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Burial place of father

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Dawn Report 9 Aug 2011 03:15

Hello, I have managed to find birth, marriage and death records for my father. Leonard Cecil B Morris. Dob 05/05/1936 Bridgnorth Shropshire. Married margret Cartwright 1957 and ? Ripley Bristol in 1971 Death recorded in Hemel Hempstead 1971.
How can I find out where he is buried? I believe it's Ludlow but not sure what to do next. Help! Very new to all this but getting sucked in! Any help much appreciated, please forgive poor IT skills Dawn coutts



Quoy Report 9 Aug 2011 05:52

Hello Dawn
have you tried google maps

put in Hemmel Hempstead click on search nearby put in cemeteries then start ringing round


patchem Report 9 Aug 2011 06:55

Do you mean he died in Hemel Hempstead but you believe he was buried in Ludlow, which is many miles away - or are you mistaking it for Luton? Luton is about 6 miles from H Hempstead so more likely.
Then follow Quoy's advice.


Kense Report 9 Aug 2011 08:02

I presume that Dawn has good reason for thinking he is buried in Ludlow. The death has to be registered where it occurred but these days it would be normal to be buried in ones home town. I would suggest contacting the Shropshire FHS to see if they can help.


KathleenBell Report 9 Aug 2011 10:01

If you think he is buried at Ludlow then contact the local council and ask for their cemeteries department. The council phone number is:-

01584 838010

The cemetery is called Henley Road Cemetery.

Kath. x


Dawn Report 9 Aug 2011 10:28

Many thanks for all your help. I was 4 when he died and was told he died in London but was buried in Ludlow by his parents. He was never mentioned at home by my mother again but my maternal grandma remembers a little. i,ve found he was born in bridgnorth which is near ludlow. So he could be there. I think I,ve found his children from his first marriage and his 2nd wife too. Amazing what a new I pad and a ex Luddite can do!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 9 Aug 2011 16:04

Do you know his parents names please?



Dawn Report 9 Aug 2011 17:22

Yes. Leonard Morris born 1906 died 1979. Bridgnorth. Fanny e Lowe born 02111906 Bridgnorth again I think. Thankful everyone for your patience and time.


Dawn Report 10 Aug 2011 11:24

With the information provided yesterday I have been in contact with sfhs and ludlow council both can't find a grave, so I will work on some of the other ideals. Thank you to all who helped. I have grown up with sketchy knowledge but no contact with my dads family and with a weekend away booked in Ludlow thought it would be nice to visit his grave. What a powerful tool the Internet is, I am surprised and slightly perplexed at how easy it has been to find concrete information and even photographs of my two half brothers and sister. Sometimes the 'thrill of the chase' overtakes caution and common sence. We must always remember we are dealing with real people and their lives. The decision to find and make contact with 'lost' family should surely be carefully considered. So thank you to those who have helped I now have a clearer picture but will step back and consider. Dawn.


Dawn Report 10 Aug 2011 11:24

With the information provided yesterday I have been in contact with sfhs and ludlow council both can't find a grave, so I will work on some of the other ideals. Thank you to all who helped. I have grown up with sketchy knowledge but no contact with my dads family and with a weekend away booked in Ludlow thought it would be nice to visit his grave. What a powerful tool the Internet is, I am surprised and slightly perplexed at how easy it has been to find concrete information and even photographs of my two half brothers and sister. Sometimes the 'thrill of the chase' overtakes caution and common sence. We must always remember we are dealing with real people and their lives. The decision to find and make contact with 'lost' family should surely be carefully considered. So thank you to those who have helped I now have a clearer picture but will step back and consider. Dawn.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Aug 2011 17:32

Just wondering if Ludlow (or any other council) also checked the Cremation records? Don't assume that everyone has a grave, certainly after the 1960's

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link!

Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 10 Aug 2011 20:38


On your other thread I gave you the information to find your Uncle.



Dawn Report 13 Aug 2011 21:19

Hi, Shropshire archives, Ludlow and Bridgnorth council couldn't find a record of dad's burial. However, we went to Ludlow and visited Ditton Priors where his mother was born and there in the grave yard was dad plus his parens, wonderful!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 13 Aug 2011 21:30

So pleased that you were able to find him, ...and his parents too.
Well done.

Thank you for coming back and telling us your news.
