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Where to apply for WW2 records

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Cheryl Report 4 Dec 2011 17:43

Hello there! Just in the process of trying to locate my grandfather's WW2 records. I haven't got his army number but my aunt has said that he was in the Welsh Fusiliers. Tried to 'google' for some information but found nothing. Could somebody please give me some advice of where to look next. Many thanks.


George_of_Westbury Report 4 Dec 2011 17:51


Here is the link to the Veterans Agency to whom application has to made.

Note these records are not online or viewable anywhere they are still held by the MOD.Not expected to be released until the year 2020

They are only available to the person themselves or NOK which has to be proven.

However there is a long wait to obtain these records can be as long as 9 months, and will cost £30-00 but are free to the actual person or his widow, if of course if they are still living

The link explains all.



Cheryl Report 4 Dec 2011 18:33

Hello George,

Many thanks for your quick response and very informative post.



DazedConfused Report 5 Dec 2011 22:06

Another thing to bear in mind when ordering WW2 Army records is that in most cases you will only see their records of entry & release and where they were posted and what units they served in. Medical & medal cards are also included.

You will not see reports of any action they may have taken part in. This information is in the regimental diaries which are held at:
1: National Archives, Kew
2: Imperial War Museum
3: If not in either of the above, the regiments own archive/libary.

Many folk are very disappointed when they pay £30.00, hoping to see far more information than is actually available via Glasgow.

Oh and last year waited nearly 10 months. This department holds lots of records and requests are dealt with so that any living person is given priority to access their records.