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How do you find siblings

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mgnv Report 1 Sep 2011 22:50

Thanks Jan - makes life a lot easier, so 5 by 2/4/1911, plus 6 post census survivors as I mentioned above.

There are 2 Smith-Mickle births that slot in, and no Smith-Mickle marr. Maybe that's it.


brummiejan Report 1 Sep 2011 22:08

According to image, they have had just 5 children, all surviving, as shown on the census.


mgnv Report 1 Sep 2011 21:28

It would be nice to know the # of kids living and dead on 2/4/1911.

I've looked at Smith-Meikle births in W Derby from 1911q3 on. There was one in 1911q3, so that covers the gap, as Fiona said. The range is 1911q3-1923q2. In the 7 births, there's 2 Janets, so I guess one of these is her too:

Deaths Sep 1913 (>99%)
Smith Janet 0 W.Derby 8b 619
Smith Janet 0 W.Derby 8b 401

Coverage of deaths in W Derby is poor at
Pity, as deaths 218 pp apart must surely be in difft subdistricts, so one could guess the Everton North one was hers (if we knew which pages Everton N was on).

If one clicks on the "W.Derby" link the the FreeBMD hit above, then the more info "here" link, one can see info abt W.Derby RD - the villages etc in the RD, the subdistricts the RD had at some time and where the regos are now:
Registers now divided between Liverpool, Sefton South and Knowsley districts.

Knowsley RO is at Prescot and presumably has Kirkby regos - Sefton South presumably has Bootle, Crosby and Litherland regos.

Why is this relevant - well if you guessed all births were in Everton North, then you could rule out births elsewhere - unfortunately, neither Everton N or South are transcribed yet at LancsBMD, but most of the other subdistricts are. Thus you could rule out many potential births - however, seeing as it's Smith, nowhere near enough, and it can be a fair amount of work matching up a GRO index ref with the local ref - one has to click on the page # at FreeBMD and see all the other names on the page - their local refs will be identical or adjacent to the desired local ref, but you'll have to look them up too to see that.

Incidentally, at LancsBMD one can search for multiple non-contiguous years or offices - just hold down the control key as you click on each item in turn.


GlitterBaby Report 1 Sep 2011 08:47

1911 just for info
SMITH, Albert Head Married M 30 1881 Fruit Salesman Derbyshire Derby VIEW
SMITH, Janet Wife Married
10 years F 30 1881 Liverpool Lancs VIEW
SMITH, Clara Daughter F 9 1902 Liverpool Lancs VIEW
SMITH, Clara Daughter F 9 1902 Liverpool Lancs VIEW
SMITH, Alfred Son M 7 1904 Liverpool Lancs VIEW
SMITH, William Herbert Son M 6 1905 Liverpool Lancs VIEW
SMITH, Ada Daughter F 4 1907 Liverpool Lancs VIEW
SMITH, Arthur Son M 1 1910 Liverpool Lancs VIEW


RG number:
RG14 Piece:
22504 Reference:
RG14PN22504 RG78PN1324 RD455 SD7 ED21 SN366

Registration District:
West Derby Sub District:
North Everton Enumeration District:
21 Parish:

59 Venice St Everton Liverpool


Fionapatel Report 1 Sep 2011 08:40

Thank you for all your help unfortunately the name I am looking for is Smith and before 1911 does not mention maiden name I have searched 1901 to 1911 in the west derby area of Lancashire and there are many infant deaths, so not sure I will find the 13th child

The family I am looking for is and Albert and Janet smith registered in the 1911 census at 59 Venice street west derby shows 5 children, have found 7 after 1911 by mothers maiden name which I have found out was Meikle but before 1911 assume one must have died before census any help would be appreciated


mgnv Report 31 Aug 2011 08:20

The 1911 image says how many kids living, died and total born.
Unless you've got numerical illiterates (like my in-laws), those 3 figures will agree, but leaves me the problem of which one is wrong.

NB There are three kinds of people, namely, those who can add and those who can't.


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 31 Aug 2011 08:15

If you look on freebmd for the deaths of children with the family surname in the right reg area at a young age, it might give an idea. As naming patterns 'tend' to name the first born after the parents, that might help.

It's a bit hit and miss, and the only way to know for sure is to purchase the DC/BC...which could work out rather expensive! How about baptism or burial records? Have you looked for those?


Fionapatel Report 31 Aug 2011 06:29

Thanks for this I already have two in 1910 and 1911 so do not think I will have missed 1 then more likely to have been born before 1911 and died young as bigger gaps in births in the 1911 census


Fionapatel Report 31 Aug 2011 06:29

Thanks for this I already have two in 1910 and 1911 so do not think I will have missed 1 then more likely to have been born before 1911 and died young as bigger gaps in births in the 1911 census


mgnv Report 30 Aug 2011 23:54

There is a small gap. The census took place at the beginning of 1911q2, and the mum's MS started appearing in the GRO index 1911q3, so any births rego'ed in 1911q2 won't get caught.


Fionapatel Report 30 Aug 2011 14:05

Many thanks have found 4 more so that makes 12 thank you for your help


brummiejan Report 30 Aug 2011 13:46


Mr. Powell married Miss Eccleston in 1915. If I specify births, put Powell as surname and Eccleston as maiden name of mother I get:

Births Sep 1919 (>99%)
Powell Hilda Eccleston Birmingham 6d 532

Births Dec 1921
Powell Robert Eccleston Birmingham 6d 651 Scan available - click to vie


brummiejan Report 30 Aug 2011 13:44

The best place to start is Freebmd:

It's easier if you have the maiden name of their mother, as you can use this plus surname as you will see.



Fionapatel Report 30 Aug 2011 13:36

I have just started researching my Grandfather's siblings think he was 1 of 13 but only know the names of 8 all remaining 5 born after 1911 census how do you to start finding out there names, any help would be appreciated
