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Still Births

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Sylvia Report 9 Nov 2011 18:28

My Grandmother, Ellen Rosina Haynes is reported to have had Quads in the very ealry 1930, she story goes she fell down the stairs when she was quite heavily pregnant and they were all born dead, would there be any records of this


RutlandBelle Report 9 Nov 2011 18:31

Stillborn children were not registered prior to 1927.

Stillbirth registration was introduced on 1 July 1927 to help protect infant life, provide a valuable source of statistical information and to give parents the opportunity to have their child officially acknowledged. A stillborn child is a child born after the 24th week of pregnancy who did not breathe or show any other signs of life. When a child is stillborn the midwife or doctor will issue a medical certificate of stillbirth which will be used to register the stillbirth.

When stillbirth registration was introduced the the age limit was the end of the 28th week of pregnancy, not the 24th (as it is now). This is a relatively recent change following the greatly increased survival rates of premature babies.

Current GRO policy on obtaining stillbirth certificates: "Due to the sensitive nature of stillbirth registrations, the procedure for ordering a certificate of the entry differs from other types of certificates. We will only send out the application form after we have been contacted by phone or in writing by the mother or father (if he is named on the certificate). In cases where the parents are deceased, a brother or sister can apply if they can provide their parents' dates of death."


Sylvia Report 9 Nov 2011 18:35

do you mean brother or sister to the still born child or to the mother of the still born child

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 9 Nov 2011 20:37

The stillborn child's siblings may apply.

You may find a record of their burial in a nearby churchyard or cemetery.


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Click ADD REPLY button - not this link! Report 10 Nov 2011 01:29

The odds of having quads are 1 in 729,000 so you have to wonder.

Did she have a history of having multiples?

Back then, it would be very unlikely she'd be able to carry 4 babies to full term without going into labour. Nowadays, they have the medical technology to delay labour.



Sylvia Report 13 Nov 2011 20:15

Sorry for delay in answering, yes she had 17 children but only 8 pregnancys, my mum being a set of twins and all survived except the quads


Sylvia Report 13 Nov 2011 20:19

Sorry 9 pregnancies, my mum is a twin, so am I and my mums twins sisters daughter had triplets so its quite rife in our family