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HELP - If Possible

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John Report 26 Oct 2011 16:42

Trying to find the INFO on the following two people....
1, JAMES WILLIAM FOWLER [Born 1858] [ [Married 1896] - [Died 1932]..

2. SARAH JANE OATES [Born 1876] - [Married 1896] - Died [1928].........

These two were married to each other.. Have looked for BMD for them but no joy.. All the dates above are pretty close !!!!.. All happened in the DURHAM area I am informed..... If I could get their parents I could move up this tree a little..... [I know I'm a pain, but........................]

One more question. An old lady born in 1883 always insisted that she had twins... I found the birth cert of one, but not of the other, [No records].
If the child was stillborn, as I have heard, - in those days would
the dead child have been taken away and 'burried', with no records of it ?.



Julie Report 26 Oct 2011 16:48

What have you looked for and couldn't find...their birth, their marriage or their deaths

their marriage is on there
There is a possible death for James & Sarah on there

I can't understand why you couldn't find them


GlitterBaby Report 26 Oct 2011 16:50

Registration of births etc was not compulsory until 1875 so they might not have been registered


Astra Report 26 Oct 2011 17:00

??? If this is the right couple and it matches their marriage date of 1893 then James was born much later than you state!

FOWLER, James Head Married M 37 1874 Coke Yard Labourer Black Boy Durham VIEW
FOWLER, Sarah Jane Wife Married
18 years F 34 1877 Newfield Durham VIEW
FOWLER, J William Son M 11 1900 School Black Boy Durham VIEW
FOWLER, J Joseph Son M 7 1904 School Eldon Durham VIEW
FOWLER, Samuel Son M 4 1907 Hunwick Durham VIEW
FOWLER, Rebecca H Daughter F 1 1910 Hunwick Durham VIEW


RG number:
RG14 Piece:
29741 Reference:
RG14PN29741 RG78PN1721 RD547 SD1 ED39 SN156

Registration District:
Auckland Sub District:
Bishop Auckland Enumeration District:
39 Parish:
Hunwick and Helmington

Oxford St Hunwick Court Durham County:

There were two more children born after 1911

Births Sep 1912 (>99%)

Fowler Alfred Oates Auckland 10a 459

Births Jun 1918 (>99%)

Fowler Thomas H Oates Auckland 10a 417


GlitterBaby Report 26 Oct 2011 17:02

Yes looked at that one but his age is out

Where have you got their middle names from as not on marriage registration


Astra Report 26 Oct 2011 17:05

So this looks like James with his parents

James Fowler
Age: 17
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1874
Relation: Son
Father's Name: Josiah Fowler
Mother's Name: Jemima Fowler
Gender: Male
Where born: Black Boy, Durham, England
Civil parsh: Auckland St Andrews
Ecclesiastical parish: St Marks
Town: Eldon Lane
County/Island: Durham
Household Members: Name Age
Josiah Fowler 50
Jemima Fowler 49
William Fowler 18
James Fowler 17


GlitterBaby Report 26 Oct 2011 17:05

All the dates above are pretty close !!!!..

Can you please explain what research you have done to get to those dates ?

Do you have any certs at all ?


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 26 Oct 2011 17:07

**If the child was stillborn, as I have heard, - in those days would
the dead child have been taken away and 'buried', with no records of it ?.***

Yes that is correct. If it had taken a breathe, then both the birth and death should have been registered. But ??? It was only in the last century (1 Jul 1927) that a still birth registration was required, which can only be accessed by n.o.k.

It is always possible that the body was buried in a graveyard/cemetery, with the appropriate burial record in the Registers.


Astra Report 26 Oct 2011 17:08

It looks as though his birth was registered as just James too

Births Dec 1873 (>99%)

Fowler James Auckland 10a 248


John Report 26 Oct 2011 17:18

DetEcTive......Many thanks for that info...That would account for it....



John Report 26 Oct 2011 17:22

Many thanks Astra, that is the family, Great work ... The age could be 'way out', as all the info I had was basicaly hear-say.... and even more thanks for finding James's parents...... Really appreciated... John.


John Report 26 Oct 2011 17:29

Hi glitterbaby, I didn't have much to go, just a few names and rough dates.
Astra seems to have found the family for the Fowlers, which is great. Could be a bit different for Sarah Jane oates.... Many thanks John


Julie Report 26 Oct 2011 17:41

Thought as much my question got ignored cos i didn't look for anything for you lololol

On a plate springs to mind


InspectorGreenPen Report 26 Oct 2011 17:57

A few thoughts.

1. This is on the wrong board, so why has no one politely and gently directed the poster in the right direction?

2. Does any one actually read the instruction at the top under the heading **PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING**

3. And, more importantly isn't it better to try and post the poster in the right direction to find their OWN answers, rather than try and come up with a load of lookups?


On a plate springs to mind?


Astra Report 26 Oct 2011 18:15

A few more thoughts!

1. Does is really matter about the board. Never mattered before GR re-jigged the Community.

2. Obviously not everyone

3. Judge your OP and act accordingly. No too difficult i would have thought.


John Report 26 Oct 2011 20:02

My apologies for wrong 'Department',
not really looking for anything 'on a plate'.................

John :-)