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marriage Certs

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InspectorGreenPen Report 12 Aug 2011 10:24

Rule of thumb:-

* No mention of father - assume illegitimate

* Mention of father - could be ficticious so don't always assume legitimacy

* Includes the word 'Deceased' - assume father was deceased at the time

* Does not include the word 'Deceased' - could have been either alive or deceased at the time


Corinne Report 11 Aug 2011 20:28

I have several of my family's marriage certs that give the father's name but don't mention the fact that the father is dead. One of my great aunts doesn't even have her father's name on the certificate (she was not illegitimate) but it does state 'deceased'!

I think it all depends on wether they volunteered the information or not.


mgnv Report 11 Aug 2011 18:47

Here's the marrs of a brother and sister. Note the status of their dad, Richard aka Lazarus.

Marriage: 25 Aug 1894 St Elizabeth of Hungary, Aspull, Lancashire, England
Robert Hill - 21 Collier Bachelor of Heyes Square, higher Gullet, Aspull
Ellen Westhead - 21 Pit-Brow Woman Spinster of 2 Leigh's Yard, Hr. Gullet, Aspull
Groom's Father: Richard Hill, Collier (decd.)
Bride's Father: John Westhead, Collier (decd.)
Witness: Emmanuel Seddon; Alice Hill, (X)
Married by Banns by: George F. Grundy M.A. Vicar
Register: Marriages 1883 - 1900, Page 101, Entry 202
Source: LDS Film 1885720

Marriage: 13 Oct 1894 St Elizabeth of Hungary, Aspull, Lancashire, England
Emmanuel Seddon - 20 Collier Bachelor of 284 Chorley Road, Wingates, Westhoughton
Mary Jane Hill - 19 Pit-Brow Woman Spinster of 11 Lr. Gullet, Aspull
Groom's Father: Emmanuel Seddon, Collier
Bride's Father: Richard Hill, Collier
Witness: Thomas Westwell; Sarah Barstow
Married by Banns by: George F. Grundy M.A. Vicar
Register: Marriages 1883 - 1900, Page 102, Entry 203
Source: LDS Film 1885720

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 11 Aug 2011 15:52

Do you want to give some details of name, dates and area.
Members like a hunt?



Yvonne Report 11 Aug 2011 14:15

Thank you for your reply. My grandfather was apparently orphaned at 6 but his fathers details are on his marriage cert! I'm struggling to trace my great grandfather and his wife.


KathleenBell Report 2 Aug 2011 16:30

It all depends on whether the person collecting the information actually asked if the father was deceased. If they just asked "what is your father's name and occupation?" they may have just been given that information without the person thinking to add "by the way, he's deceased".

Information on any certificate is only as accurate as the person giving the information wants it to be, which is why ages on marriage certificates or often wrong.

Kath. x


Thelma Report 2 Aug 2011 13:04

One of my ancestors died in 1844.
His son married,for the second time,in 1859
It does not show father as deceased.
Maybe they had lost contact.


GlitterBaby Report 2 Aug 2011 12:53

Would depend if the couple were asked the question or not


Yvonne Report 2 Aug 2011 12:47

I have seen a copy of my grandfathers marriage cert where it states the name of the father and his occupation. If he was deceased, I imagine this would show 'deceased'. can anyone confirm for me please?

Many thanks