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Has anyone got there tree on trible pages?

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tinkers Report 13 Aug 2011 09:31

I have started putting my tree on Tribalpages and was thinking that I put photos on there.

I no Im allowed people who I want to have a look at the tree but can i make it so when I put photos on there people cant copy and save the photos?

many thanx


Persephone Report 13 Aug 2011 10:44

I don't think so....

I know I can copy someone's photos from their Tribal pages. It surprised me that I was able to do that but that person is happy enough for me to do it if need be.

I don't give anyone access to my tree on tribal pages... I just do the generation prints either onto an e-mail and send or on to a word document and send.
Trouble is it will only do three generations so I tend to join them up and reformat.. but that is something I find easy to do.

They have a forum on tribalpages, not something I have used but you can put your question to them and someone on there may know how you block that facility to others.

Cheers Persie


tinkers Report 13 Aug 2011 11:06

thanx for ur reply ill hav a look at the forums on there and ask there

Karen in the desert

Karen in the desert Report 13 Aug 2011 14:01

I have several trees on Tribal Pages, (one for my Dad's side, one for my Mum's, and a couple I'm doing for other people)....and have been using it since about 2005/2006.
Whilst there is a way to have it totally closed to anyone other than those you invite, I don't believe there is a way to stop those you've invited from copying the photos.

Don't be surprised if your question on the TP Forum is not answered very soon, I have never found it particularly effective ;-)



tinkers Report 13 Aug 2011 17:19

thanx for ur replys i am aware that u can make ur tree private and only allow who u want to have a nose i might just go wiv that option


InspectorGreenPen Report 14 Aug 2011 07:18

The only way to keep your tree completely private is not to put it on any website whatsoever. Websites are intended for sharing information.

Even if you allow access to a selected few, there is no way you have control over what happens then. I know that there are many branches on trees both on here and on Ancestry which are my own research, although I have never been in contact with the tree owners, so it must have come from other 'trusted' friends I have shared with.

Someone sent me a whole lot of information re one of my ancestors 'as a big favour'. Apart from a handful of additional names it was totally my branch for this particular name from a few years back, including original errors which I have subsequently found and corrected......!

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 14 Aug 2011 14:20

Tribal Pages is an American based site isn't it? Sometimes Ancestry annoys me by coming up with American suggestions for people in my tree or odd bods that I happen to be searching for - even though I log in with

I don't find this (GR) site very useful - it takes ages to add people to the tree - I can't print things out easily and to be quite honest I've given up adding new info on here.

If there is a free English based site out there which is easy to use for a low-tech like me then please someone let me know.



InspectorGreenPen Report 14 Aug 2011 14:32


I never bother to update manually on here or on any other site for that matter.

All my definitive data is held on my PC using Family Tree Maker. Every now and again I simply upload a gedcom to the sites I wish to have update. Much simpler that way.

And, as far as printing is concerned, web bases trees will never compete either. FTM2011, for example has ove 30 reports and charts to choose from, all customizable in terms of content and appearance and even has the ability to create your own genealogy book.

The fact you log in to the domain makes little difference either - it simply gives you a different set of default pages - it does not change the way searching or matching works one iota.

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 14 Aug 2011 15:56

You can tell I'm a low-tech can't you IGP? LOL

I don't want to upload a gedcom as I have my tree, my OH's tree and my son's tree (ex-husband's) plus my One Name Study. My tree and my One Name Study, and my son's tree are joined in my off-line tree (PAF from Familysearch). OH's is separate. It all gets a bit confusing as on Ancestry I've separated them all out.

Plus, on Ancestry I've only had my direct ancestors - until this last few weeks when I've begun to add siblings to some of them ...

Can I "export" from PAF to FTM as it sounds pretty good. PAF is pretty good but sometimes I want to see a tree - not just a family record sheet or a list of descendants.

Many thanks
