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brummiejan Report 18 Aug 2011 15:31

Good luck Yvette - let usn know how you get on.


bunyip Report 18 Aug 2011 00:26

Great thanks for the info, have joined friends and there are people living in the same road have sent a message. However i do understand that people can be very sceptical totally understandable. will just have to wait and see how it all pans out. you have give me lots more options than i had.

big thanks

regards yvette.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 18 Aug 2011 00:04

You can do a free search on 192 which may be enough to confirm the address - it ought to give you part of the post code which you have. If you scroll up after the search, some phones may be shown, but it really isn't a good idea to phone out of the blue - you don't know what physical state he is in.

Try as another source for an address.

Alternatively, you could put up a new thread on 'Living Relatives', something along the lines that you ..........wish to check that relative is still living at an address, and could any one with access to the 2011 ER contact you by PM.

Unfortunately for you, not everyone puts their tree on GR to make family contacts - some just use it to record the results of passing hobby. There seems to be a correlation in the number of new people posting coinciding with the School holidays, a new season of the TV series 'Who Do You Think You Are' (WDYTYA), or some other family research programme.

Depending on how long ago it was that you wrote, you could try again, and include a phrase such as 'please feel free to consult a friend or relative'. Normally we'd say enclose a SAE, but that's probably not practical as you are in another country. Make sure you put a return address on the envelope you send it in, and perhaps a request for it be forwarded if the person is not living there any more to the new address or NOK if known.


bunyip Report 17 Aug 2011 23:42

Have not tried friends, have tried facebook to no avail. As the grandson is on gene's i can only presume he wants contact. I have a number of family photo's that i would like to give to the rightful owner. The family split in 1911 when the mother died and a number of the children were place in a childrens home. i have made contact with another cousin and sent photos on and she was overjoyed. i am a member of ancestry and have traced my cousin through their people tracer site, although their ER was only for 2010. There was no telephone number only address which was the same address on my gr aunts death certificate. So confirmation with the address. With the i have to be a member of paypay and i do not trust that site there is not other way of paying otherwise.

cheers yvette.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 17 Aug 2011 23:20

Hi Yvette, welcome to the boards.

Brummiejan has made a good suggestion about looking at Friends Reunited. If there is someone in the same street, they may be able to tell you if he is still living there, or able to respond.

Have you checked your 'sent' message box on GR? If the envelope next to your message to the grandson is still purple, then he hasn't opened it, for any number of reasons.

Have you checked to see if the father is still at the address? The 2011 ER is now available if he hasn't opted out and is still living in the community.

Despite your interest in 'family' some people have no or little inclination, as sad as that may be. You may have to accept that he doesn't want contact from a distant relative. :-0


brummiejan Report 17 Aug 2011 23:08

As you have an address, have you looked for this on Friends Reunited? It's possible to search by street. Even if your relatives are not there a neighbour might be.


bunyip Report 17 Aug 2011 22:59

Ok here's hoping someone can help me. After 3 years i have finally found my great aunt her son and grandson. I have birth and marriage cert for said aunt. I have address for son, electrol rol 2010. i have name of grandson although there are a number with the same name so difficult to research. Grandson shows on this site as researching family.
presumption that grandson wants contact. He is not answering his email sent via this site. probably not a member any more. Sent letter to address for son no reply. Can be has moved or died. The family live in ipswich/suffolk. If i could walk up and knock on the door i would. i can not give details of address as most site ancestry/parish chest etc prohibit this, understandably. i live in holland. I am so close and still cannot contact my family. Have thought of placing an add in the local papers, but find this very impersonal. If i had a phone number i would ring. If i could find an address for the grandson it would write to him. Any advice really appreciated. reagards yvette. :-S