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InspectorGreenPen Report 23 Oct 2011 11:16

From GR's Help Pages:-

My Favourites

When you go to the records page you can see details of all the records you have viewed. You can save copies these to your Favourites page. When you are viewing the transcription of the record you'll see the option to attach it on the right hand side of the page. If you are viewing the actual image then the option to save the record to your favourites will be at the top of the page. From the My Favourites page you can also attach the image to someone in your tree.

By adding them to your Favourites you can then easily locate all the records that contain your family. Not only that but you can also add those records that might be a relative, but you’re still not sure. You’ll be able to go back later and easily find them to double check in case there is a link.

There is no limit to how many records you add to your Favourites. To make it easier, we have added in a ‘surname’ column so that you can see which family the record is for. If you hover your mouse over the record type a small box will open telling you the name of the relation and their YOB that this record refers to. On the Favourites page there is also a link to add the record to a relation to your tree.

You’ll see a column giving you the date when your access to that image will end. After that you’ll either need to buy more Pay-Per-View credits or renew your Platinum subscription.

Saving the records

After you have clicked to view the image, please select the ‘download record’ option from the top of the image viewer. The file will be saved as JPEG. You will then be able to open the image from your desktop. You can also print it from here.


Lindsey* Report 22 Oct 2011 19:10

I have a feeling if you view an image you need to save it to your computer or you may have to pay again.


vaw Report 22 Oct 2011 18:57

when you view something and add it to your favourites, how do you find it again. or do you have to use your credits again