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Las95 Report 10 Sep 2011 08:03

Hi Everyone,

I'm quiet new here so i hope i'm posting this in the right place.

My question is, i have found a family member on my husbands side on here, and she has done a lot of work with her family tree, she has given me access to her tree, is there anyway i can copy here family tree in to my tree or would i have to add the family members one by one.
She had over 1400 family member so it would take a very long time to add them one by one.
Thanks for any help.


patchem Report 10 Sep 2011 08:14

Add them one by one, checking out the information as you go.
It took her 'a very long time' to do the initial research, and you need to spend the same time (almost) making sure it is all accurate if you want the information in your tree.


Las95 Report 10 Sep 2011 09:36

Thanks for your reply, ok i will do them one by one.
I no that a lot of the she has done are correct as it all matches up from family members have told me, i just didn't no if there was a quicker way to add them all.
Thanks again


KempinaPartyhat Report 10 Sep 2011 11:09

In the past people have straight copied peoples trees then found out years later .....that its the wrong parents leaving the whole tree doomed ....

keep the tree and copy them as you find them .....

Lovely to have a large tree but if its wrong!!! you will never know how to re trace which bit is right


DazedConfused Report 10 Sep 2011 11:14

Yes there are easier ways, but without you double checking her correct information and researching these ancestors yourself you will never become familiar with all the names.

I was very lucky that within days of joining here some years ago I was contacted by 2 members from 1 side of my family and 1 from the other and although all three gave me access I did do all my own checking. The result of my own checking is that I was able to correct some errors on all three and also found some single 'lost' ladies and through BMDs etc., was able to confirm my findings.

I know that even though I have been as thorough as I can be that there are still a couple of dubious entries in my tree, but I live in hope that someone new will turn up and put me right.

You just cannot beat doing it yourself even if it is only duplicating someone else's research. :-)


Potty Report 10 Sep 2011 12:16

Unless she is a very close relation to your husband, a lot of the people on her tree are probably not his blood relations so you may not have 1400 to research.

For example, my cousin has a tree on here going back to William the Conqueror but they are not the ancestors of our common ancestors(one set of grandparents) so I won't be including them in my tree.


Las95 Report 10 Sep 2011 13:15

Thanks everyone for your reply's, for me being new to this site this is all helpful information.
I wouldn't be adding everyone from her tree i was just going to delete the ones that wasn't really family. i just wanted to follow his surname back as far as i could.
In her family tree her mum maiden name is the same name as my husbands surname.
But your all right, i wouldn't want to get so far down the line then find out i have been wrong.
So i will start my own research. thanks everyone for all your help.


Lorraine Report 10 Sep 2011 16:32

Hi lorna

Can only agree with others really and say check and double check any info given by others as it may be incorrect, it probably has been fully researched but more fun to do it yourself anyway.

There are some good free sites where you can check births, marriages etc and of course many people on here are kind enough to help if your stuck.


Las95 Report 10 Sep 2011 19:49

Thanks Lorraine, could you please point me in the direction of the free sites please, With my husband side of the family i have been given a lot of information from his family, but with my side of the family i have come to a stand still at my grandparents, and can'y ask any family members.
so any help with the other sites would be much appreciated.


patchem Report 10 Sep 2011 21:18

Lorraine could mean this for births, marriages and deaths:

David ‡ Mills

David ‡ Mills Report 10 Sep 2011 23:41

I'd just like to add that a tree without records of the evidence used will be next-to-useless to anyone in years to come. I was passed a lovely hand drawn tree that came down through my father's family. But it turned out to be useless as I still had to research where the people lived.

The first Standard from the National Genealogical Society is "record the source of each item of information they collect"
The Board for Certification of Genealogists has a similar Standard "Complete and accurate citation of sources"

I can recommend the latter document to all family history researchers. You can find it at


JustDinosaurJill Report 11 Sep 2011 00:45

I've got access to a couple of trees from cousins where we have a mutual ancestor 200 years ago and one cousin going back about 100 years

I don't question their accuracy and I am really pleased to be able to see what they have, but I only add my own research to my tree. For me it's the quest and brain excercise that gives me the pleasure in creating my tree but it is lovely to know I have kin out there too.

I guess at some point I will get stuck and then need a bit of a hint. I still have loads of people to find yet. I do look at what my cousins have because it is so interesting but so far I'm doing okay under my own steam. And I did end up with one cousin discovering that we had different details for a child. We only found out because I was doing my own searching and was comparing people we both had on our trees. It turned out I had got the right one but it might have been the other way around. We both looked at the research again to find out who was correct.

Just enjoy being a part of this site and the fantastic GR community. For the first few weeks after I joined I spent my time just reading the threads on GR and learning from all the answers.

You will get there. And there is always a helping hand if you need advice.




Las95 Report 11 Sep 2011 17:09

Thanks everyone for all the advice, it all help as i am a beginner, and thanks so much for the links.
I have managed to get as far as my husbands grandparents and aunts and uncles, i got this information form my husbands nan, and all the records are right, just need to work my way up.
thanks eveyone for your help.

Janet 693215

Janet 693215 Report 12 Sep 2011 10:17

I have a Father and son both called Arthur both married to Sarah. In a number of trees the Father is down as being married to his son's wife. I nearly made the same mistake. As for family lore, don't take it as true unless you can back it up with documented evidence. Everyone in my family told me great granny was Irish. I have yet to find a single Irish connection and I've got her tree back to 1780s (with evidence) and back to the 1580s on one branch(not yet proved)


Lorraine Report 12 Sep 2011 15:31

sorry forgot to put the links up for you

the freebmd one patchem has put up is a good place to start

there is also, this has records added all the time so worth checking back on occasionally

also use the search trees facilities on here never know may be a match

and finally you can get a free 14 day trial with ancestry (remember to cancel once you 14days is up though or they will charge you a membership)


Las95 Report 13 Sep 2011 09:48

Thanks so much everyone for all the information and the links.
these will come in very handy.
Thanks again.