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Scottish Records quandry: Stewart Sangster

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Ian Report 28 Aug 2011 01:28

I have been tracing a cousin's line and have reached many stumbling blocks which over time we have got past.

However, we're really stuck with this one.

Name: Stewart Sangster, born 1832 (1830-34) in Craig, Angus, Scotland.
Parents: William Sangster & Ann Burns

Stewart is in the censuses 1841 to 1901, and he died in January 1912, but we have not yet found him in the 1911 census.

Stewart married Jean Hardie on 24th January 1857, in Kirkden, Angus/Forfar.

We cannot find his birth registered anywhere in Scotland. This is what has us stumped! Any hints or ideas would be really appreciated, thanks!



Ian Report 28 Aug 2011 08:40

Thanks, Mike, for your messages & ideas-I appreciate them!

We have actually tried Familysearch, and Scotlands' People 'intensively'... and have also considered most of your suggestions except that of a former marriage and early death. On Stewart's death certificate it states his mother as being Jean Fairweather M.S Burns but we also extensively searched the possibility of an earlier marriage with no success. On Williams' death cert. he was the widower of Ann Burns. Ann's death cert. gave no helpful clues.
Maybe he lived in sin twice??
We found another daughter, Isobella in the 1851 census and she is 10 years older than Stewart but have found nothing else about her. we'll keep searching.


GlitterBaby Report 28 Aug 2011 08:49

1911 census on Scotlandspeople

Have you put Stewart in the Forename box and then altered the Forename Option box to read as Forename variants.

Using this there appears to be one match using the age range of 78 to 82 and County of Angus

Got no credits to check it out


Ian Report 28 Aug 2011 09:45

Thank you GB- I don;t know why it didn't show up before in Scot's People...
That's him- they seldom moved from Brechin all their lives.

He is there as 79 year old father of the head of the household, who was his son James Sangster, age 53, plus James' wife, some children & a grandchild.