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german policeman during the war

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Peter Report 12 Aug 2011 09:09

thanks for the suggestion. The gent involved Karl Walter Lohs (1904-1969) joined the Kripo police in 1938 Berlin (after a spell in leipzig) and was captured by the americans in 1945 and held in a de-nazification camp until he became head of the police in Gottingen in Aug 1945. I know he completed a family tree to prove he was not jewish (his daughter has told me this) but do not know where it is. I also know he must have been a member of the nazi party as you did not stay in the police (esp, Berlin) when the SS, Gestapo and Kripo joined forces in 1939 unless you were a member.
In all his papers there are no records of either his military or police careers and no papers from his life prior to 1945. I believe he must have had some papers to get himself out of the camp at the very least.
So what I am looking for is suggestions of where to start trying to track down these papers and any others from his early life. I gather there is no centralised recoirds office and you need to go back to the towns where events took place.


Persephone Report 8 Aug 2011 10:47


You could start with the German Consulate and ask them for advice, they should be able to tell you if there are any records or not.



+++DetEcTive+++ Report 8 Aug 2011 09:20

Throwing ideas out -

Find a website for the Berlin police
Contact an archive in Berlin

Just Internet search the terms.

If your browser doesn't give a Translate option, try a site such as

I think the major problem ( language apart) is whether any records held in Berlin have survived - the place was severely damaged in the last few weeks/days of the war.


Peter Report 8 Aug 2011 08:39

Any ideas how I track down info on a German policeman in Berlin during WW2?