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Herbert Thomas Nash

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Marcie Report 17 Sep 2011 16:59

Please does anyone have access to worldwide Ancestry, ( I only have UK & Ireland) as I'm looking for the above who was naturalized in New Zealand I think in 1980, He maybe a missing 1st cousin born in London 1927, if anyone can help I would really appreciate it
kind regards Marcie


KathleenBell Report 17 Sep 2011 17:08

I don't have access to Ancestry but there is this record on Findmypast's passenger lists:-

Name: Mr Herbert T NASH
Date of departure: 18 October 1955
Port of departure: Glasgow
Passenger destination port: Wellington, New Zealand
Passenger destination: Wellington, New Zealand

Date of Birth: 28 March 1927
Age: 28 (calculated from DOB)
Marital status: Single
Sex: Male
Occupation: Forester
Passenger recorded on: Page 11 of 26

Official Number:
Master's name:
Steamship Line: The New Zealand Shipping Company Limited
Where bound: New Zealand
Square feet:
Registered tonnage:
Passengers on voyage:

His address in the United Kingdom is given as:-

C/o. Y.M.C.A.
Great Russell Street,

Kath. x


Thelma Report 17 Sep 2011 17:15

New Zealand, Naturalisations, 1843-1981
about Herbert Thomas Nash Name: Herbert Thomas Nash
Birth Date: 28 Mar 1927
Age: 53
Birth Place: London, England
Naturalisation Date: 23 May 1980
Certificate Register: 395
Register Page Number: 205

Source Citation: Register of Persons Granted New Zealand Citizenship 1978-1981

Source Information: New Zealand, Naturalisations, 1843-1981 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2010.
Original data:
Persons Naturalised or Granted Citizenship in New Zealand, 1843-1981. Microfiche 1-34, 34 rolls. BAB Microfilming, Auckland, New Zealand.

This is an index of persons who were naturalized or given citizenship in New Zealand between 1843 to 1981. The records may include name of individual, age or birth date, birthplace, place of residence, former nationality, naturalization date, file number, certificate register, and register page number. Images of the records won’t be displayed due to privacy restrictions.


KathleenBell Report 17 Sep 2011 17:17

This looks like the same person as the one on the passenger list as the date of birth given is the same.

Kath. x


Marcie Report 17 Sep 2011 19:13

Hi Kathleen & Thelma
Sorry for the delay in replying but we have just had a horrid storm and it knocked out my internet connection, But it certainly does seem like the same man, thank you for the info, I have only just found out about him & there doesn't seem to be anyone else left in the family who knows about him. really appreciate your help
Marcie xx


Persephone Report 7 Mar 2012 05:54


Hi... as you know I found Herbert's death in 1996 and then found out he had married in 1963 and my trail dried up...

I have today had a stack of electoral roll books out and gone through them one by one because I knew where they both were in 1981... and had a fair idea with his death record in 1996. It took me awhile to find which electorate this place was but I managed to find his wife's address through to 1999. In 1995 a daughter appeared on the scene she would have been 21 to be able to vote. She may have got married as her last entry was 1996.. I checked out the marriages for 1996 - 97 nothing there and we cannot do anything newer than that.

As luck would have it there was another daughter who made an appearance at the same address in 1996 and she stayed after her mother had gone till 2004. I was worried that the trail had gone cold again but have found who I think to be her in Australia and have sent her an e-mail.

I will keep you posted.



Cynthia Report 7 Mar 2012 11:17

Dear Persie,

Are you sure Marcie will see your message?

It was last September when she posted.

Unless, of course, you are in contact with her some other way?

Which wouldn't surprise me. ;-)

:-D :-D :-D


Persephone Report 8 Mar 2012 01:18

But of course this has been an ongoing thing for quite awhile on a bit of a drip feed...

Now I have something a little more concrete to work with...

I thought you might pop along to help... :-) :-)

Note to self: Must remember to let Cyns know what I am up to... ;-)

Marcie has another thread which she had ticked as done..

and I had originally posted on that one.. but this one has more info..


Marcie Report 8 Mar 2012 09:23

Hi Persie
Thank you so much, you have done more than I ever would have expected, really appreciate this, hoping the the contact is interested, it has occured to me that perhaps she might be slightly miffed that her grandma left her father and went with someone else, must run in the family as my father (Elsies brother ) did exactly the same to my late brother and myself
I,m on tender hooks now
regards Marcie