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how are we related??

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Dorothy Report 24 May 2011 20:22

my son in law has just found out that his grandmothers sister, is the grandmother of his friend. so my questions: what is my son in laws relationship to his grandmothers sister: also what is his relationship to his friend. thanks guys, this one is really taxing my


Nannylicious Report 24 May 2011 20:36

If I have worked this out correctly it goes as follows:

Grandmother's sister = son in law's great aunt

The grandmother and her sister would be aunts to each other's children. In turn, any children that those children had would regard the grandmother and her sister as great aunts.

Friend = son in law's 2nd cousin

This is because the children of the grandmother and her sister would be 1st cousins and so, in turn, their children would be 2nd cousins.

I'm sure someone will correct me if I am wrong.


Dorothy Report 24 May 2011 20:40

wow. that was quick. thanks so much. wasnt sure about the second cousin bit, or if it was a first cousin once removed.