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Margaretfinch Report 16 May 2011 09:17

Morning all has any body not found a death certificate they have looked for please tell me I am not the only one


Joy Report 16 May 2011 09:30

At least one - my great-grandfather's death was not registered; fortunately for me, there is a burial record for him.


DIZZI Report 16 May 2011 09:37



Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 16 May 2011 12:18

Yes i have been looking for my maternal grandfathers mum and her 3rd!!! hubby Found her on the 1911 census with grandads sisters family so know its after then. She was born in 1852 . Have bought a couple of certs for around the right age ,knowing the informants sometimes get the ages wrong!! but nope not her . Cant see any possible one for her hubby . Very frustrating. Given up for the mo as cant keep spending out .


GlitterBaby Report 16 May 2011 12:46

Hi Margaret,

Glad you are finding your way around the boards now



InspectorGreenPen Report 16 May 2011 13:06

I spent over five years looking for two of my ancestors. In both cases I had been looking at the wrong period.

In the case of my gg grandfather, we always assumed, from what my mother had been told, that he died around 1860, as his wife was a widow by 1861. Unfortunately, as ever, there were several to choose from as the name was relatively common in the area that they lived in.

Then, one evening I decided to have another look and for some reason decided to look more closely at the children's birth dates. It was then that I realised that the last child of seven was born in 1852, so it was logical to assume his father had died around that time. Eureka, there it was, October 1852. He was just 40 and died following an epileptic fit.

The other one was at the other extreme. Son in law was, we know from the census still living in 1901.Again my mum was pretty certain that he died a few years later. So I searched from 1901 onwards, giving up at around 1915. This was the time when you had to look at the images page by page on FMP - it took ages and ages and cost a lot of credits. We eventually found him when the transcribed records became more widely available on FereBmd and Ancestry. 1921 would you believe, aged 88 having worked all his life down the pit.


Joy Report 16 May 2011 15:44

Hello, Gwen :-)


Margaretfinch Report 16 May 2011 19:00

I would just like to find his death his wife was a widow in the 1891 census and she remarried in 1895 their last child was born in 1889 I have the birthMargaret certificate and his baptism record. I have been searching for 9 years.


Nannylicious Report 17 May 2011 20:50

Shirley, you can provide details of your unwanted certificates on bmdshare. Perhaps someone will have a link to the person in question in which case you could arrange to pass the certificate on.


Nannylicious Report 17 May 2011 20:52

Just a thought Shirley, have you considered the possibility that the person you are looking for died overseas?


JustDinosaurJill Report 17 May 2011 21:39

Why don't you post his name, approx dob, etc on here and maybe fresh eyes might get lucky. I'm sure that you will have looked for alternate spellings but you never know.



SylviaInCanada Report 18 May 2011 05:38


there is another possibility, which is relatively common

Marriage broke down, or husband left

spouses lived apart

wife called herself a widow, as it was more respectable. May have moved to another town or stayed in the same place.

Later married again ................. could be bigamously, OR after her first husband had died.

This was far more common than you would think

Have you tried looking for his death years AFTER you think he might have died?


Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 18 May 2011 09:24

Sorry for late reply only just came back on board this morning.
I have put some certs on BMD and they till there no taker to date. Still the wrong certs i have bought total less than ten so a small percentage in the scheme of things, The lack of checking now may add to that so will be careful now using GRO refs unless I am sure they are the right ones.

Pamela its not a possibility that the ones I am looking for went overseas because the family didnt have money and basically stayed in the same area of London ie Bethnal Green, Hackney etc.

Am taking a punt on a cert for 1926 for the hubby as it looks good but if it not him then going to call it a day on them .Would be nice to round off their history but i I cant then so be it.


Nannylicious Report 18 May 2011 22:20

Shirley, why don't you take up Jillian's suggestion of posting details here. It has worked for me in the past even though I thought I had exhausted all my own possibilities.


Bobtanian Report 18 May 2011 22:31

I have one........fathered three children......last one born 1901, and the wife remarried as a widow in 1903
no sign of a death for him, at all.......even after many years, can only assume he did a runner............????



Battenburg Report 19 May 2011 02:52

My 3xgt grandmother Harriett Burden was transcribed as Burding and her cert says Burding.

I was lucky enough to have a contact who was able to check how old Harriet Burding was at death or I wouldnt have found her