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Baptised Twice?

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Irene Report 28 Aug 2011 17:36

Hi everyone, i have a query regarding my 2x great grandfather, he appears to have been baptised twice, info as follows,
Frederick Root born 28 April 1822, baptised 19 May 1822 at St Alphege London wall, parents: Joseph and Margaret Root, address 14 Bell Street, fathers occupation Porter.
Frederick Roote born 27 April 1822, baptised 22 May 1836 at St John the baptist Hoxton, parents: Joseph and Margaret Roote, address East Road Hackney, fathers occupation Porter.
On the second occasion a sibling of Fred was also baptised, John aged four.This is driving me potty! :-S
Were there two Fred Roote's? Or was Fred really baptised twice? I have seen both images online, they are not from family search, so i know the above info is accurate.... Also i can only find records for one Fred and one couple called Joseph and Margaret, i have found all of them on census returns.
Any help or advice on this would be appreciated :-)
Many Thanks Irene


K Report 28 Aug 2011 17:53

It does look like the same Frederick and family. The birth date is almost the same.,

It could be because of the change in church and the need to baptise the younger son John. Families sometimes baptised a job lot of children.

Edit - Interesting that they appear to have many other children so why didn't they have them baptised/rebaptised as well?


Kay???? Report 28 Aug 2011 17:59

Familysearch shows only 1 bapt in 1836 with Joseph and Margaret as parents,,,,,although there are 2 entries one shows only a birth entry of 22 April 1822 and the actual Bapt took place 22 May. 1836.

The familysearch is how the LDS has transcribed it,but it wasnt unusual to have a few children done all at the same time regardless of age.


K Report 28 Aug 2011 18:02

This appears to be the first christening


28 APR 1822
19 MAY 1822 Saint Alphage London Wall, London, London, England
Father: JOSEPH ROOT Family


MargaretM Report 28 Aug 2011 18:07

I had a look at the originals of the baptisms on Ancestry. I would say it's the same Frederick. Did they forget that he'd already been baptised? And why the difference of a day in his birthdate? You don't normally forget a child's birhday!


K Report 28 Aug 2011 18:10

They do seem to leave a time between the birth and christening of one of the other children

15 JUN 1825
29 SEP 1833 Saint Leonards, Shoreditch, London, England
Father: JOSEPH ROOTE Family


Irene Report 28 Aug 2011 18:21

Hi all, thanks for your replies, i did suspect it was the same chap, although i cant figure why he would have been done twice! Not sure why there would be a discrepancy in DOB, but hey, they seem to have had quite a few children so maybe they became confused :-D And yes, perhaps even so confused they forgot that Fred had been baptised already :-)


InspectorGreenPen Report 28 Aug 2011 19:22

Given that there are two different churches mentioned for Baptisms why come to the conclusion that they are one and the same?

29 SEP 1833 Saint Leonards, Shoreditch
19 MAY 1822 Saint Alphage London Wall

No, and having worn the tee shirt, I would say this is most unlikely. What you need to do is to look for some other information which will corroborate what you have found.

For example, have you looked at the census returns for, say. 1841 and 1851 to see if you can find any of the children? This will give you info on their ages and where they were born.


MargaretM Report 28 Aug 2011 19:48

But, IGP, the parents were the same, father's occupation the same, birthdate within a day. A 4 year old brother baptised the same day as Fred's second baptism.


Cynthia Report 28 Aug 2011 19:50

Would the second baptism in the other church have taken place in order to qualify for Parish Relief? Just a thought. Cx


Phyll Report 28 Aug 2011 21:42

I have a couple of ancestors who were baptised twice, one reason being that the child was poorly, expected not to live so was 'done quickly'. Then baptised later on presumably so everyone could be there with godparents etc.
Just a thought.


SylviaInCanada Report 28 Aug 2011 22:36

is it at all possible that the first Fred died

They then named a second later child Fred

That was very common!



MargaretM Report 28 Aug 2011 23:08

I don't see how they could be 2 different Freds, Sylvia, their birth dates were 1 day apart.


SylviaInCanada Report 29 Aug 2011 04:56


I hadn't really taken that in


they forgot the birth date of the second Fred, and gave him the date of the first one ?


K Report 29 Aug 2011 05:09

However the first Fred appears to be still alive in 1841

Name: Frederick Roode
[Frederick Roote]
Age: 19
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1822
Gender: Male

Civil parish: St Mary Islington West
Hundred: Ossulstone (Finsbury Division)
County/Island: Middlesex
Country: England

Street Address:


View image

Registration district: Islington
Sub-registration district: Islington West
Neighbors: View others on page
Piece: 665
Book: 11
Folio: 5
Page Number: 5
Household Members:
Name Age
Joseph Roode 45
Margaret Roode 45
Frederick Roode 19
George Roode 15
Susannah Roode 14
Matilda Roode 12
John Roode 9


Irene Report 29 Aug 2011 09:24

Thanks everyone for your responses, its certainly given me plenty to think about, i do now though believe that there was only one Fred Roote, it would be quite strange to think that there were two men born a day apart, parents same name, father same occupation, i don't think the surname was that common either. Perhaps it did have something to do with claiming parish relief...
Once again, thanks everyone for taking the time to look at this for me,