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Teresa With Irish Blood in Me Veins

Teresa With Irish Blood in Me Veins Report 2 Dec 2011 20:23

Site seems to be OK to-day but yesterday was a friggin nightmare for me!

Had trouble getting on to GR first. When I eventually did get on and tried to view message boards it 'bombed' me out several times.

Eventually got in to GR but it took ages to view each page on the message boards too. Then there was a constant flickering up and down of the page whilst I was trying to read the messages!



Gee Report 2 Dec 2011 10:33

Ive been 'effected' a long time ;-)


pelo Report 2 Dec 2011 10:01

Hooray! I've some good news at last.

After problems accessing the site, & 6 mths of contacts from my best contact who I have now developed regular email chats with as we get to know each other. I logged on a short while ago to find all the missing contacts have now been restored.

Site still a bit slow but that is bearable given I can now access the site again & my missing ancestors have now been restored to me.

Thank you to GR Help & Phil & team who have restored my faith in what they are doing along with my heritage.

pelo :-) :-)


Flick Report 1 Dec 2011 23:02

Can anyone explain WHY the Facebook people are considered more worthy than those of us who PAY to be members of GR?

Noted your correction of 'effected', doesn't inspire confidence in the GR site management.....this is not the only instance of their misuse of this particular word!..viz........

"This episode follows three people whose ancestor’s lives were all effected by the murders carried out by Jack the Ripper. "

Also in the above passage - incorrect placing of the apostrophe


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Dec 2011 21:20

I had to laugh .....................

I just went on the Fb wall, and someone with the name Northumberland Roots has posted Phil's response from my Message Centre thread on Suggestions in its entirety, along with the following comment:-

"The action on: ""I realise that I should have probably posted a daily update for those that have shown concern by posting on this thread (and others), so I intend to give a daily update on our progress over the next few days.""......... We all deserve to see a daily report here on Facebook where there are many, many followers - probably more than you realise............."

He/she then also posted

"I don't like to think that GR members who should be informed, are not............ In my experiece of Facebook there are many who look on here daily but not necessarily visit the GR site because of the on-going problems, do you not think this is valid? Acknowledgement: not very important when the GR site is in a state of near do not have to be a paying member of GR to get involved in what is going on......"



GlitterBaby Report 1 Dec 2011 20:16

So FB given priority again :-P


Joy Report 1 Dec 2011 18:22

"Unfortunately it is our members using the boards that are being most effected, mainly because you are on the site a lot and navigating from page to page experiencing more errors." - affected.

So it is our fault for being on the site. Well, we are in the minority, we that post or even view the boards...


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Dec 2011 18:08

from my New Message Centre - Problems thread on the Suggestions Board.

Extracts from a response from Phil ... to read his full response ,see that thread.

I am sure that you don't want to hear me apologise again (and would rather that we just fix things), .............. And I am sorry that this is causing so much annoyance.

Firstly, the Message Centre re-development was a new piece of work to improve the features we currently offered. It was being carried out at the same time as other work, such as the performance/error messages stuff that I am working on.

When it was decided to release, the functionality was working fine for the majority of users, but as we have found out, not for heavy users when running in a live environment.

We have deployed a number of changes today that will ensure that new emails are being recorded in a format that will allow easier tuning of the database. We had to do this task first as the tuning would have to be redone after these changes were live anyway. We have also fixed a couple of bugs which should mean less errors being seen when sending emails. However, opening large mail boxes will still cause an issue for the next few days. ................. Depending on how long the tuning exercise goes, you may be presented with a "preparing messages" screen while it actively converts you existing messages to the new structure, although I am hoping that activity over the weekend will make this unnecessary. Hopefully by early next week, access to your messages should be much improved.

With regard to general performance/errors, we will be supported over the next week or so by the former Genes lead developer with one aim, to eradicate the "random" error situation that so many of you have experienced and has been occurring for so long.

I realise that I should have probably posted a daily update for those that have shown concern by posting on this thread (and others), so I intend to give a daily update on our progress over the next few days.

I genuinely apologise for ALL the inconvenience we have caused, and will do my utmost to keep you informed of progress.




SylviaInCanada Report 1 Dec 2011 17:52

I think it is no secret that there have been many problems with GR for many months ........................ slow, Error messages, inability to acess Message Centre, unable to send pms etc etc. The litany goes on.

There have been pages of reporting these problems on the Suggestions Board, as well as on other boards ................ with some resulting improvements. But there has been no response from GR to those postings for many days.

I posted on the GR wall on FB yesterday, re all the problems and asking if GR was going to be doing anything

and I have just seen their response:-

Hi Scilly - I can absolutely understand your frustration and can only apologise. We have now halted all releases and the performance of the site is our main concern. We are hoping to have the issues totally rectified within the next 2 weeks. Unfortunately it is our members using the boards that are being most effected, mainly because you are on the site a lot and navigating from page to page experiencing more errors. Please please bear with us. We will write another technical update soon.


Hopefully ....................................................


NOTE:- I have also posted this on General Chat