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Twin / Stillborn

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Debra Report 11 Sep 2011 20:28

I have found the birth record of a relative born in 1903, the children of this person believe he could have been a twin but the other twin was still born. I cannot find any registration for the still born child (which is quite probable) but what I would like to know is, Would/Should the surving twin's birth certificate be marked as Twin (the birth cert held makes no mention of it).

Many thanks


SpanishEyes Report 11 Sep 2011 21:36

My understanding is that as one twin died before breathing the child in law did not exist.
Many mothers loose a child before birth snd the second child survives. Some mothers are not aware of this if it occurs early in the pregnancy.

I hope that this helps.



KathleenBell Report 11 Sep 2011 21:42

I don't think the surviving twin's birth certificate would have any mention of the still born child.

As the still-birth register did not start until 1927 unfortunately there would be no record of the still-born child - unless there is a burial record which, if it exists, would probably be at the relevant County Records Office, although I wouldn't hold out too much hope of this.

Kath. x


Debra Report 11 Sep 2011 22:01

Bridget & Kath

Thank you for responding.
