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InspectorGreenPen Report 28 Aug 2011 07:36

It does matter who owns the intellectual property as they have the final say in how the data is managed, not the site operator.

All records you find on Genes Reunited are hosted by Genes Reunited, but they pay commission to various record providers. The record providers will presumably have the final say as to how GR manage those records.


SylviaInCanada Report 28 Aug 2011 00:35

If you subscribe to the original 1911 census site, you buy credits to look at the transcript or actual rec ord.

That site then stores ones that you have bought, permanently on the site, so you can always go back and check

very handy for that record that you dismissed last year, but might actually be yours!



InspectorGreenPen Report 27 Aug 2011 10:14

I think you will find Brightsolid don't actually own any of the intellectual property of Scotlands People. What they do is operate the site.

...Scotlands People is...

"A partnership between General Register Office for Scotland, the National Archives of Scotland and the Court of the Lord Lyon enabled by brightsolid."


Sally Report 26 Aug 2011 21:13


sally w


mgnv Report 26 Aug 2011 21:07

I'ld go further than Jonesey, and not only save images, but also copy & paste transcriptions into a file (or set of files), along with other stuff of interest.
From my notes (the *-ed lines are not in my notes), you might recognize an 1851 (modified) Ancestry transcription.

1851 England Census
Civil parish: Parton
County/Island: Cumberland
Country: England
Street Address: Parton
Registration district: Whitehaven
Sub-registration district: Harrington
ED, institution, or vessel: 10
Household schedule number: 78

William Benson 31 Parton, Cumberland, England Head M Coal Miner
Isabella Benson 30 Whitehaven, Cumberland, England Wife M
George Benson 10 Whitehaven, Cumberland, England Son
William Benson 5 Cochoe [Coxhoe], Durham, England Son
Isabella Benson 2 Parton, Cumberland, England Daughter

Source Citation: Class: HO107; Piece: 2436; Folio: 213; Page: 19; GSU roll: 87117.
* [] enclose my corrections

* From FreeBMD
Births Dec 1845 (>99%)
Benson William Durham 24 84
Benson William Durham 24 [83]5

* The image shows only one entry for William, so what is his page #
* I click on the "Durham" link, then the more onfo "here" link and see the villages in Durham RD
* The bit I want here is the subdistricts in Durham RD

Sub-districts : Brandon; Durham; Lanchester; St. Nicholas; St. Oswald; Tanfield.

* I can also click on the page # link to see the other entries on that page (see below).

* Now a lookup in the local index using the portal
* in particular

Surname Forename(s) Year District
Register No. - Entry No. - District
SN+12 - 138 - Durham Western (1845)

* We can infer SN+12 is the twelfth rego for St. Nicholas subd.

* here's the GRO index entries that point to page 84 (I've appended the local ref #)

Births Dec 1845 (>99%)
Allison Ann Dale Durham &c 24 84 SN+12 - 139 - Durham Western (1845)
Benson William Durham 24 84
Chicken Elizabeth Durham &c 24 84 SN+12 - 143 - Durham Western (1845)
Ford Dorothy Durham & 24 84 SN+12 - 141 - Durham Western (1845)
Hall Ann Durham &c 24 84 SN+12 - 145 - Durham Western (1845)
NICHOLSON James Durham 24 84 SN+12 - 144 - Durham Western (1845)
RICHARDSON Mary Durham &c 24 84 SN+12 - 140 - Durham Western (1845)
STUBBS George Lambton Durham 24 84 SN+12 - 136 - Durham Western (1845)

Walton Robert Durham 24 _4 SN+12 - 142 - Durham Western (1845)
[image does say 84 - correction subm'd 26/8/11]

* Clearly this page covers SN+12 entries 136-145 although I couldn't find 137
* Clearly my William belongs on p 84
* NB I don't have a UK bank a/c, so it's awkward to order from the local office if they don't accept credit cards.

* However, there's another way to get Isabella's MS

DUR BTs - Kelloe (St Helen's - image 509 of 723)

BAPTISMS Solemnized in the Parish of Kelloe
in the County of Durham in the Year 1845

When Baptized; Child's Christian Name; Parents' Name;
Abode; Quality, Trade or Profession; By whom the Ceremony was performed
November 16 [Entry] No 949; William; 2nd Son of William Benson & Isabella (late Douglas);
Coxhoe Long Row; Pitman; W Skene Curate.

* pic of St Helen's Kelloe


InspectorGreenPen Report 26 Aug 2011 20:31

To be fair, this is the case with most pay as you go sites. In fact subscription sites are no different either. No point in complaining as this is the way it works.

As suggested, harvest what info you can when you have access.


Sally Report 26 Aug 2011 15:44

thankyou jonesey

i will try and do that

i shall also have a moan to genes

sally w


Jonesey Report 26 Aug 2011 15:39

It does indeed seem unfair. Next time copy and paste the record and save it to your computer so you can refer to it whenever you like.


Sally Report 26 Aug 2011 15:29

do you realise that if you purchase credits on genes to veiw records that afeter 30 days even if you have attached them to your tree and you want to refer to them again more creits need to be used

i have fallen for this it does not make it clear when purchaseing them

i think this is unfair what do you think

sally w :-S