jan Report 25 Apr 2011 17:39

Could I have two look up's on Find My Past please?

Both marriages at Winterborne Thompson Dorset

Lucy Pinchard 1760
Henry/Harry Pinchard 1769

Thank you