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Married twice?

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Chrissy Report 8 Jun 2011 13:56

Hi Ann - I have been unable to find a baptism for William at all, have now checked 1861 but still nothing. I know for a fact that Janes family were all staunch methodists, so it must be William that was different. Oh well - back to the drawing board, thankyou for your help anyway.


lancashireAnn Report 8 Jun 2011 13:21

mmm - I would guess so. The registrar would have had to be present in both cases.

Not come across that combination before. Have you found baptism before the 2nd marriage as baptists usually baptise as adults. I'm not too sure but I would think they would have had to be baptised as Baptists before being allowed to marry.


Chrissy Report 8 Jun 2011 11:47

Hi Ann sorry for the late reply

I've just checked out the churches mentioned and they were married first in a methodist church and second in a baptist church. Being really ignorant of religious knowledge - would this count as 2 different religions?


lancashireAnn Report 7 Jun 2011 18:04

If they were of mixed religion it is possible they married in 1 church & then the other. An Rc church would not consider they were married until a ceremony had been peerformed in an RC church. Each church would not recocognise the other marriage so the bride was described as 'spinster' in both cases and 2 certificates were issued.

>>>Carroll Edward Liverpool 8b 460
>>>Cartwright Hannah Liverpool 8b 460
Johnston Teresa Julia Liverpool 8b 460
Moore Thomas Liverpool 8b 460

Marriages Jun 1864 (>99%)
>>>Carroll Edward Liverpool 8b 271
>>>Cartwright Hannah Liverpool 8b 271 S
Fee Harriet Liverpool 8b 271
Tyson Isaac Liverpool 8b 271

the above are in my tree and the certificates and explanation appeared in Your Family Tree magazine several years ago


Chrissy Report 7 Jun 2011 16:33

Sorry Janey really slow at typing! Seems we may have come to the same conclusion tho!


Chrissy Report 7 Jun 2011 16:31

Hi Janey - Hm indeed!! I have both the certificates and It does seem as though they definateley married twice, as both say by banns. Haven't managed to trace how they were related yet but I'm sure they were - possibly cousins I'm guessing? His father was Robert Bone and hers was Matthew Bone, but can't trace their baptisms to see if they had the same parents.

Thankyou for your interest


JaneyCanuck Report 7 Jun 2011 16:27


Name: Jane Elizabeth Bone
Age: 17
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1834
Relation: Daughter
Father's name: Matthew Bone
Mother's name: Jane (Blackbird) Bone
Where born: Durham, England
Civil parish: Durham St Giles
Matthew Bone 54 - coal miner
Jane Bone 50
John Blackbird Bone 20
Jane Elizabeth Bone 17
Jane Blackbird 84

Name: William A Bone
Age: 14
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1837
Relation: Son
Father's name: Robert Bone
Mother's name: Mary Bone
Where born: Hetton Le Hole, Durham, England
Civil parish: Durham St Giles
Robert Bone 51 - joiner and cart wright
Mary Bone 39
William A Bone 14
Robert Bone 9
Matthew Bone 7
Thomas Bone 2

Robert and Matthew brothers? Both born Chester le Street.


JaneyCanuck Report 7 Jun 2011 16:22

But it was registered twice, which is different from having two religious ceremonies and registering once.

Marriages Mar 1861
Bone Jane Annie Elizabeth Newcastle T 10b 82
Bone William Alfred Armstrong Newcastle T 10b 82

Marriages Jun 1861
Bone Jane Elizabeth Newcastle T 10b 42
Bone William Armstrong Newcastle T 10b 42

Not underage ... were they closely related, and might the first marriage have been challenged and they had to get some sort of dispensation or something?

Maybe the vicar for the second one misunderstood about it being a second religous ceremony only, and registered it (and the parties didn't know enough to know it shouldn't have been).

They're together in the 1861:

Name: Jane E A Bone
Age: 26
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1835
Relation: Wife
Spouse's Name: William A Bone
Where born: Durham, England

Name: William A Bone
Age: 24
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1837
Relation: Head
Spouse's Name: Jane E A Bone
Where born: Hetton Le Hole, Durham, England

Civil parish: Gateshead

Both born Durham, married in Newcastle, settled in Gateshead, went back to Newcastle and married again ... Hm!


Chrissy Report 7 Jun 2011 16:18

Hi Glitter Baby no he wasn't a soldier, he was a joiner but good thought!


Chrissy Report 7 Jun 2011 16:16

Hi - I did wonder if it was perhaps to do with the Vicar doing it wrong? I know the 1st marriage wasn't secret because the brides father was a witness. I'm not sure about the religion thing - the brides father was a methodist preacher, not sure about the groom. Also I can't trace how the couple were related but both being called Bone they must have been!

Thankyou for your interest


GlitterBaby Report 7 Jun 2011 16:14

Was he a soldier ?

Not unknown for them to lose the first certificate and marry a second time to prove to the army that he actually did get married

Chris in Sussex

Chris in Sussex Report 7 Jun 2011 16:04

It was perfectly legal to marry twice in church. What was not legal was to marry in a registry office and then marry in church.

Perhaps they married in secret and then the families insisted on it being done 'properly'



wisechild Report 7 Jun 2011 16:02

If it was a mixed marriage i.e. 2 different religions, they may have been satisfying both families.


Lindsey* Report 7 Jun 2011 15:59

Unless the first marriage wasn't done properly , maybe a complication with banns or the vicar who carried out the service ?


Chrissy Report 7 Jun 2011 15:26

Hi - could anyone shed any light as to why a couple would marry each other twice?

I have William Alfred Armstrong Bone marrying Jane Annie Elizabeth Bone on February 21st 1861 in the parish of St John, Newcastle upon Tyne.

They also married again on April 18th of the same year in the parish of St Andrews, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Fathers names and occupation are the same, but with different witnesses and a different Vicar, and William has dropped the middle name Alfred and Jane has dropped Annie. I'm sure they are the same couple but am confused as to why they married twice? Oh and they are 28 and 26 so it's not that.

Any help gratefully accepted!