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Australian electrol rolls on Ancestory.

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Aussietrish Report 6 Nov 2011 23:46

I am trying to find who lived at a particular address in NSW . I am wondering if there is a way of looking up address on without a name.
I am basically scanning districts page by page which is chewing up my download limit...........
any help appriciated.
nb. i have ancestory access


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 7 Nov 2011 00:06

In the past, people have mentioned the 'Ask a Librarian' service for the various states. Perhaps they can suggest if it is possible to do an address search on the State database, or where the information can be obtained?


AmazingGrace08 Report 7 Nov 2011 02:32


I can't think of a way you can do it effectively other than by the name. Asking the Librarian service would involve much the same search as you are currently performing.

What period of time are you searching for Trish and the State or Territory?


Aussietrish Report 9 Nov 2011 01:46

Am looking Oct 1959 NSW......trying to find out who lived at 21 Ellis Street Condell Park. its like looking for a needle in a haystack. condell park does not appear as part of the electrol roll in its own right so am trying to guess what division it appears under. i have trawled but it is very hit and miss. i am hoping to go to the State libary sometime in the next 2 weeks so will have to wait till then and hope I come back with answers.


AmazingGrace08 Report 9 Nov 2011 04:14

Best of luck Trish, I can imagine how time consuming it is!

Let us know how you get on, I am happy to help if I can (am in Victoria)



AuntySherlock Report 9 Nov 2011 11:39

You might have some luck if you email or phone the NSW State Electoral people and explain your question.

If this is your Condell Park it is in Blaxland Electoral Division. If you start with this link it should lead you to a phone number or email you can use to ask your question. There is a generic number 132326 you may call for the cost of a local call within Australia.

I think you are also on the right track with the State Library option. The AEC might hold historical records but everything I read says they hold current electoral rolls. Still it would be a starting point to your search.