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Family Heirlooms

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♥Julia♥ Report 20 Jun 2011 20:24

My Grandmother of 86 is downsizing and having a major clearout.

Today she has given me 2 photograph albums and an autograph book.

The photo albums are both leather bound and each one has a metal clasp. Unfortunately, very few of the photos have names and dates and some are faded beyond recognition, no matter though, they are priceless.

The autograph book is not as we expect them to be today, i.e. to fill with famous signatures. It was given to a family member at Xmas 1913 and is filled with rhymes and verses from friends and family. There are small sketches, a watercolour of a red rose, an iris and a clematis, recipes for friendship. The thing I like the best though is "The Jewel Casket" 2 pages stuck together with flaps cut (bit like an advent calender). On each "door" there is a phrase or word eg. "A Cure for Heartache" inside is written "Matrimony" How fab is that!!!!

I am so delighted, just had to share.

Any tips or thoughts on the best way to keep them safe would be much appreciated.

Julia xx


Kay???? Report 20 Jun 2011 20:34

Store in Acid free paper is must.....and in a metal box after youve taken at least 3 copies and one lot kept away from your home for safe keeping-----just in case........!!

Its lovely to gain possesion of family keep it safe.


♥Julia♥ Report 20 Jun 2011 20:35

Thanks for that Kay, most appreciated


Dame*Shelly*("\(*o*)/") Report 20 Jun 2011 22:24

iv got a wedding albums given to me by my husband 91 yr old arnite
i got some post stick sat with here and ask who every one was
her eyes let her down in most of the group photos but i got the name of the inpoltant people

thinking maybe you could do the same


♥Julia♥ Report 20 Jun 2011 22:36

I plan to try and do that with her when she has moved and is a little less stressed, although she has already said that she's not sure about many of them. It is very old, and some photos are very faded, also her sight is failing badly.
I will definately give it a go though, thank you


MargaretM Report 20 Jun 2011 22:49

Is there a chance that if you take the photos out of the album they might have the names written on the back of them?

You're so lucky to have those photos! I emigrated to Canada as a child so lost all contact with grandparents and all chance of receiving such a treasure.


GlitterBaby Report 20 Jun 2011 23:02

After my Nan died Grandfather started to have a clear out.

Luck to be there when he was going to throw out the photo albums which I now have.

Shared some of the photos a few years later with my uncle.

Only one had anything written on the back and that was the photograph of Grandfather in his army uniform and gave me his army number. So managed to find his Medal Card on Ancestry but unfortunately not his service record.


♥Julia♥ Report 21 Jun 2011 09:38

I have had a quick look for names, but there doesn't appear to be anything, no dates either. People put photos in albums and cos they know who they are, never bother writing on the back, still done today!!!
It doesn't matter too much, its just lovely to have and the albums are really beautiful.
I would guess from the clothes that they date from around the turn of the century.
Gran may have a flash of inspiration one day and be able to identify some of them, I can live in hope!!!!!! :-)

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 21 Jun 2011 10:05

Julia just sit with her and turn the pages. She may come out with something that will give you a clue as pictures often bring a memory back to mind in the old. My cousin did this with her mother who had dimentia and she remembered her brothers and sisters but not her husband.

I received a pic of my gt gt gran yesterday all the way from Oz. I was so excited to get it after many years of doing the family tree.



♥Julia♥ Report 21 Jun 2011 10:41

Know how you feel Mel, its very satisfying, even if you have no idea of who you are looking at, lol :-D