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Irish Death Certificates

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Phyll Report 21 Nov 2011 09:40

I got euros from the Post Office and sent the request by recorded delivery. Unfortunately my P O doesn't do 10 euros so I sent for 2 certs for 20 euros.


mgnv Report 21 Nov 2011 00:48

The GRO(I) index thru 1958 (excl N. Ireland post-partition) is available at:®ion=EUROPE

One can purchase certs (or cheaper still, the uncertified images of the rego) via:

The Irish 1901/1911 censuses are free at:

Most City of Dublin parish registers are free online at:
[There are also Carlow, Cork & Kerry OPRs there too]

If you pay by credit card, your bank will do the currency conversion for you, and pay the bill in euros and charge you in pounds (at a mildly unfavourable exchange rate). If you make a purchase abroad, and then return the item and get a credit card refund, you'll see the two amounts differ - until you call the card company up and moan at them.


MarieCeleste Report 20 Nov 2011 15:51


Paul Report 20 Nov 2011 15:50

Many thanks for your help. How does 10 euros convert to £s just now, and how do you pay? Sorry, I am not very up on payments when it comes to converting to other currencies etc. Once again, many thanks.


ANNE Report 20 Nov 2011 15:42

Hi Paul

I hope this information will be helpful to you. If you contact the General Register Office you can get a death certificate it will cost 10euros thats what it cost me a few weeks ago for a birth certificate. e mail

This is also their address GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE


Paul Report 20 Nov 2011 15:11

Can anyone tell me is it possible to send for a death certificate for someone that died in Ireland (county Cork) when you are living in England or Wales? If so where do I send off to, and how much will it cost? Perhaps the Greneral Registration Office would be able to help me? Any information would be greatly appreciated, thankyou.